Kenshi Mod Workshop
You can manage your mods in the Kenshi launcher when you start the game. Workshop mod subscription will only work with Kenshi v0.92.0+
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Showing 1-30 of 337 entries
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Collection by ザクリア
MEGA Kaizo/UWE+ Modpack (2024)
Collection by Anrhaa
Summary 500+ mods | Load Order Included | 100% Stable | Maximum Performance An everchanging and 100% stable mod collection. Optimized to the upper limits. This mod pack is the result of hundreds of hours of intense testing across several devices. 500+ mods
Lore Friendly Role-Playing Experience v1.9.4 (2024)
Collection by Dr. Igor Dolvich
Amidst the swirling, forgotten mists, you ventured deeper into the fog. Your senses are shrouded by an impenetrable haze, unwavering. Whispers of unseen creatures echoed through the darkness, their haunting cries sending shivers down your spine... As you p
MEGA Kaizo/Vanilla+ Modpack (2024)
Collection by Anrhaa
Summary 500+ mods | Load Order Included | 100% Stable | Maximum Performance Similar to my other mod pack, this is an everchanging and 100% stable mod collection. Optimized to the upper limits. This mod pack is the result of hundreds of hours of intense tes
Kenshi 基础优化+游戏性加强
Collection by
需要手动配置的Mod: Ranno Reshade Preset 2.0.1 预设,根据Mod的教程配置 基础优化Mod: 更黑的景色(Reshade预设前置) 原版风格的地图汉化版 美型种族追加 + 美颜EX (美化,同时酒馆会有 JRPG 派系的可招募人物) 更多工作的动作 模型网格修复 + 衣服穿模修复 + 头饰头盔保留头发 不要肌肉芭比 协同作战 3v1 主角队伍上限256人 经验1.5倍 尊敬医生(治疗加派系好感) 寻路倾向大路(有些时候会导致南辕北辙,或者队伍分散) 箭支弹容量5倍 四倍面包制作
Collection by JOKE
时长200小时整合出来的260个mod合集三个前置莫得在NEXUSMODS网站除了美化的我都建议安装 贴吧链接: 我还是希望各位能看看有什么需要的有什么不需要的所以我个人并不建议全部一键订阅,因为有的mod确实很失衡 流浪者拓展本体需要手动订阅一下,steam合集好像并不能把它加进去 More Combat Stance MIA+动作包需要把基础他的基础动作放到游戏根目录然后再订阅这个mod{因为两个steam ui相同} 全
UWE/Kaizo/Lore-Friendly Merged
Collection by MagicHp
Summary 600+ mods | Load Order Included | Latest update : June 14 2024 | Changelog This is a merge of two of the best mod collections for Kenshi: The UWE/Kaizo modpack by Anrhaa The Lore Friendly Role-Playing Experience v1.9.4 by Dr Igor Dolvich Even most
Collection by 幼稚园杀手
无冲突排序简单,CN汉化模组全放最底下就行 传送露营床可以取消,5倍经验根据自己需求,不影响排序
Collection by 易离
第二版优化 自用,排序调试中
Way of the Lost
Collection by Bee
Inspired by "Kenshi: Age of Blood & Sand" by Crovvv. I really wanted to bring some of the feeling from KAoBas into my own collection mixed with the popular combination of Kenshi Kaizo & Universal Wasteland expansion sprinkled with some Frankenstein mad sci
【KenShi】强迫症患者的合集 2023
Collection by 陈冠蜥
1、合集内容有一定的分类排序,方便挑选你喜欢的模组。 2、合集内的模组都有汉化补丁,个别的模组不需要汉化。
Collection by Khaotix
>> Semi Lore-friendly Modpack for Kenshi 1.0.55 << >>WIP All-in-one patch for all Animations, Skeleton FrameCovers, Skeleton Modules, NCE and consistency patching<< Main Mods No Cut Efficien
Collection by 君士坦丁·德拉加塞斯·帕里奥洛格斯
Collection by YuujinnG
现在在用的mod合集,花了大量时间整理排序排查测试,尽量做到不冲突,为了兼容性不得不删除了一些很喜欢的(多为派系,如黑暗蜂巢)mod。不是百分百完美,可能会有地点覆盖,汉化不完整,mod角色的装备外观兼容以及锻造种类、品质和建造上,派系装备上可能会有的冲突小问题,不影响正常游戏。 可搭配传奇mod使用,需要取消订阅Age of Ashtron (Ashland expansion) 和原版加强mod。 报错信息两种原因:1.排序问题 。 2.mod或者游戏版本更新后导致的bug。(概率较小) 导入也可以解决
Best Kenshi Mods
Collection by apo
My favorite Kenshi mods Before using be sure to read the description of each as some are overhaul mods and require an import and you wouldn't want to add to a current save. Also check the very bottom for my favorite linked collection mods.
Kenshi As It Has To Be.
Collection by wop
Mods that make your kenshi a complete game. Just lore and esthetic friendly mods, quality of life, problem solvers, and performance enhancers. This collection will be upated. My load order by the time: shops have more items +.mod shoppingecon.mod Stackable
mod汉化/优化游戏速度/改善游戏体验/美化 萌新一键订阅玩就行
Collection by ShowMaker
选择mod的时候 列表的 5x和2x经验自己选择 列表的mod综合了下贴吧和B站的推荐,没有BUG,改善游戏体验 降低了一些繁琐的操作(难度) 唯一注意的就是两个nicemap记得放最底下,然后这游戏CN汉化的东西放在需要汉化的mod的下面 难度适中
Collection by 易离
Collection by 易离
Zen's Collection
Collection by Zen
2024年kenshi 模组合集
Collection by 我真他妈服了
HARDCORE: Bleed to death (UWE, Kaizo)
Collection by Desu!
Somewhat hardcore collection if you find Kenshi to be too easy. Features: - better shop locks - better cage/shackles locks - more resources around the world (with less resource quality) - reduced sell prices - bleeding rebalance and harder battles (you can
Collection by JOKE
Kenshi Mods
Collection by I3uddzo
Kenshi Mods
My OP and Interesting mods
Collection by Immortal-Dan
My Gameplay Mods, I'm saving this so i can use other modpacks from the collections >:) Load Order
Living World/UWE 한글
Collection by skyrip
내가 쓰려고 만듦 배열 딱히 엄청나지않으니 걍 쓰면 될듯
Non-discript modpack
Collection by Goosert
I would describe this but why? really why should I? if anyone reads it, what will they think of my description? will it make sense? will it be worth reading? would YOU read it? I won't, and I would be the one writing it. It might too long, or it could be t
the best kenshi collection you've ever seen (REAL)
Collection by rhet_capiletti
i wanna be
Collection by Onii01
Collection by 76561198008297333
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