Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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The Engineering Ensemble
Collection by Awan
Work together with your Engineer partner.
The "These Better Get Added Into The Game As Soon As Possible" Collection
Collection by David Grover
Workshop items that should be put into tf2, sooner than later
Workshop cosmetics that Valve should pay more attention to
Collection by Atraimia
In the past Valve has made quite some questionable choices when it comes to adding new cosmetic items to TF2. A great number of these cosmetics neither follow the art-style of the game nor do they reflect the personalities of the mercs. Coming from a perso
Cosmetics that should be in TF2
Collection by Tim
Hats that looking amazing, and should be added to the game at some point.
Cool TF2 shit.
Collection by MB_memes
Title says it all. Also you should vote for them.
Workshop Items That Need To Go Into TF2
Collection by David Grover
Favourite Pyro Items
Collection by 256Mini
"Hudda mudda huh!"
my favs
Collection by Kaiju4289
The Best Cosmetics For TF2
Collection by David Grover
Some of the best cosmetics ive found on the workshop
Team Fortress 2 item collection
Collection by Richtophe
Liste d'objets serait pas mal de voir dans Team Fortress 2
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