Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Have you got what it takes?
Create and submit new items (such as hats, weapons, badges, boots, and more) for consideration to be incorporated into the actual game. Click here to learn more.
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Containing item: "Orion's Belt"
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Showing 1-13 of 13 entries
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Tomb Racer
Collection by Dewzie
A collection of items for the TF Tomb Contest 2014.
✮ Heroic Cosmetics ✮
Collection by MONSTR_SAUCE
A collection that revolves around classic-futuristic cosmetics that can depict a comical or heroic theme
Accepted Team Fortress 2 items
Collection by Flute
this is a collection of items,Maps,Unusual Effects,Weapons and badges that are offically added and fully supported in the game!
shit i want in TF2
Collection by ISharkbyteI
stuff i personally think valve should really consider putting in the game
Mason1676 workshop items
Collection by TheFlaminghero
this is for all the classes that have some good hats, misc, and weaopns for each character
Best TF2 Workshop items ever contributed (in my opinion)
Collection by Kolkioko
Collection by FishPBL
Miscs & Headgears - Team Fortress 2 - Sybot's Collection
Collection by bomber92ful
"A good soldier can kill with his looks, so get strapped, maggots!"
Collection by
Collection by Jonolex
handy TF2 items
Collection by Tam
From unique clothes for pyro, to interesting weapons for all classes
Gresh2's Rag
Collection by SpartanGresh002
Collection by FEAR THEBLADE
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