Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Spy Weapon, The Pen is Mightier Than The Sword
That you for opening the discussion.
The Weapon I have come up with is a weapon for Spy. The Design of it would be a pen knife (if anyone who is reading this creates models and is interested, contact me. Thank you) It would be named something along the lines of "The Pen is Mightier than the Sword."
The knife will be able to face stab people. I know, I know, but it won't kill the people. The big thing about this weapon is that it blinds you, or sort of. Its open to discussion what it specificaly does, like a black form of jarate or a complete black out, or if it should affect ubered enemys, I'll leave that to you.
When you face stab a person, you only take a fraction of their normal health, say a 4th. The knife would have a cool down after applying the blindness, either becoming completly unusable or not being able to face stab people. This way, i can't be used to spawn camp. If you have any ideas, any thoughts at all, Please feel obligated to state them. Ill appreciate it. If you have read this far, Thank you.
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Visar 1-12 av 12 kommentarer
Generalwater 4 aug, 2014 @ 18:58 
Well, that was the plan of this weapon.
Vens 5 aug, 2014 @ 18:19 
Generalwater 7 aug, 2014 @ 5:49 
puppybrained 7 aug, 2014 @ 8:45 
maybe it facestabs people, does blindness for 5 seconds, and backstabs only do about half of their health, and maybe just less damage.
Generalwater 7 aug, 2014 @ 17:17 
but then, that makes the weapon op, because the spy can blind them, then backstab them. To even it out, you would have to make the weapon completly unsuable after a face stab.
Generalwater 7 aug, 2014 @ 17:31 
but thanks for the advice, i apreciate it
capnxym//ttv 8 aug, 2014 @ 9:45 could be a jarate-like kinda weapon where when face-stabbed the victim gets marked for death and their screen gets a blue-ish or black tint, making it hard for them to see. Another idea for it is that, upon face-stab, ink is poured over the enemy, stunning them for a few seconds while they try to wipe it off.
There should be an ink level that you must restock at the resuply or ammo crates. Suppose 1 face stab reduces the ink level by 5%. Thoughts?
Prometheus_0314 20 aug, 2014 @ 10:26 
Ursprungligen skrivet av A Professional Russian:
There should be an ink level that you must restock at the resuply or ammo crates. Suppose 1 face stab reduces the ink level by 5%. Thoughts?
most definitley. also a new revolver should be made to go with this
Generalwater 22 aug, 2014 @ 16:26 
but, won't that lead to spaming? i mean, you could just keep on face stabbing and face stabbing. and also, ill try to come up with a revolver idea
Thanks so much for the support
FDR'sThinkTank 20 sep, 2014 @ 19:13 
What would Sean Connery Say?
Generalwater 21 sep, 2014 @ 17:11 
I have no idea
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Visar 1-12 av 12 kommentarer
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Datum skrivet: 23 jun, 2014 @ 6:23
Inlägg: 12