Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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Showing 1-19 of 19 entries
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Early Start 1900 to 1950
Collection by Novu
A collection early start mods, small buildings, and early era vehicles.
Tiny Village Buildings
Collection by Novu
Buildings designed for villages and small towns they require few workers. Useful for early starts and cosmonaut mode.
Early start
Collection by Nightmax
Various mods for early start.
Lnsz2 DDR Maps Minimal Mods
Collection by lnsz2
Erozaxx's Early start
Collection by spiderik
My collection of mods, usually used for my early starts. I like 1800 or 1900 early starts with horses only.
Collection by Kinkof11
1920 start
Collection by Amadeus
mods for 1920 and beyond
My grand collection
Collection by W411TER
Collection by Lusse
Collection by Killer Lasagna
mods that I use
Nano's Ultimate Collection (1900-2000)
Collection by Nano
A collection of assets for a full experience playing from even before 1900 and up until the 1990s
Collection by Desu
hard drive save 2
Collection by bozicpredrag7
to save for hard drive if you find this its best mods all in one all work together 25gigabyte 100 and more mod (929 mod) if you want to build village or old city with horses and old truckss this is great collection thre is also tank and jet you might have
1900-1950 pack
Collection by Borec-Salat
Just some 1900 ish buildings and cars i use
Morgan's subscribed items 2
Collection by MorganG21
1930's start part 2
Collection by socerman
This is the second half to my starting 1930's mods set, fun thing to learn the limit of 999 workshop mods in a collection.
Всякая всячина
Collection by Soldier
zeds master list of mods
Collection by Zedigalis
a list iof mods I have used and liked, not really coherent or something Id enable all at once
Factories Heavy
Collection by Jakubesko
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