Total War: SHOGUN 2

Total War: SHOGUN 2

Um milhar de batalhas, um milhar de vitórias, mas serão as tuas?
Cria, descobre e transfere cenários de batalha históricos, mapas multijogador e os mods mais populares. Ou experimenta o editor TEd do Total War para criares e enviares os teus. Clica aqui para saberes mais.
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Used Mod Lists
Coleção por fuwuviヅ
Author's Note - If you like other mods such as Darthmod, Jaki's Unique Factions, or any other overhaul mods. If it is compatible, I would recommend using those mods instead of my AIO mod. In that case, I may consider publishing a version of my AIO mod with
Shogun 2: Eternal Campaign Mode
Coleção por Pyro
👹 Shogun 2: Eternal Campaign Mode is a collection of mod that I made to make Shogun 2 gameplay harder and longer than vanilla version!! 👹 For some reason, Steam didn't allow me to upload branding image for this mod collection. But you can just ignore that
Immersive Mods
Coleção por fuwuviヅ
Additional Information - This collection serves as a complementary addition to each other. - For more additional information, please refer to the main mod page by following the link provided below. Expanded Japan (More Clans Playable) FAQ - If you are expe
Coleção por Phil your divorce attorney
私の名前はウォルター・ハートウェル・ホワイトです。 私は 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104 に住んでいます。これは私の告白です。 あなたがこのテープを見ているなら、私はおそらく死んでいるでしょう – 私の義理の兄弟、ハンク・シュレーダーに殺されました。 ハンクは1年以上にわたって覚せい剤帝国を築き上げ、私を化学者として利用しています。 私が50歳の誕生日を迎えて間もなく、彼は私の化学の知識を使ってメタンフェタミンを調理し、DEAでのキ
Standard campaign with Darthmod (with compatible mods)
Coleção por Oddity97
This mod list is designed for the standard campaign with the recommended settings: Difficulty Hard, campaign domination. (As a suggestion start off aggressive as you need multiple settlements to gain the finances to defend/attack also trust no one) Mod loa
Shogun 2 Total War - Mods Full
Coleção por Turin's Love-Child
Pilps - The Tokugawa Experience
Coleção por Captain TotalViking
The mod list used in The Tokugawa Experience by Pilps's. Worth noting, that at time of writing (2024/05/02) the following mods seems to prevent the game from launching: 12 turns per year - for shogun 2 and rots Weierstrass units for vanilla & The Portugues
Private Collection
Coleção por Ye_Hu
Shogun 2 (ROTS & FOTS): Best mods pack
Coleção por The Great Sallinger Kaiser
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