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Collection by YXWLJ
原本是”少女地牢(含18x)原版怪物加强2.0适应版“,但原mod作者下架了原版boss强化2.0,所以找了别的怪物强化。 会相应减少对玩家有帮助的mod,为了不过于割草。 !!!本合集需全dlc!!! !!!请务必一个个订阅,排序出错容易闪退,并且进去mod可以不用自己排序!!! 玩腻了原版,或有喜欢的强力角色却没地方用的人使用。 如果对mod并不熟悉,请不要擅自添加机制类或怪物、boss加强等mod,容易冲突。 如果不想前期受苦,可以去掉谢肉祭mod。 基础规则修改,新增怪癖,新增饰品,人物加强,mod
Collection by ♣V0Ř0ŁĐ♣
В этой коллекции будут присутствовать интересные моды из этого видео - https://youtu.be/qpVTH0vIjZw (ну и ещё парочка полезных) Здесь также будут представлены NSFW-моды в виде скинов на некоторых персонажей, а также мод "Crystalline", который делает больши
Collection by opea
自用的mod合集,虽然有部分mod超模,但保留了一部分 Darkest Dungeon的原味,这样你才知道自己玩的是 Darkest Dungeon。 目前重新调整了mod位置,大概这样订阅应该可以正常启动,最初版因为我胡乱排序导致游戏报错的真是不好意思(。ŏ﹏ŏ) 然后排查出来的结果是该隐骑士mod的问题,不知道为什么会导致报错退出,所以删掉了。 (删掉之后再也没见过报错退出,所以.....是我的问题还是mod的问题?) 如果后续还是遇到闪退,需要手动安装主程序补丁。另外该补丁可以将饰品最大数量从2048
[Anime collection]二次元合集 简约一体整合包
Collection by 爱莉希雅
本合集适用于只购买了本体的玩家,如果购买了付费DLC,请自行添加付费DLC相关Mod 贴近原版,优化游戏流程和体验,让萌新玩家更好上手 持续更新,无任何冲突和重复Mod,订阅即用 1-3是用于快速检查皮肤Mod的,1和3会跟“6.更加完美的开局”冲突,觉得不需要可单独取消订阅 使用Crusader十字军皮肤出现皮肤碎片化,请删除位于:steam\steamapps\workshop\content\262060\1625545019的modfiles.txt 其他角色皮肤如果没有正常显示,请在角色页面左下角
Cerebral's True Estate (Modlist)
Collection by Cerebralcloud92
For those who have seen my prior modlist, the Grueling Estate, and have seen my videos, you would've noticed that the Grueling Estate is missing a few mods. That's what this collection is for. This Collection is a collage of every single mod I use, from He
CICERONIAN KIT - A Moderate Modding Experience
Collection by Pseudonomenclature
A collection of carefully selected mods that seek to retain immersion by meticulously adhering to the Balance, Consistency, and Art Style of the Darkest Dungeon. Less Grinding! Of especial note in this collection is the mod 'Dark Dunge', which significantl
Cerebral's Grueling Estate (Modlist)
Collection by Cerebralcloud92
As crafted by me, Cerebralcloud92, I created this from my experience with my own personal modlist. I can attest to the quality of each of these mods, along with their overall balance and how they square up to the difficulty expected of the game, especially
Collection by [凛若]Er_Linruo
已经排了序了 ↓-↓-↓-↓-↓【注意】↓-↓-↓-↓-↓ - 直接从顶到底挨着点就行了 - 因为订阅之后在游戏的顺序是反的所以我把顺序反过来了,负负得正 - 如果订阅我这个合集之前订阅了其他的mod(包括这个合集内存在的mod),需要清除一下之前订阅的mod才行,否则顺序会被打乱 - 订阅了之后可以再根据游戏内的顺序对照一下合集的顺序,理想情况应该是彻底相反的(合计内最后一个对应游戏内第一个mod) ↑-↑-↑-↑-↑【注意】↑-↑-↑-↑-↑ 城镇NPC加了两三套,喜欢哪个用哪个,不生效就拉到最顶上,全
Morlocks & Dragons: Skin Master's Guide
Collection by ViWalls
My personal selection of skin mods for vanilla heroes, carefully tested to prove that all of them work together and there are no visual glitches. Extra dungeon backgrounds & Eldritch NPCs too! This collection doesn't change gameplay or add class mods, just
Totally Berserk
Collection by Totally Zeke
Collection by 不玩原神就艾草
** 一、 总概: 更换角色、怪物皮肤,地牢相关美化。皮肤无属性加强。 二、 平衡性: 弱势角色技能增强、怪癖七锁、货车高概刷稀有装备、装备无减益、民车升级栏修改、教程钥匙、50%美德概率、副本高概率掉落稀有物品且结算时双倍金币、祖产。 三、 萌新性: 打完这个合集玩明耀更简单了,极暗才更有挑战性。 亖、 注意事项: (1)倒数一至三模组需要在模组详情界面自行更换本地文件。 (2)为了保证游玩体验,本合集需要勾选竞技场DIC进入游戏,但是无法进入竞技场,本合集适合独狼玩家游玩。 五、 模组信息:共(111)
Collection by 大衣给我整列巴了
自己打dd用的mod合集 合集中包含限制级内容,未满18岁的朋友请止步 我不清楚这些mod是否合你胃口,但我保证全部都是我的个人爱好 如果你不知道mod间的兼容性问题,请按照我的排序进行订阅和mod的启用 请不要点一键订阅,而且我推荐倒序订阅,在此基础上去除你所不需要的mod mod排序也是我的惯用排序,因为本人没有强迫症,所以存在有些看着让人捉急的顺序在所难免 防白块指令: 游戏属性里设置启动项 -disable_monster_pre_loading 推荐配合4G启动器一起使用 请不要同时开启所有mod
Morlocks & Dragons: Player's Handbook II
Collection by ViWalls
My personal selection of class mods with remarkable gameplay and loyalty to art style. A bit of extra mini-bosses and enemies to spice the gameplay. It always comes in handy expand the existing classes just for fun, as it always has been in D&D (special me
Collection by AlbertVStenier
·自用向mod合集 ·游戏性插件mod ·排序应靠前 ========================================== 字体,汉化,补丁 中文字体重做 ·字体组合包 女性化人物名 Dlc汉化补丁 V1.65 ·完善dlc本身汉化的不足 个人汉化 ·优质人物mod的汉化 ·饰品,大修等mod的汉化 ==================================================== 游戏性插件 Curio Hints New Update(Include CC)V1.5
Sorted Helmet Estate | Modded Load Order
Collection by The Sorting Helmet
This is my Modlist for the Madness Estate which is a One Hero Per Class or (Highlander, there can only be one) Playthrough over on my Youtube TheSortingHelmet. This is a single click subscribe all moment. These Classes are a mix of different classes from t
[2024] The Darkest Estate
Collection by Last of the Order
And yet, I began to tire of... conventional extravagance Summary The content of this collection is carefully curated from the best-reviewed and most balanced mods on the Workshop to achieve a challenging but fair expansion to the Vanilla game experience. T
Hadouken's Darkest Dungeon Collection!
Collection by Hadouken Your Face
This collection adds significant new content, in working load-order, to the game in the form of additional zones, monsters, and classes. As such, I recommend you use this collection for subsequent playthroughs rather than your first. It's main goal is to p
Collection by Hallelujah
排序太烦,故做合集自用!自用整合mod合集! 汉化mod \ 功能辅助mod \ 少女地牢皮肤mod \ 硬核地牢皮肤mod \ 怪物皮肤mod \ 城镇美化mod。。。。。。 合集略微增加游戏体验,原版为主游戏体验! 做了大致分类,少女地牢一块,硬核地牢一块。。。。。。。 注意:皮肤mod之间一定会有冲突,功能mod会有缺失,选择性打plz。
Collection by liu887417
猫猫头镇合集! 合集里的英雄及皮肤大多为二次元,也有一些只是装了皮肤的正常强度的角色。请注意使用。 此合集暂时用于存放地牢mod,没有进行测试排序的使用是否正常。收藏了合集并进行了全部订阅的咸鱼党注意mod排序而出现的报错。 我还会持续添加Mod,有问题欢迎反馈,要是我能看到的话==。 欢迎咸鱼党使用 注意:一些Mod是有重复性的,请根据自己的需求选择!同一个角色皮肤是挨近的,注意皮肤冲突!!!
Darkest Dungeon Ultra modded
Collection by TheGrandSirPiggy
Darkest Dungeon mod list, loaded till near breaking point The Mad-lads did it! Using the link provided bellow you'll be able to circumvent the trinket id stack overflow (mod limit) and mod to your hearth's content! https://www.patreon.com/posts/important-b
Darling Dungeon
Collection by Nishino_Waero
Vanilla+ NSFW collection (R18+)
Collection by Yar
Collection description This mod is for you, darkest degenerates. Complete* graphical overhaul to enable coomer behaviour. It makes me mad that there are so many high quality adult mods, where are all the good Elden Ring mods? Titties are cool and all, but
Collection Name
Collection by KTkt
从上至下订阅。 下载完毕后,到以下路径 SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\262060\3093381718\heroes 删除 “highwayman” 文件夹。 SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\262060\3093381718\ 修改 modfile.txt 中 “highwayman” 文件夹的全部内容 ====== 这些mod会显著降低游戏难度: https://i.imgur.com/BnquiMO.p
Bluefire's Mod List (In Proper Load Order)
Collection by Bluefire
Blue's Modpack Testing currently, crashes if not using the Darkest unofficial patch. Minimum: 8gb Ram and i5-8400+ CPU Language: English Only
Collection by 伊卡洛斯
Сборка Модов Darkest Dungeon
Collection by CoffeeLover
Большая сборка модов направленная на упрощение гринда и некоторых моментов игры, а так же расширение контента. Новые данжы, монстры, боссы, классы, переработан the color of madnes и crimson court, слегка переработаны некоторые стандартные классы. Инструкци
Shit I've downloaded to break DD and turn it into shitty anime that has filler episodes and obnoxious commercial breaks
Collection by Reapsy
Literally what it says in the title + I'm the only one who knows which mods are incompatible.
Collection by ViChen9
Vanilla Essence
Collection by Langsley
Nearly no gameplay tweaks. No extra classes, monsters, events. Focused on enhancing and preserving the original experience as well as collecting any bug fixes. Skins will be picked to match with pre-existing world. Avoids out-of-era cultural references.
닼던 스킨 모음
Collection by GongPok
개쩌는 스킨들 모음집입니다.
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