Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Have you got what it takes?
Create and submit new items (such as hats, weapons, badges, boots, and more) for consideration to be incorporated into the actual game. Click here to learn more.
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Containing item: "Gunner's Guard 2.0"
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Showing 1-5 of 5 entries
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Workshop Improvements and Proposals
Collection by RetroMike
A collection of fixes, improvements and proposals from the Workshop community. Have you published a fix or a proposal item (cases, ammo packs, autograph tool, resupply cabinets, etc) and want it added to this collection? Comment and I will add it ASAP.
The Dumpster Pack
Collection by Populus
The Dumpster pack for the soldier. Don't forget to comment, rate, favorite and post your stat ideas!
Cosmetics that haven't been updated In-Game + Forgotten Styles
Collection by large bug
This is a collection of cosmetics that are currently in TF2, that have been updated/improved on the workshop, but Valve has not added the updates to the game yet. Items with alternate styles that were not added when the item got accepted will also be colle
Jermany's mega workshop list
Collection by jermany says trans rights
A collection of workshop creations, old and new! Remember to vote!
Tf2 stuffs
Collection by General Heavy
My collection of Hats and weapons from team fortress 2.
Per page: 9 18 30