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2022 Darkest Dungeon's Hunger Games (2nd Edition)
Collection by Katniss Everdeen
Second installment of the Hunger Games series, now with many more mods to make your game something never seen before through 238 compatible mods that will expand, improve and give more variety to every aspect of the game. What to expect: - New complete dun
Unofficial DLC
Collection by TheGreenDigi
High-quality mods that fit in seamlessly into the base game both visually and mechanically. Mods that, if shown to a person that never has seen the game, would think it was part of the game. I will continue to add more mods in the future as they are releas
New mobs on the Block
Collection by Ez8do
- Так ты новенький на районе? Как звать? - Абрывааалг Высасыватель Душ - За что тебя сюда? - Да ни за что блин, дядька Вельзевул на каникулы в эту дыру отправил - Отстой - Отстой - Смотри, новая партия мяса идет - Пока можешь наблюдать, потом повторяй за н
Totally Berserk
Collection by Totally Zeke
Collection by 马天霸
自己打dd用的mod合集 合集中包含限制级内容,未满18岁的朋友请止步 我不清楚这些mod是否合你胃口,但我保证全部都是我的个人爱好 如果你不知道mod间的兼容性问题,请按照我的排序进行订阅和mod的启用 请不要点一键订阅,而且我推荐倒序订阅,在此基础上去除你所不需要的mod mod排序也是我的惯用排序,因为本人没有强迫症,所以存在有些看着让人捉急的顺序在所难免 防白块指令: 游戏属性里设置启动项 -disable_monster_pre_loading 推荐配合4G启动器一起使用 请不要同时开启所有mod
Thet's Darkest Dungeon Modded Season 3 Modlist!
Collection by Thet
Here be the mod list Thet is using for Season 3 of Darkest Dungeon! New enemies, new allies, and old friends abound in this mighty massive modpack!
I saw the entire workshop in order to make this.
Collection by Alexmarsed
I would list everything this list adds but not even I can comprehend the horrors of having traversed the entirety of the workshop. There are little less than 100 classes in total with corresponding trinkets, a new dungeons, 2 new roaming bosses, a lot of n
Collection by duskdawndead
自用合集,应该不会出问题,我基本都测试过,主要用于方便自己随意添减喜欢的mod。所以,不要订阅所有mod,不建议完全不懂的玩家使用一键订阅,而是有一定mod基础的玩家,经过筛选后,自行订阅和组合!并且注意某些需要前置mod的,不然可能报错! Self-use collection, there should be no problem, I have basically tested, mainly for the convenience of their own free to add or subtra
Collection by DebtFree
The SoulsBorne Identity - Correct Load Order
Collection by Toxic Masculinity
Soulsborne = Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Elden Ring, etc. **REQUIREMENT** Steam Launch Options: -disable_monster_pre_loading ← copy & paste this into the Launch Options. (Guide: https://appuals.com/steam-set-launch-options-and-full-list/) ---------------------
Bluefire's Mod List (In Proper Load Order)
Collection by Bluefire
Blue's Modpack Testing currently, crashes if not using the Darkest unofficial patch. Minimum: 8gb Ram and i5-8400+ CPU Language: English Only
The Torchless Estate
Collection by Shadow Kitteh
A collection of mods used for my modded playthrough of Darkest Dungeon, using absolutely no torch! I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THESE MODS!
Psyberry's Modded LP
Collection by Psyberry
This is the collection that Psyberry is using for his modded Let's Play series.
Vanilla Heroes vs a Hard but Faster Ennemies Campaign (with working load order)
Collection by Benzgeg
Death is upon you ! This Collection of mods targets Veterans player who wants to experience a fresh and spicier but somehow familiar challenge true to the vanilla game but without the grind that comes during the campaign. The Collection is structured as fo
Crazy dungkek collection
Collection by NolanDaneworth
Collection of dunkek dungeon mods (list ordered) for some wacko game experience. Only to use with modded .exe to prevent errors overflow.
grimhat2's Favorite Class, UI and Overhaul Mods
Collection by grimhat2
This is a collection of every mod I use that alters the vanilla game and meta. Load Stat changes first, then Rebalances, Districts, Dungeons, Trinkets and then Characters.
Collection by bonor
NevikTheStoryteller's Darkest Dungeon Mod Repository
Collection by Apple Juice for the Merry
Visual and lore adequate mods selection
Collection by CWOTC
This collection aims to present a wide variety of mods that could be considered adequate to the setting of Darkest Dungeon that I personally tried. Mostly avoiding NSFW content, overhaul type of content, as well as skins and characters from other franchise
Guess I'll use¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Collection by John Lorn
y no additional trinkets/pets? overentrinketance is a fast and insidious crasher
Collection by Frigid
封面:https://www.deviantart.com/sweenoy 自用的一些怪物怪癖饰品及原版微调mod
Collection by QAQ
合集内容可能有点多,请自行安装4G补丁和防白块代码 我尽可能把内容按顺序排,但是要是一键订阅可能排序会乱 本来应该介绍一下mod,但是太多了,根本说不完(怎么可能是我懒) 里面很多角色可能没自带汉化我合集没带,因为汉化多了会出现闪字问题,如果真的看不懂,可以去找一下汉化mod (做完才发现角色有点多,可以用别的大马车) 其中Monster Strengthen难度略高,是怕后期无聊加的,就是难可以先关了,发展到一定程度再开
NevikTheStoryteller's Penultimate Darkest Dungeon Modlist
Collection by Apple Juice for the Merry
_Methusiel_ Mods Collection
Collection by _Methusiel_
_Methusiel_ Mod Collection (IN USE).
TDP ULtra Mods
Collection by TakenDownPros
Collection by MissOfCLoud
Mods DD
Collection by Neman21
Моды, которые понравились, для Темнейшего Подземелья
角色/classes or monsters
Collection by 指挥官~浓浓要看iwara!
Surprisingly stable mod list
Collection by Comrade Guin
It just works
Safu's Collection of Mods
Collection by OxTailSafu
Personal collection of mods, does not include any unreleased/private mods (Unless I forgot, kek). Anything below Clair's Journal Fixes are mods not being used currently.
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