

Starbound Workshop
Is something missing from your Starbound Universe? Maybe you'll find it here amongst the wonderful user created mods, or maybe you'll make it yourself!
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Collection by ATTA
//////警告////// USE和妹抖mod已经下架,请转为线下度盘下载学习版放入本地mods文件夹 否则可能会闪退 -----联合系统星球简约是增加了一些联合系统星球,但不增加那些无意义的荒芜行星,原mod似乎也下架了 ----我把全像素发光那个mod也放进去了,因为它只有在本地才会起效 ---Zpix是合鸟组组长鸽鸽做的字体,最大限度贴近原版像素风格 --Weapon Assembly是洛圣都改枪王的FU支持版 地址前置要自己加,不过也都知道怎么办了叭 s/1Qqh4zGyzBqtMHTl9Zq2g
[Starbound] A Grand Galactic Adventure
Collection by Oмεяυıп
This collection contains mods I use when playing by myself! Since this is a personal collection, expect just about anything; ranging from angel stuff to QOL fixes to overpowered things. I play games to have fun!
Frackin' Universe Ultra [500+ MODS]
Collection by COVID-19
This is my secondary modpack which will be for a future FU playthrough. W.I.P
Dark Star Blues
Collection by JimmyTheEye
See you space cowboy.
Boat STB Setting
Collection by Yerik_Boat
这个MOD合集为本人目前所有订阅MOD。 This mod collection is all my current subscribed mods. 没有FU和及相关联MOD,合集内的所有MOD都能够正常运行没有冲突。 Non-Fu and its related mods, all mods in this collection can operate normally without conflicts. 如果订阅合集内MOD后出现问题,可以私信我,我会尝试看看如何解决。 If there is a
Starbound-Unstable (Non-FU) (700+ Mods)
Collection by COVID-19
An all inclusive modpack for my starbound server. Has everything you could ever need and then some. Mostly just a collection of everything I have found interesting over the years. Mods are subject to the occasional change. Basically Frackin' Universe witho
Emergency Organization of Private Military Companies (EMoPMC))
Collection by Estrangéd
Unnecessary Massive Mod Collection for Starbound, Just Why
Collection by Claymore Roomba
Just a massive collection of stuff to customize everything you can possibly want. Also, large variety of races, to make the galaxy look diverse and full of different life. Some thing are added for aestetics, like Starwars credits or decorations, and some a
Collection by Random Dev
Сборка модов Frackin' Universe
Collection by -Nightster-
Collection by Residue
启程任务与星际刑警mod有bug,需要使用管理员代码 管理员启动/关闭:/admin 完成启程任务:/completequest gaterepair 传送到警局:/warp InstanceWorld:lawpoliceheadquarters YEETmod:可以复制黏贴建筑 泰拉瑞亚boss:肉山召唤:/spawnmonster wallofflesh 4 克苏鲁之眼,世界吞噬者,机械三王与月球领主克眼制作召唤物,世纪之花需要在星球内找到花苞打破 开局可能会没有火把等制作,新加了 Default Re
Give mods a chance
Collection by RonninNiko
Pretty decent modpack AND make sure you have backup save. Its Pretty bugy TO PLAY MULTIPLAYER turn off Elektrolite FPS AND addons mods mods mODS MORE MORE MODS MOOOOOOOORE
Starbound: Spacefarer Edition
Collection by IndigoTail
Tarkov and No Man Sky but 2D
Starbound, but
Collection by Silverlin
Super Lesbian Alien Adventure
Collection by gaymeatcore
Every alien you meet when using this modpack is a lesbian, I'm not sorry, I make the rules. LGBT+ experienced guaranteed, safety is not, there are lots of hot alien butches out there but they might want to kill you 8-) Personal mod collection mainly focuse
Eisakou Starbound 2024
Collection by Eisakou
Mega Starbound Pack
Mr blue L E D
Collection by OziraY
sillybound: Freakin' Unbelievable
Collection by Fiddlebert
i cannot stress this enough you're gonna need new player and universe files - - - a collection of way too goddang many mods universe is a-- has been fuck 'd an eternal plague of corn. starbound bugs becoming bugs in starbound. Among Us. multiple new planet
Collection by Aria Vivo
Guyguy et mich
Collection by Ulrik
Franchement c'est cool go teste fréro
Orphans Shaking and Crying, Birb edition
Collection by Mir✮⋆˙
A finely crafted starbound experience
Starbound mod madness!
Collection by Oliver! (FPE)
ton of mods for madness and fun!
Erunas' Modpack [2023]
Collection by Floofqueen Erunas
With a distinct lack of Frackin Universe
My Starbound Stuff
Collection by MizukoPlays
Stuff I Like
Collection by CELIAlive
2024/6/18: -本合集基本内容现已于另一带GIC内容的合集完全一致,除移除了所有GIC相关的内容。请在订阅合集的同时在本地文件内安装覆盖对应的mod包。 2023/12/7更新: -该合集现已完全收纳【与朋友的联机】中的绝大部分mod,且与现有链接中【硬核赛季更新】内容保持基本一致,但去除了GIC相关的模组,以便一周目玩家具有更好的初体验。 -该mod合集将只作为链接中【与朋友的联机】 合集每次更新时所增添的mod清单应用。 (并且方便增添者对这些mod有数) 2023/4/13更新: -增加了大量
me mods
Collection by Captain Luna
Starbound 1.4.4 Mods List
Collection by Aeywoo
This is my fun mods list for Starbound 1.4.4. Branding Image from DeviantArt User TwonkeyKong: Background Image from DeviantArt User Mierzwox:
Collection by мeжpeбepный пapaзит
Collection by Floatstoast
Metal Star Solid: Rebound
Collection by ♠R4idriar♠
How many of these do I have at this point?-
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