Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Have you got what it takes?
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Containing item: "Demolition Droid"
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Steam Fortress Patch
Collection by ✡Shmuel✡
A collection of robot heads.
Best of the Best
Collection by Meta Breakers #FixTF2
These items are things that should be added before the next crate, YEAH TALKING TO YOU NEXT CRATE. Look at all these badass hats and weapons that you're TOO GOOD for a bask upon the collection that respects the works of art these items are. Anyways enjoy....
i would LOVE if these were added to tf2
Collection by [sage vicious]
if valve added these items to tf2 id be very happy (will edit as i find more things i like)
Hats and cosmetics for scout & engie
Collection by Apathy is Death
I love, scout's & engi's cosmetics nuff said
Demoman cosmetics I want to make IRL
Collection by SiegeBreaker42 #FixTF2
a file dump of demoman hats I want to make in real life
All my favorite TF2 items
Collection by ♠Dawn♠
as the title says this is all of my favorite items i have found on the TF2 workshop if you do happen to see this collection enjoy what i've found. this collection haz items that you might or might not like.
Collection by Shrimp
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