Darkest Dungeon®

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Containing item: "Surgeon - Class Mod"
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Showing 1-30 of 283 entries
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AJ's Collection
Collection by ActionJack
Collection of Actionjack's mods, and relating files.
Collection by 大衣给我整列巴了
自己打dd用的mod合集 合集中包含限制级内容,未满18岁的朋友请止步 我不清楚这些mod是否合你胃口,但我保证全部都是我的个人爱好 如果你不知道mod间的兼容性问题,请按照我的排序进行订阅和mod的启用 请不要点一键订阅,而且我推荐倒序订阅,在此基础上去除你所不需要的mod mod排序也是我的惯用排序,因为本人没有强迫症,所以存在有些看着让人捉急的顺序在所难免 防白块指令: 游戏属性里设置启动项 -disable_monster_pre_loading 推荐配合4G启动器一起使用 请不要同时开启所有mod
Thet's Play Darkest Dungeon Mod List
Collection by Thet
This is the mod list used for the Thet Play's Darkest Dungeon Let's Play list on Youtube!
(Outdated) 2022 Darkest Dungeon's Hunger Games (1st Edition)
Collection by Katniss Everdeen
Outdated, find version 2 here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2852043519 Stable game after more than 150 weeks played with 0 crashes while being heavily modded (156 mods). Focused mainly in adding new content rather than modifying e
Collection by 𝕂𝕀𝕃𝕃𝔸
В этой коллекции по большей части находятся моды, с которыми я играю. Все ставить не обязательно. Выбирайте то что нравится) Если вам понравится или не понравится сборка, пишите свои советы, оценивайте и пишите отзывы о ней. А я буду дополнять её по мере в
MarMar's Darkest Dungeon Mod pack
Collection by MarMarBunBun YT
An epic collection of anime and shit, it's very epic, trust me.
bLANKMOD's heavily modded load order
Collection by bLANKMOD
I have all these mods and no way to make a permanent load order list other than a collection. so. here it is.
ElementFive's Darkest Dungeon Modded Classes Run
Collection by E5
Here's the updated list of Darkest Dungeon mods (classes, trinkets, and dungeon background variations) being used on stream found at: https://www.twitch.tv/elementfive - 9/27/17 A short video breakdown: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvtQMV8Zkkk
Collection by Bloodmoon
Color of Horny
Collection by Sadam Hussain
Make your fantasies come true - deep dark fantasies.
Darkest Dungeon Enhanced
Collection by Kobiwan
Collection of mods that simply enhance the game by buffing and nerfing characters respectivley, adding new charcters to create the illusion of a large content drop. enjoy! NOTE: PUT THE INVENTORY EXTENTION ON THE TOP OF THE LOAD ORDER ALSO MAKE SURE YOU HA
Andir's DD Collection
Collection by Andir
My collection of DD mods
Overloaded - Mod List ("In Order") - Can't Enable All
Collection by Cokey~Monster
- WORK IN PROGRESS - Made for (easier) organizing my own mod list. Feel free to add the "List"... You do you, Big Boy. (Cannot guarantee any succes. Download/Add at own risk) Have a good one! - Me
My mods
Collection by Bowsori
ShaDiow Pack NSFW -18
Collection by XyshaDioW
!WARNING! Nudity content I am currently working on this collection mod to make it work, ATM if you download all mod until ABUNDANT LOOT and put in the right order that i list them it should work and for skin you can put some but be carefull with witch skin
Collection by 张玄瑾
不可以色色 无跳出合集 2022-4-14 删除了与职业冲突较大的pet系列mod以及没啥印象的雪山mod 排查了7怪癖不生效的原因是因为怪物加强2.0.。。将就用吧 增加了一堆职业,本来还想加饰品的但是加了后就超出上限了 22-4-15 删掉了星空夜愿2.0饰品,替换成另一个不那么ob的饰品包 22-4-17 10怪癖生效方法: 把2 E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\262060\2495347036\shared 中rules.json 中的 qui
Do you like classes?
Collection by FangWolfman
My darkest dungeon mods that is mostly new character classes and a few gameplay tweaks.
Macumba Night at the Hamlet
Collection by Samuel Silver
My Modlist
Collection by Darkstar
Ordered for use with Conexus. Just testing with a big list of class mods and such to see what works and what doesn't. Edit: Wow. Conexus doesn't work at all. It just crashes when it tries to download the very first mod.
Collection by Felesmiki
darkest dungeon
Collection by Wackomaster2000
Collection by 太子猫丶
Collection by 刀锋
Collection by
DD Mods 2
Collection by Golem
Man I sure wish installing mods in this game didn't fkn suck
Scarlet Devils - Darkest Dungeon (2022)
Collection by Zen
Collection by Digan
Toaster's DD Pack
Collection by The Magic Toaster
DD 2021
Collection by Hitilit
JustletterG Mods
Collection by JustletterG
Hopefully i got them all in here, these are the mods not considered too cheesy in my humble but million dollarish opinion.
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