Steam Greenlight
Pathborn 9. sep. 2012 kl. 22:13
An example of why developers shouldn't delete negative comments.
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Viser 1-15 af 18 kommentarer
Psycho 9. sep. 2012 kl. 22:44 
The first comment was not delete-worthy, imho, but point taken. Kudos for showing other devs how it should be done.
Pathborn 9. sep. 2012 kl. 22:52 
yeah, it was mostly tongue in cheek, i don't think any dev would delete comments like that except for rare cases like NEStalgia.
TOP-Proto 10. sep. 2012 kl. 2:28 
nice - we always look at negative comments as an opportunity to improve our game.

Very nicely done.
Zorlond 10. sep. 2012 kl. 2:49 
I've seen a few greenlight pages where every single negative comment, including the first comment in the pic, have been deleted. It pretty much gurantees downvoting into oblivion.
You can't downvote a game into oblivion because downvoting does nothing.
Onur Uça 10. sep. 2012 kl. 4:38 
these kind of comments shouldnt be deleted imo. so far i only deleted one comment which said : 'this looks like sh*t' :D
Noms 10. sep. 2012 kl. 5:15 
The only examples in which deleting comments is acceptable for a developer is where it contains offensive material, personal attacks on a person (as opposed to the game), obvious attempts at trolling, or contains personal information about an individual that does not wish that information to be be posted.

Negative criticism, much like the above, on the game is -always- welcome, as it presents an opportunity to improve, a challenge to overcome, and a chance to prove your worth as a developer.
Psycho 10. sep. 2012 kl. 5:17 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Marigold Fleur:
You can't downvote a game into oblivion because downvoting does nothing.

"Anti-upvoting into oblivion"?
Noms 10. sep. 2012 kl. 5:52 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Marigold Fleur:
You can't downvote a game into oblivion because downvoting does nothing.

That's not true. Downvoting redistributes your vote to not support that project, and thus your vote is then refused to that project. While that may be a perfectly acceptable action for most people, hit the "Nope" button because you honestly wouldn't play it, it's being abused by morons who think they know why Greenlight exists. An example for you.

No beta or demo links, you don't belong on greenlight, greenlight is for the players, not the developers

Honestly - the amount of people doing this is to a ridiculous level. Greenlight is very clearly for Developers, as it's what we NEED in order to sell our game on this platform; while it's also for players to be able to decide for themselves what they want to see. If Greenlight was purely for the players only, then all of the AAA games would also be required to use this process.

Anyway - rant over, my point is that the amount of people who are saying no for the silliest reasons are essentially downvoting because they're denying their vote (which would otherwise be a yes) due to a reason that they're either confused about, or very wrong about.
Sidst redigeret af Noms; 10. sep. 2012 kl. 5:54
aqua beef 10. sep. 2012 kl. 10:11 
...'your vote is then refused to that project' is the exact same thing as 'you didn't vote for that project'
there are criticisms of the downvote button but you have not stumbled upon them
wilco64256 10. sep. 2012 kl. 10:14 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Angry Engineers Entertainment:
That's not true. Downvoting redistributes your vote to not support that project, and thus your vote is then refused to that project. While that may be a perfectly acceptable action for most people, hit the "Nope" button because you honestly wouldn't play it, it's being abused by morons who think they know why Greenlight exists. An example for you.

I'm really not even sure what point you're trying to make right here. Downvoting a project has absolutely no impact on the progress toward 100% whatsoever. It just means you're not interested in it.
Godeke 10. sep. 2012 kl. 10:40 
I think the biggest problem with the downvote button is that it removes it from future consideration. There are a lot of developers who jumped the gun... and yes, I said "not interested". Sadly, if they imporve the project dramatically... I won't see that. On the other hand, there is nothing "punitive" about a downvote, so lame vengence downvotes are pretty poor quality vengence.
Noms 10. sep. 2012 kl. 11:40 
Oprindeligt skrevet af wilco256:
I'm really not even sure what point you're trying to make right here. Downvoting a project has absolutely no impact on the progress toward 100% whatsoever. It just means you're not interested in it.
My point is that it does have an impact on your progress. Let's say there were only 100 users on Steam who voted on any of the games. If 60 people say "No thanks" on yours and 100 say "Yes please" on other games, then you're only going to get 40% of progress.
Pathborn 10. sep. 2012 kl. 13:10 
downvoting probably affects position in the queue, but doesn't affect the progress bar or anything else. but anyway i don't see why we need to have yet another downvoting discussion every few hours. i wish valve would make it clearer to the users what it does, without them having to ask in the forums (since so many people are getting confused by it. devs worry that it harms their game, and players see it as a tool to punish games, when neither is really the case)
freerangegames 11. sep. 2012 kl. 15:53 
@RPGCreations, I followed your example on how to handle negative comments and earned a thumps up.
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Dato opslået: 9. sep. 2012 kl. 22:13
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