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Containing item: "ME3 Mordin Squadmate"
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Showing 1-30 of 199 entries
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Mass Effect Characters Voice Packs & Appearances
Collection by Chicken Fillet Roll
EDI, Legion, Kasumi, Vega, Miranda, Liara, Thane, Mordin, Wrex, Grunt, Joker, Jack, Zaeed, Garrus and Tali Voicepack mods for XCOM2. Updated to include EDI and Legion as MEC/Spark Voices. All mods updated and working - You should now be able to run ALL voi
Long War 2 Legacy 250+ Mod Collection
Collection by GreatGreenGoo
The COMPLETE NON WotC LW2 Mega Mod pack! For the COMPLETE LWOTC Mega Mod pack go here. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2698786483 Do not use with perfect information. Causes issues. IMPORTANT RANDOM STUFF!! --------- Uniform manager
X-COM 2 Character Pools
Collection by unikornus
An ongoing collection of character pools created If you see anything which should be added here, let me know!
Cosmetic Mods
Collection by Emeyin
A collection of all the cosmetic mods that I use.
Armors and clothes
Collection by LunaticPhoenix
[WOTC] Complete Mass Effect
Collection by Nicanor
A complete collection of Mass Effect mods, including those they require. With more than 250 mods, this is currently the largest and most thorough Mass Effect collection for XCOM 2 in existence. If any additional Mass Effect mods are released, please commen
Mass Effect Mods Collection by Etisslik
Collection by Etisslik
Weapons! Squadmates and Voice packs!!! All you need to destroy the Reape.... Advents!!! A collection of all the mods I personally use for a playthrough in the Mass Effect universe! Feel free to suggest more :) And thanks to all the great authors of mods th
Lance's Ironman Run
Collection by AkLance
First Ironman Run. Mods to make it interesting
Game kNight's XCOM 2 Mods - Season 5 "The Long War"
Collection by Game kNight Plays
This is my collection of mods for season 5 of my XCOM 2 Let's Play series! I've beaten the game so far on Veteran and Commander difficulty and I look forward to seeing how Long War 2 works! I'll be playing on Veteran difficulty, as this mod changes the ent
Base Mod List
Collection by profmorphious
things that will make the vinnella version pop
NevikTheStoryteller's Pre-WOTC Modlist
Collection by Apple Juice for the Merry
Skins & Tatoos - X-Com 2 - Sybot's Collections
Collection by bomber92ful
Skins, body mods and tatoos that modify the very bodies of the troops...
CloneDylan's must have
Collection by CloneDylan
XCOM 2 Modfest
Collection by Korino
Militus' Long War Mods
Collection by Militus Immortalis
These are the mods I will be using while playing Long War 2.
Alrækinn's XCOM "Get Shot in the dick at lightspeed" edition
Collection by
Mario has logged in.
Multi-Channnel Recommendations (youtube)
Collection by Multi-
Коллекция модов рекомендованных каналом Multi-Channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvFJIqcxXS3qpVzkcDXzLsA) ВСЕХ ПЕРСОНАЖЕЙ ДЛЯ XCOM 2 ИСПОЛЬЗОВАННЫХ В ТРАНСЛЯЦИЯХ ВЫ МОЖЕТЕ НАЙТИ В НАШЕЙ ГРУППЕ ВКОНТАКТЕ: файл нужно закинуть в C:\Users\.....\Document
Collection by aJa
Shane Collection
Collection by Fresh Prince of Solaire
XCOM Vanilla Mods
Collection by Oddjob
All These Mods are Compatible with the Vanilla game not WOTC and personally ones I like to use
Jolly Good Customization
Collection by luckoftheburley
A bunch of entirely optional but great customization mods for your soldiers/squads/life.
LW2 XCOM 2 Mods
Collection by Abaddon the Unholy
Collection by Xenphest
Xcom 2 Mods (My Favourite Mods) Without WOTC
Collection by Quakerino
Mods Mods Mods
wotc collection
Collection by Daryl Dixon
Soldier Customization Addons
Collection by BladeSage
Fun addon items for additional soldier customization
XCOM 2 Soldier Customizations
Collection by Lhosson
A selection of XCOM 2 soldier customization mods, from various modders.
BtB-XCOM 2 Kollektion
Collection by Maurice791
Ultimate LW2 Mod Collection
Collection by Derfy Jerfy
My list of over 250 mods that work with LW2. I'm sure I am missing some of the soldier customization mods but I have near all of them. You will probably have to either up the difficulty or remove some of the "reward" mods. Most didn't change the balance dr
Slyan's XCOM 2 Mods
Collection by Akala Tanara
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