Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Central Europe
Collection by Feindbold
Thoughts from the creator, updates and sneakpeaks on stuff that will come soon: -09.09. Added 16 low commercial buildings, some are reused, 8 completly new models, also this means im free, im FREE, no more one and two story buildings, god I hate doing thes
MrMaison's Nature Collection
Collection by MrMaison
This is the place to get all my trees and various vegetation in one collection. This volume will grow with time. Please take time to go into your favorite tree page and rate it up if you like it. Thank you.
Das Ruhrgebiet
Collection by Feindbold
WIP Description! This collection aims to close the big gap between prewar buildings and modern architecture. Consequently this collection will mostly contain buildings from the 60s, 70s and 80s. Thanks a lot to Kettenkrad81, who supplied, both, Thumbnail a
FLUXtrance's [Rhinestone Island] Mod/Asset List
Collection by Flux
This is a collection of all the mods & assets used in my "Rhinestone Island" series on YouTube! Please Note: While I'm currently running all of these mods/assets at once without issue - I can't guarantee the same for you. This is only intended to be a list
Cleyra - Map Collection
Collection by creativeDEX
Cleyra - Map by Dexter Hi everyone, here is Cleyra, its a high detailed temperate map of a peninsular. Around the main land are many and smaller islands. Big mountains gives them all a cool shape and many interesting views over the complete land. In this a
Arrowhead Junction (Official Collection)
Collection by Strictoaster
What is Arrowhead Junction? Arrowhead Junction is a Cities: Skylines collaboration project that aims to bring a new type of series to the city building community. The series features a totally custom map and map theme featuring 100% unique textures and a h
American Houses Pack
Collection by Smilies
A City Planner Plays City Builders - Bluffside Crossing
Collection by City Planner Plays
Ever wonder what mods I'm using to make my YouTube Series - Bluffside Crossing? Look no further! All of the modes from the series can be found here!
Seenu (Official Collection)
Collection by Strictoaster
Welcome to the official mod & asset collection for the Cities Skylines YouTube series: Seenu. Read me. No, seriously! This collection was put together specifically for this project and you are free to pick and choose what you like, however, bear in mind th
Industries Collection
Collection by James
All the workshop items I use in my Industries let's play
City 5 Assets / Mods
Collection by James
Assets and mods used in my 5th LP city.
Dylan's Season 5 Collection
Collection by ConflictNerd
Every mod, tool, and asset that Dylan's using in Season 5 of Cities: Skylines!
Keralis Season 3 : Assets
Collection by Keralis
Cidade Brasileira | HomineK1
Collection by Homine
Description in Portuguese: Olá! Sou o Gui do canal HomineK1 e faço vídeos construindo cidades brasileiras no Cities: Skylines para o YouTube, conheça meu canal clicando aqui . Nessa coleção de assets brasileiros reuni alguns veículos, edifícios, estradas e
Collection by 夕阳小新
bilibili@夕阳小新,直播内容中所用到的mod和资产,用于各直播存档分享,已更新至 《广场和步行街》dlc,全部可用无报错 更多立交视频和游戏直播请关注: 粉丝qq群:537652250
Littletown Trees
Collection by Sanctum Gamer
This is a collection the decals used in Littletown, my series running on my YouTube channel. Check it out here:
Grunestadt Mods & Assets [DEPRECATED]
Collection by Distanced
Favela Brasileira | HomineK1
Collection by Homine
Portuguese: Olá! Aqui quem fala é o Gui do canal HomineK1 e faço vídeos construindo cidades brasileiras com um toque mais realístico no Cities: Skylines para o YouTube, conheça meu canal clicando Aqui. Nessa coleção reuni alguns mods e assets que você pode
Planned City Assets
Collection by Silv
Collection by Strictoaster
This is the backbone collection for two of my projects: Ocampo Miracle Mile Mall
Props and trees for my parks
Collection by core79
Gramercy Mod and Asset Collection #1
Collection by bsquiklehausen
Here is the official asset and mod collection for Gramercy! Watch here at
Miriam Bay Tree Collection
Collection by MrMaison
These are the trees used to populate the Miriam Bay map. Link to map here
Captain Soap's Assets Collection
Collection by Captain Soap
All my assets in one place. Be sure to subscribe to the linked collections as well!
Brunswald Asset & Mods Collection
Collection by Tazer
The asset and mods collection for my European YouTube series called Brunswald. Watch the series here:
New Toulouse Collection
Collection by Tazer
Welcome to the city of New Toulouse which is a city based in the Southeast United States, more specifically inspired by New Orleans Louisiana. I don't recommend that you download everything at the same time because it'll probably give you an error.
Deek's Northern Valley Mod/Asset List
Collection by DeekFTW
The mod and asset list from the Northern Valley YouTube series.
urban_drew's "back to the USSR"
Collection by urban_drew
Демонстрация содержимого коллекции:
Flaire Assets Collection
Collection by Impact
The assets I used to build Flaire. Updated to episode 11 (Apr 13th, 2018). DON'T SUBSCRIBE TO ALL AT ONCE! Your game might crash at first launch. First, try 50-100 and open the game. Then exit the game and 50-100 more and so on.
Good Side of Town
Collection by m4gic
Meant for a "small town" build. This is the collection of buildings (including District Style of the same name) that embody the Chamber of Commerce's vision for the town... ...but there's another side of the tracks: See my Collection "Bad Side of Town" for
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