Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Creează și trimite obiecte noi (pălării, arme, medalii, cizme și altele) care să fie luate în considerare pentru integrarea în joc. Apasă aici pentru a afla mai multe.
Do I need to animate my weapon for submission?
I have created a new grenade launcher for the Demoman and want to submit it to the workshop but I can't find any information anywhere regarding animation.

Do I even need to have animations included (such as the barrel rotating and the reload)?
If so, how do I go about creating and packing the animations?

Any help regarding any of this is VERY appreciated.

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If your weapon is rigged correctly, it will use the animations from the current grenade launcher. If it deviates significantly then it will require custom animations. Valve have yet to accept user contributed animations, so I would suggest trying to make it work with the current animation set. You can achieve this by decompiling the c_ model for the grenade launcher and rigging to the skeleton
taco 27 nov. 2012 la 14:36 
Thank you for the information. I will look into this.
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Data postării: 27 nov. 2012 la 10:57
Postări: 2