Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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包含物品:“Chrome Dome”
正在显示第 1 - 8 项,共 8 项条目
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The Sophisticated Scientist Pack
合集创建者 Ion{M}
The Sophisticated Scientist is a collection of the finest Hat, monocle and assorted weapons combo any engineer with an over active desire for war wants to have on his head/shoot with his hands/use as a bottle opener. The pack consists of 5 items: (Hat)Chro
Broosevelt's Bully Favorites Collection
合集创建者 Theodore Broosevelt!
While a lot of these items are fairly current, many of these are excellent hats, miscs, and weapons just sitting in the back pages of the workshop collecting dust because Valve passed on them. This is a list of items, mainly from my favorites, that were mo
Top of the Hats
合集创建者 Bufflehead
A lot of top hats have been added to the workshop recently, so I made a collection. here you go. If I've missed any, let me know. If you are looking for generic all class top hats, Please vote up on these: Gentlemann's Generic:
Top Hats and Bowler Hats collection
合集创建者 don't worry i'm an engineer
Favourite Engineer Items
合集创建者 256Mini
"Now these here are some fine pieces of work!"
cool stuff
合集创建者 Professor_Samuel
cool stuff thats on the workshop
合集创建者 Pierpaolo Sborraspruzzo 2.0
In pratica se il cappuccio è monco il diario non fa la tastiera a due ruote.
合集创建者 Michelle Obama's Arms
engineer hats, weapons, and misc items
每页显示数: 9 18 30