Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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Showing 1-8 of 8 entries
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Pre industrial
Collection by cristak
A collection of mods that can be used to make a starter town, part of a bigger proyect that includes buildings ambiented in medieval living conditions, transitioning to the actual industrial concrete based game buildings and ending in late game soviet cybe
Harb's Early Start: 1800-present
Collection by Harbinger
A collection of mods which I use in my 1800-Present playthroughs, generally I attempt to maintain a reasonable and realistic feel to the game, whilst also filling out the eras which the vanilla games does not cover. I tend to update this whenever I find a
Collection by Crackhood
This is a collection so that I don't waste space keeping mods i don't need.
Erozaxx's Early start
Collection by spiderik
My collection of mods, usually used for my early starts. I like 1800 or 1900 early starts with horses only.
на всякий
Collection by Polska Krowa
Socer's 1930's Start Mod Collection
Collection by socerman
A large chunk of mods that should work okay together that im using for my 1930 playthrough of the game. Lets see how far we can go! Be sure to subscribe to part 2
Collection by Joshinya42
Factories Heavy
Collection by Jakubesko
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