Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Gone 'Round the Bend
Collection by ◦♥◦KITE◦♥◦
The Sniper has gone round the bend and he has brought back some powerful new toys! He has peered through the looking glass and pushed out the thoughts of his foes. He has gone snicker snack with the Vorpal Blade cutting through the toughest of foes! Then h
Batman Arkham
Collection by Linc
This is a collection gathering all items that are inspired by ore resemble Batman Arkham villains
Top of the Hats
Collection by Bufflehead
A lot of top hats have been added to the workshop recently, so I made a collection. here you go. If I've missed any, let me know. If you are looking for generic all class top hats, Please vote up on these: Gentlemann's Generic:
Top Hats and Bowler Hats collection
Collection by MrGREEN
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