Legend of Grimrock

Legend of Grimrock

Tạo và tải về các vật phẩm, quái vật, mê cung và môi trường mới
Sử dụng Dungeon Editor để xây dựng các cuộc phiêu lưu và thách thức mới cho người chơi khác đương đầu. Hãy lấp đầy màn chơi của bạn với những câu đố, cạm bẫy hay thậm chí là các vật phẩm, quái vật và môi trường mới toanh được thiết kế bởi nền đồ họa, âm thanh riêng biệt! Nhấn vào đây để tìm hiểu thêm.
Are new races, classes, weapons, spells... planned for the future?
Hi there, I bought the game during Christmas and has turned to be better than expected, I'm playing game's own dungeon. I think the level editor will enlarge much this game's life, and Ihave already tried some of them.

My question is the workshop will support and if people's has thought about creating new races, classes, weapons, spells, objects and stuff.
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Đang hiển thị 1-4 trong 4 bình luận
Lord Lobo 27 Thg01, 2013 @ 7:32pm 
I don't know but i hope yes. A cleric-type class would be awesome, like a mage but with skills in maces, armor, and new healing magics and very few offensive ones, like in the eye of the beholder. Focused on willpower and endurence, so he is less than a warrior and a mage in combat. that would be balanced. Some spells could be heal, animate dead, cure poison, cure illness, cure starvation...
[TCG]Beersmith 28 Thg01, 2013 @ 10:35am 
Healing and curing starvation spells would make this game even more epic.
LD-SK 2 11 Thg02, 2013 @ 1:43am 
The classes are hardcoded into the game, so at this point, it's not possible. However, authors have embraced the creative gene of the community, so it's likely that we will either get this for Grimrock, or for Grimrock2 (their new project already in production).
LocalFire 4 17 Thg02, 2013 @ 1:20pm 
I saw something on the Wiki for coding custom healing spells into a map; but I haven't seen any maps use them.
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