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Containing item: "Weapon Tier Overhaul for War of the Chosen (Add Coil and Lasers anywhere)"
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NevikTheStoryteller's Livestream Modlist || (All DLC & 400+ Mods) XCOM 2 War of the Chosen
Collection by Apple Juice for the Merry
Though this collection used to work plug-and-play, various mod updates and additions to the collection have made these mods incompatible and overwhelming with most systems to run all at once. This collection is now meant more as a menu of mods I have featu
[WOTC] The Final(ish) Modpack
Collection by ForceMithrandir
ENGLISH: This modpack requires the dlc "War of the Chosen" and "Tactical Legacy Pack" (not sure about the rest) The idea behind this modpack (with almost 300 mods and barely any cosmetics) is to emulate the feeling of The Final Modpack from OpenXcom, basic
Collection by 坂井真子
总之都能用,反正不会闪退,汉化合集的文件解压出来覆盖,自己补充汉化的文件放在了微云,炮台mod记得改一下材料,好像会导致不掉落残骸 应该就这些,回坑备忘用
Collection by 重楼
Collection by 重楼
Collection by BE02-Raziel
The Deacon's War Add On - Optional Weapon Mods
Collection by Deacon Ivory
Optional Weapon mods to go with The Deacon's War Collection. Be aware that weapons mods often require some configuration work to get them compatible. It is definitely worth it to investigate, but don't expect to just enable them and get right to it.
My LWOTC / X-COM 2: WOTC hard mod's 400+ (HARDCORE). LEGENDARY difficulty!!!
Collection by [Lore]
Моя база модов для всестороннего улучшения XCOM 2. Приближена к LONG WAR. Только для LEGENDARY difficulty! Для тех, кто хочет пропустить необходимые исследования, введите следующие команды консоли: ё и вводить невидемый текст GiveTech BreakthroughReuseWeap
WotC Collection
Collection by EdofLegend
walk away slowly
Collection by John Helldiver
you probably shouldn't use this, I made a bunch of in-house .INI edits I'm sharing to friends and if you play it unedited it's gonna be pretty unbalanced it's pretty fucking fun though to be quite honest
Stenim's World
Collection by Stenim
Various mods
Collection by Laharl
Grymm's Collection
Collection by Grymmette
Recommended to use community mod launcher, it works better than vanilla launcher when dealing with this many mods & makes it very simple to edit configs. Though, most values can be changed in mod settings in-game. The solider customization mods tacked onto
WotC Mods by PEL
Collection by pauloel7
All the very best for WotC (mac version). Main purpose was to build the ultimate challenge, just not too unrealistic though. Gave in for a few cosmetics and voice packs. Music is segregated to another collection because MMS is outdated. Mods were mostly te
Collection by [Lore]
Box of mods) MAny compobility1!!
zevel xcom
Collection by canineseeyou
sss sss sss...
Hardcore X-COM 500 MODS My LWOTC / X-COM 2: WOTC hard mod's 400+ (HARDCORE). LEGENDARY difficulty!!!
Collection by [Lore]
XCOM 2 (WOtC) 350 mods
Collection by iuzer72
LarkLilith's picks!
Collection by Lark Lilith Eldritch Cutie
WOTC MOD Collection Working
Collection by GnaReffotsirk
Jako's Massive RPGO + Allies Unknown
Collection by Jako
!! WARNING - The mods in this collection may NOT be compatible. In Testing. !! RPGO Collection adding Allies Unknown races.
HandsomeAwkward's WOTC Mods - #4 - Guns and Such
Collection by HandsomeAwkward
I've played Gatecrasher so many fucking times to test this
HandsomeAwkward's WOTC Mods
Collection by HandsomeAwkward
Need to troubleshoot my mods, creating this to keep track of what mods I have installed.
3. Armory and Loadout Mods
Collection by Nektock
Collection by MrCryptogon
WIP list of WOTC compatible mods that add meaningful choices, open up new gameplay options, or balance the game to my tastes while trying to remain true to the feel of XCOM.
Mostly Stable
Collection by JonnyOfTheFunk
Lots o Mods
Rster11's XCOM2 WOTC LP Mod List
Collection by Rster11
This is a collection of Mods that I am using during my XCOM 2 WOTC Campaign: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLliCq7UZOb9-9DkHOdbibKp8zDnt84eBo NOTABLE CHANGES: Permanent Dark Events Beta Strike (Double Health) Delta Strike (Additional Health, Shield
XCOM2 WOTC Mod collection testing
Collection by TTV your mom
A collection of mods I'm having tested to see which work together, and which do not.
Батальон отчаяных
Collection by Inquisitor Rastus
XCOM 2023
Collection by LordDeTracy
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