Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Containing item: "The Sugar Bomb 1 (Christmas item)"
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Best of the Best
Collection by Soul Among the Soulless
These items are things that should be added before the next crate, YEAH TALKING TO YOU NEXT CRATE. Look at all these badass hats and weapons that you're TOO GOOD for a bask upon the collection that respects the works of art these items are. Anyways enjoy....
The Cracking Christmas Collection!
Collection by WifeEmailer227
Hello! Welcome to the most Cracker-Cracklingly-Cantankerous Christmas Collection of 2012! Here I will find THE best Christmas items for this years Christmas. Don't forget to go to the pages of the wonderful item creators and give them a like! Please tell m
Top of the Hats
Collection by Bufflehead
A lot of top hats have been added to the workshop recently, so I made a collection. here you go. If I've missed any, let me know. If you are looking for generic all class top hats, Please vote up on these: Gentlemann's Generic:
Collection by XCT3
Smissmass spirit for y'all.
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