Portal 2
Community maps. For science.
Welcome to Aperture Laboratories, home of the Perpetual Testing Initiative. Easily create, share and play test chambers authored by and for the Portal 2 community. Do your part! Contribute to Science!
表示中: コレクション
右記アイテムを含む: "Test Chamber D028"
2件中 1-2 を表示
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D S.E.R.I.E.S.
コレクション作成者 Drakulo
The "D S.E.R.I.E.S." is a collection of beginner to medium difficulty test chambers. "S.E.R.I.E.S" is the acronymm of : Short, Extendable and Rapturous Introduction to Experimental Self-improvement. If you want to relax in simple and fun maps, you're in th
Medium difficulty maps with great design
コレクション作成者 cyron43
This collection fills the gap between my "easy, entertaining and relaxing" collection and my "Design award" collection.
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