Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Blitz 27. apr. 2014 kl. 9:05
New gun for scout idea:The Masacer
Ok first ill describe it ok so take the average scout gun the scattershot now add a clip on the barrel (he holds it here and the trigger spot) now put a red/blue end on it (this changes for the team colur).

Item slot:primary

Ammo in clip:40

Ammo carried spare:400

Shooting style:full auto (this is why it carries so much spare)

Damage every hit:5

1/3 higher jump

1/4 slower

Please share your ideas for stats,make artwork or make it in workshop (but remeber to give me credi)t.

< >
Viser 1-15 af 23 kommentarer
Spinozette 27. apr. 2014 kl. 9:10 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Blitz:
Damage every hit:5
Good luck getting your first Strange Masacer kill
Genie 27. apr. 2014 kl. 9:23 
poop fart 27. apr. 2014 kl. 10:07 
Hope this makes it into the game.
Spinozette 27. apr. 2014 kl. 11:02 
Oprindeligt skrevet af DoctorFeelGood™:
Hope this makes it into the game.
but teh damage...
Needs a HUGE buff.
Blitz 27. apr. 2014 kl. 11:24 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Russian Scoot:
Oprindeligt skrevet af DoctorFeelGood™:
Hope this makes it into the game.
but teh damage...
Needs a HUGE buff.

Each and every single bullet does 5 damage imagine geting hit forty times you would loose 200hp does it need a buff now?
Spinozette 27. apr. 2014 kl. 12:33 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Blitz:
Oprindeligt skrevet af Russian Scoot:
but teh damage...
Needs a HUGE buff.

Each and every single bullet does 5 damage imagine geting hit forty times you would loose 200hp does it need a buff now?
Unless it rapid-fires
Oprindeligt skrevet af Blitz:
Oprindeligt skrevet af Russian Scoot:
but teh damage...
Needs a HUGE buff.

Each and every single bullet does 5 damage imagine geting hit forty times you would loose 200hp does it need a buff now?

try and land 40 direct shots when its going full auto...

does it need a buff now?
Mabel Aldridge 27. apr. 2014 kl. 12:50 
what would be the benefit of a close range shot? because it is a scattergun right?
Blitz 27. apr. 2014 kl. 23:15 
Oprindeligt skrevet af JarvoCo.:
what would be the benefit of a close range shot? because it is a scattergun right?

The body is like a scattershot as its for scout though its a rapid fire gun
Blitz 28. apr. 2014 kl. 0:29 
remember i said give ideas.Russian scoot you want to buff the damage why dont you suggest what damage you think it should be.

please do artwork of this gun of what you think it looks like.
Mabel Aldridge 28. apr. 2014 kl. 8:14 
ok, could it have like a smaller shot spread then like 68% less spread than the stock primary weapon else it would be like a minigun only with a massive spread.
Genie 28. apr. 2014 kl. 9:51 
Blitz 28. apr. 2014 kl. 10:43 
Oprindeligt skrevet af JarvoCo.:
ok, could it have like a smaller shot spread then like 68% less spread than the stock primary weapon else it would be like a minigun only with a massive spread.
yeah thats quite a good idea
Genie 28. apr. 2014 kl. 11:17 
Blitz 28. apr. 2014 kl. 23:48 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Russian Scoot:
Oprindeligt skrevet af Blitz:

Each and every single bullet does 5 damage imagine geting hit forty times you would loose 200hp does it need a buff now?
Unless it rapid-fires

it does rapidfire!!!!!!!!!
what do you think full auto is
< >
Viser 1-15 af 23 kommentarer
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Dato opslået: 27. apr. 2014 kl. 9:05
Indlæg: 23