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Workshop missions upoading when hosting

I have a bit of a perplexing issue and was wondering if anybody else was having the same issue. That is if its an issue at all.

The main question is if all parties whom want to play a coop mission. Download the required mission from steam workshop. Should the host then be required to upload the mission files to all parties. Or will everyones install recognise the downloaded mission and use that.

As the latter was my understanding on the issue. However I have hosted and this has not been the case. It wants to upload the mission file from my install even though all parties have just downloaded the same mission from steam workshop.

Can be quite annoying especially with larger mission files. Especially ones that contain speech and music files.

I have had another friend host one time and we found the same issue with him as well. So Im wondering if its the default way that steam workshop mission are handled or whether its a bug.

Thank you for any constructive input.
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Create a ticket at, I think it's the best thing you can do.
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Posté le 3 oct. 2013 à 17h08
Messages : 2