Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Dead-Ringer and the Eternal reward
How do i get the eernal reward and dead ringer do i carft them or a reward please tell i just got the game?
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wait how do i craft the dead ringer? sorry for asking so much :(
Viimeisin muokkaaja on teddybearproductions99; 7.12.2012 klo 4.27
It's an unlock, milestone 3 of the Spy by completing achievement. You have to hope to get a drop by it
Angel 18.12.2012 klo 22.53 
You can also be lucky enough to get a dead ringer from a random drop, but it is still rare.
As for the knife, you have to craft it, buy it, or be lucky to find it.
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Sivua kohden: 1530 50

Lähetetty: 6.12.2012 klo 2.16
Viestejä: 4