A Hat in Time

A Hat in Time

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Containing item: "PlayStation Dye"
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All Dyes and Costumes
Collection by Nic
The goal of this is to have a list of every dye in the game that is a dye or a costume for hat kid, therefore there are no playable character mods, and to prevent bloating, this wont include mods with levels or unique hats (hat flairs are an exception so w
A ton of mods
Collection by Shylie Vegas
A ton of mods
Nearly every mod in the game.
Collection by Pride Kitty
Don't download this unless you have at least 16gb of ram and 80gb of free space
A Hat in Time - Flairs & Outfits
Collection by Jaf
Cool cosmetics!
Hats and Dyes
Collection by BrambleGaming
All of the custom hats and dyes on the workshop are featured in this collection! (Updated frequently, let me know if I missed any!)
Per page: 9 18 30