Dungeon Defenders

Dungeon Defenders

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DDDK Error
This game is currently unavaible ( Corrupt game files )
Redownloaded like 4 times. Still error.
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Zobrazeno 112 z 12 komentářů
After i uninstalled dddk, dd stopped working but verifying the game files fixed it. Anyone some ideas?
The issue has been fixed in a small update. Please let me know if you are still having issues!
the update was 0 bytes and still isnt working. ill do a integrity check.
same error
Getty 5. zář. 2012 v 12.20 
Any news regarding this error?
I'm having the same problem.
uh i can fix that
I'm having the same problem :'(
I am having the same problem as well.
The DDDK must be launched manually by running the DunDefTool.exe located in C:\Program files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\dungoen defenders\binaries . If you try to launch from steam you will get a "corrupt game files" error.
MarioSonicDoge původně napsal:
Um, will you please tell me in PC format?
Steam\steamapps\common\dungoen defenders\binaries

what more pc format you need more than this?
MarioSonicDoge původně napsal:
I don't have a steam file.
If you can't find a simple folder you should give up dddk. Maybe It's not for you.
Naposledy upravil Getty; 31. led. 2014 v 13.54
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