Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

Create and Discover New Worlds
Maps, Scenarios, Interface, and so much more. Explore the modding world of Civ V, and when you’re ready, download the SDK to create and upload your own.
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The Official /r/civ AI Domination Game Pack
Collection by TPangolin
The mods being used in the Official /r/civ AI Domination Game
PC Gamer's recommended mods
Collection by fordpinto.a
PC Gamer's recommended Civ V mods.
[BNW] TPangolin's Recommended Civilization V Mods
Collection by TPangolin
Hey there, TPangolin here. I'm that dude who basically designs the civs Colonialist Legacies modpack alongside the help of a staggering amount of people. Here is a list of my absolute favorite Civ V mods that include extremely polished Civilizations and mi
The Last Modpack
Collection by Gedemon
This is a collection of mods that I use together, the source code of most of mine was updated and posted on GitHUB but some were never compiled and posted here. Some are independent components, but they were designed to be used together, the core component
Enhanced Civilization V (Modpack) [2018]
Collection by Tomboeg
Please see my new and up-to-date(2019-2020) guide & collection at: The mods mentioned in my Enhanced Civilization V (Modpack) Guide. Refer to the guide: http://steamcommunity.c
/r/civ's recommended mods!
Collection by Kjulo
These mods are recommended by the /r/civ community, and improve the game, without altering the core mechanics. This collection requires Gods & Kings.
Pretty Great Civ 5 mods
Collection by apathetic
A bunch of awesome mods for Civ 5. Don't use all at the same time, some mods dot work with others and will crash your game.
Basic mods for every game!
Collection by Hypereon
A personal collection of must-have mods that spice up your gaming experience!
Mod Compilation for Civ V BNW
Collection by Ghandi the Salt-Shaker
A compilation of some of the best mods that I use for my game. All credit goes to the creators, as they are the ones who give us such amazing creations :) This collection of mods all work together, and forms an expanded game of new civs, gameplay features,
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