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Collection by ♣V0Ř0ŁĐ♣
В этой коллекции будут присутствовать интересные моды из этого видео - https://youtu.be/qpVTH0vIjZw (ну и ещё парочка полезных) Здесь также будут представлены NSFW-моды в виде скинов на некоторых персонажей, а также мод "Crystalline", который делает больши
Collection by 少林阿哥
b站up主阿哥在10月4日新档中的部分MOD,主要体验内容,老e狼言双怪物强化,怪物多样化,多饰品包,多MOD角色,黑色圣物匣移植版,老版本鼠疫,祖宅DD本扩展,小镇战役扩展,农庄扩展。 需要注意该合集并非完整,部分MOD是处在内测中,或群内大佬为up量身定做,在st创意工坊无法获取。 想一起玩的可以加up 1粉丝群:183239062 2群:183239062
Cerebral's True Estate (Modlist)
Collection by Cerebralcloud92
For those who have seen my prior modlist, the Grueling Estate, and have seen my videos, you would've noticed that the Grueling Estate is missing a few mods. That's what this collection is for. This Collection is a collage of every single mod I use, from He
Collection by Get in the Ring
排序都排好了 照着排就行了 顺便说一下排序技巧 最优先第一大排 脚本类 MOD (修改游戏数据必须优先) 第二大排 汉化 MOD 第三大排 附加战役 MOD 第四大排 新职业 和 新饰品 MOD 无需排序的 替换皮肤 MOD PS: →建议全DLC ← 除了第一个PVP的DLC不用勾之外 其他的都勾上 22.1.14 取消了所有附加战役 防止闪退 需要的自行添加
Collection by Mostima
Collection by S.Y
SYmod角色推荐合集 01铁基BV1aM411U7Ji 02原初畸体BV1YM411m79U 03燃烛牧师BV1DM411h76Z 04修行者BV19K411y7fU 05公爵夫人BV1Le4y1F7ry 06血煞BV1cD4y1n7EB 07学士BV1984y1j7Jy 08灭害人BV19y4y1X7HG 09轶猎BV1k8411u7yp 10弓箭手BV1KY411v7yE
Cerebral's Grueling Estate (Modlist)
Collection by Cerebralcloud92
As crafted by me, Cerebralcloud92, I created this from my experience with my own personal modlist. I can attest to the quality of each of these mods, along with their overall balance and how they square up to the difficulty expected of the game, especially
2022 Darkest Dungeon's Hunger Games (2nd Edition)
Collection by Katniss Everdeen
Second installment of the Hunger Games series, now with many more mods to make your game something never seen before through 238 compatible mods that will expand, improve and give more variety to every aspect of the game. What to expect: - New complete dun
Collection by XDC城北徐公
更新2.0最新版本!已经和我的合集一毛一样力! 霹雳霹雳UP主 城北徐公2023最新模组合集!来力! 我的B站空间:https://space.bilibili.com/360697277?spm_id_from=333.1007.0.0 收录了一些2023年最新出的模组, 汉化排序已经弄好了 放心食用 顶级排序 非常稳定! 删除了《旧裔》 保留了《粉色火把》咳咳.....
Unofficial DLC
Collection by TheGreenDigi
High-quality mods that fit in seamlessly into the base game both visually and mechanically. Mods that, if shown to a person that never has seen the game, would think it was part of the game. I will continue to add more mods in the future as they are releas
暗黑地牢(Darkest Dungeon)新職業(New Class)/高質量/高平衡/眾大佬所創作
Collection by 電子陽痿の劍龍
這邊都放新職業,都做的超棒www 後續還會更新
Totally Berserk
Collection by Totally Zeke
Cryptix's Personal Collection
Collection by Cryptix
a collection of mod recommendations from the mods of friends.
Darkest Dungeon
Collection by BE02-Raziel
Collection by 大衣给我整列巴了
自己打dd用的mod合集 合集中包含限制级内容,未满18岁的朋友请止步 我不清楚这些mod是否合你胃口,但我保证全部都是我的个人爱好 如果你不知道mod间的兼容性问题,请按照我的排序进行订阅和mod的启用 请不要点一键订阅,而且我推荐倒序订阅,在此基础上去除你所不需要的mod mod排序也是我的惯用排序,因为本人没有强迫症,所以存在有些看着让人捉急的顺序在所难免 防白块指令: 游戏属性里设置启动项 -disable_monster_pre_loading 推荐配合4G启动器一起使用 请不要同时开启所有mod
Morlocks & Dragons: Player's Handbook II
Collection by ViWalls
My personal selection of class mods with remarkable gameplay and loyalty to art style. A bit of extra mini-bosses and enemies to spice the gameplay. It always comes in handy expand the existing classes just for fun, as it always has been in D&D (special me
Thet's Darkest Dungeon Season 4 Mod List!
Collection by Thet
This is the official mod list for Thet's Season 4 playthrough of the Darkest Dungeon
Sorted Helmet Estate | Modded Load Order
Collection by The Sorting Helmet
This is my Modlist for the Madness Estate which is a One Hero Per Class or (Highlander, there can only be one) Playthrough over on my Youtube TheSortingHelmet. This is a single click subscribe all moment. These Classes are a mix of different classes from t
(Ohio Edition) Over 200+ Mods with 5 New Dugeon and 40+ Class
Collection by Tentara Mainan
These great mod will keep you busy for eternity like for real no cap. Keep the torch Lit and remember overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer. This mods will still keep the visual and feel of the darkest dungeon, not including any NFSW mod. Ohio mods
I saw the entire workshop in order to make this.
Collection by Alexmarsed
I would list everything this list adds but not even I can comprehend the horrors of having traversed the entirety of the workshop. There are little less than 100 classes in total with corresponding trinkets, a new dungeons, 2 new roaming bosses, a lot of n
蝦球繁中MOD 清單
Collection by rainturtle
此為蝦球繁中 MOD包所支援之MOD清單 個人推薦(強度較平衡,美術也好,而且有其特色): Marvin Seo 製作的所有角色 (其中Falconer, Lamia, Sisters最推薦,但其餘的也比其他MOD更高品質) Human Duchess The Librarian The Warrior of Sunlight Monk Rework The Thorn The Snake Charmer The Sunward Isles The Raiju: A Sunward Addon Sunwar
(Outdated) 2022 Darkest Dungeon's Hunger Games (1st Edition)
Collection by Katniss Everdeen
Outdated, find version 2 here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2852043519 Stable game after more than 150 weeks played with 0 crashes while being heavily modded (156 mods). Focused mainly in adding new content rather than modifying e
Collection by duskdawndead
自用合集,应该不会出问题,我基本都测试过,主要用于方便自己随意添减喜欢的mod。所以,不要订阅所有mod,不建议完全不懂的玩家使用一键订阅,而是有一定mod基础的玩家,经过筛选后,自行订阅和组合!并且注意某些需要前置mod的,不然可能报错! Self-use collection, there should be no problem, I have basically tested, mainly for the convenience of their own free to add or subtra
Hadouken's Darkest Dungeon Collection!
Collection by Hadouken Your Face
This collection adds significant new content, in working load-order, to the game in the form of additional zones, monsters, and classes. As such, I recommend you use this collection for subsequent playthroughs rather than your first. It's main goal is to p
Collection by Yuri_xigroff
【放在最前】 MOD具体内容测评可以参考我日后在B站发布的测试日志专栏,可以自行比较提取自己需要的模组,快乐游玩。 【Darkest Dungenon 暗黑地牢】STEAM少女地牢模组合集 测试日志 最后更新于211128 - 哔哩哔哩 https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv14203217 【注意】 1-请勿一次性订阅!不是懒人包!(一次性订阅按键是为了方便我自己测试,取消所有订阅后,再次甄选排查错误而设置的!) 2-也无需过于担心麻烦,我会把所有MOD的使用体验整理出来以供判断
Collection by 关于大佬群友拿我号炸鱼这件事
[Another] Load Order
Collection by The Livin' Shadow
List of compatible mods - created to preserve the load order when subscribing to all (must subscribe to individually to preserve load order in game) NOTE: number of mods is a lot. If your game is crashing, consider using Deovolente's 4GB Patch Features DLC
Collection by ATHANA
无r18不搞颜色 请按照此顺序排列mod 尽量平衡减少超模人物和饰品 经几十个小时测试稳定性极佳 目前未发现影响游戏体验的问题 mod人物于非官方场所探索时部分会有显示bug 极少数词条出现蓝字现象不影响游戏运行 如果游戏崩溃跳出重进即可
Darkest Dungeon Ultra modded
Collection by TheGrandSirPiggy
Darkest Dungeon mod list, loaded till near breaking point The Mad-lads did it! Using the link provided bellow you'll be able to circumvent the trinket id stack overflow (mod limit) and mod to your hearth's content! https://www.patreon.com/posts/important-b
Collection by 永远喜欢拉普兰德的Dr.红帽
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