Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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Showing 1-30 of 139 entries
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Great Mod Collection
Collection by ryantheskinny
A collection of great mods that work well together and are relatively well balanced. and you can also find more info on the two discords: official testing discord: modder's discord:
Soviet republic 2. serie
Collection by Krejcak
Kolekce modů, které mám aktivní v této hře:
Rail Sangeims сборка модов для 2 сезона прохождения
Collection by SangeimsYT
По просьбам зрителей собрал коллекцию модов которые используются в прохождении 2 сезона. Прохождение можно посмотреть тут Второе прохождения в игре Soviet Republic я решил усложнить д
bballjo reviews mega collection (XXL)
Collection by bballjo
All the items from all reviews/fixes/playthroughs I've ever aware, there is a lot. All items in this creation have their own creators. All questions, suggestion, credits should go to the original creators.
Mody Blunix Sezon 2
Collection by Blunix
noname - W&R:SR - Mods
Collection by noname
Коллекция модов для Soviet Republic
Collection by MaeStro[квартрира1]
Здесь собраны моды игры Soviet Republic которые установлены, но не со всеми играю. Коллекция периодически пополняется. По всем вопросам о багах, лагах, предложениях связывайтесь с разработчиком конкретного мода. 🙋‍♂️ Ютуб канал
The Fjordland Series!
Collection by Brammered
A collection of all assets and mods used within our Fjordland Series! Why don't you join us:
ZwergTube Modliste 2022
Collection by ZwergTube
1. série Sovietu
Collection by Krejcak
Kolekce, kterou využívám v této hře:
Power & heat collection
Collection by Comrade Sky
This is a collection of useful power and heat buildings
Collection by SHAMAN85
Моды, которые я использую в своих прохождениях.
Complete Collection: Generic/Fictional Items
Collection by Blackholesatrap
I update these collections as much as possible to include all new high quality mods that add buildings and vehicles to the titular nations. Buy me a coffee if you want me to keep updating these lists!
CayaMaya's subscribed Items
Collection by CayaMaya
This is a collection of items to which I am subscribed at the moment and some of these are being used in the Sputnik challenge or the Roundtable. Enjoy! CayaMaya
Collection by CHIIIHAZARD!
Моя небольшая сборка для "реалистичного" построения советского города.
1900 Start - Full Release edition
Collection by THE_PRUSSIAN
==== WORK IN PROGRESS === This collection is the definitive 1900 start collection, including all the new releases in the full release of the game. Includes: - Era specific vehicles - Era buildings - Era infrastructure Not included: - Era specific terrain -
Early & Rural USSR (1940s-1950s)
Collection by Ostalgist
Items used for an early Soviet save.
Soviet Republic
Collection by tartinsky88
Comrade Chumbucket's gigantic mod list!
Collection by Comrade Chumbucket
This collection started when the workshop was implemented to this great game. So it's kinda long, i recomend that you look trough and find the mods that you feel would fit your republic and playstyle. But if you want them all i can't stop ya! :D Special th
System Streuners Let's Play Mods
Collection by System Streuner
Willkommen zur offiziellen Kollektion von Mods für Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic, wie sie im Let's Play von System Streuner verwendet werden! Diese (nicht sorgfältig) ausgewählte Sammlung enthält alle Mods, die ich in meinen Videos benutze, um mein
Pings used mods part 2
Collection by Pingu's Revenge
This collection contains all my subscribed objects. Some of them I have never really used before. partly mods can be already included in the previous collection. But that is not bad & is because of it. That the tool to create collections is totally shit &
laborwave (ヮテ因)
Collection by CommissarPigeon
did you fell asleep? It's 2030 and you returned from cozy vacation in People's Republic of Afghanistan. Jump into your TIR and get rolling, EvroAvtodrom awaits. This is the collection that contains 60s aesthetic, american and soviet modern equipment and a
Workers & Resources PRL
Collection by +Halina+
Mod collections by Kayo
Collection by KayoKyrano32
asset and mod for workers & resources: soviet republic
Hatdatsat Mod Collection
Collection by Hatdatsat
This is a collection of mods that i am using, I am a small time streamer and planning on making a youtube series of this game so I am making this collection so people can use the same mods.
Collection by Crackhood
This is a collection so that I don't waste space keeping mods i don't need
CayaMaya subscribed items
Collection by CayaMaya
This is my own list of subscribed items for if I need to unsubscribe from all of them some day
Collection by GwizdeK
Quality-of-Life Mods
Collection by Ostalgist
Must use
Prospero's Workers & Resources Mod collection
Collection by Prospero
To jest kolekcja modów których używam podczas rozgrywek w Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic. Idealna do wczesnych startów w okolicach 1900 This is the mod collection I'm using playing Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic. Contains plenty of buildings fo
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