Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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Showing 1-30 of 32 entries
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The Fjordland Series!
Collection by Brammered
A collection of all assets and mods used within our Fjordland Series! Why don't you join us:
Collection by Komrade86italy
CayaMaya's subscribed Items
Collection by CayaMaya
This is a collection of items to which I am subscribed at the moment and some of these are being used in the Sputnik challenge or the Roundtable. Enjoy! CayaMaya
Collection by dennis
Harb's Early Start: 1800-present
Collection by Harbinger
A collection of mods which I use in my 1800-Present playthroughs, generally I attempt to maintain a reasonable and realistic feel to the game, whilst also filling out the eras which the vanilla games does not cover. I tend to update this whenever I find a
Goon Mod Dump 2-17
Collection by snort
All my mods in one click!
Soviet Russia
Collection by Ostalgist
Soviet themed
Patch 0.8.9
Collection by Tinril
Набор модов, используемых на стримах обновления 0.8.9
W&R Complete City State Collection
Collection by RedDog
Mods for BBalljo' s Complete City State map. This list is not complete. These are only the mods I needed to download. I had a lot of mods to begin with.
Polidoro's Colection
Collection by Polidoro
Coleção do balaco baco.
Collection by ISEDR Kamilek
Collection by Agustulus
Please subscribe to every mod in this collection!:) They are all needed for my map "Petersplatte" As I develop the map, I might drop some mods or include new ones.
Coleção Mapa Rio de Janeiro - Temporada 01
Collection by SimGamer
Esta é a coleção de MODs para a Temporada 1 de Workers and Resources no canal SimGamer. Aqui você pode encontrar todos os mods utilizados nesta temporada. OBS: Não necessariamente usei todos, são apenas os que se encontram na minha biblioteca no momento em
Collection by mishakalach
Erozaxx's Early start
Collection by spiderik
My collection of mods, usually used for my early starts. I like 1800 or 1900 early starts with horses only.
Soviet Republic - Mods
Collection by Klara_UwU
Mods for Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic which I'm using.
Collection by [Ⅶ] Phoenix
Soviet Buildings | Collection
Collection by -s1zd #☭ЗаСталина
Построй свою Социалистическую Республику! В этой коллекции я постарался собрать как можно больше зданий с Советской эстетикой. Сюда попали как реальные здания, так и не завершенные проекты, а также придуманные. Огромное количество плакатов, памятников и др
Collection by EDGamingTV [YT&KICK]
Liebe Freunde, liebe #community an dieser Stelle findet ihr, die Mods die ich in meinen Lets Play nutze. Ich wünsche viel Spaß damit, und natürlich gilt Nutzung auf eigene Gefahr! Gruß euer ED
People's Socialist Republic of Albania
Collection by Ostalgist
Mostly quality-of-life mods
Soviet Republic Best
Collection by Phoenix
Volksrepublik Brecht
Collection by Ostalgist
Collection of quality-of-life mods and other addons loosely themed after Enver Hoxha's Albania.
Latin America
Collection by TheSimpsons:HitAndRunFather
Collection by pawellis19
ASA: Decoration
Collection by snort
Decor Items. I've cut out most of the old monuments that don't have updates for loyalty. THat said, there are some other decorations that I just simply like. I have taken out a lot of very 'finicky placement' mods here like ploppable sidewalks and cafes an
Collection by Ricky
Collection by Ikarus1993
WR:SR_TB Youtube csatorna 1. Sorozatomban (S1 Realisztikus mód) használt összes mod. A modok egy részét soha nem használtam, vagy próbáltam ki, illetve egyik se saját készítésem, Köszönet a készítőknek.
Kamaz's Pack
Collection by ✯ Kamaz ✯
Early USSR v2 (1940s-50s)
Collection by Ostalgist
Glory To Arstotzka
Collection by ☭ TWITCH @edwin_fox, Slave to Am
Glory To Arstotzka
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