

RimWorld Workshop
Mods and scenarios for RimWorld. Mods can also be found at the Ludeon forums at ludeon.com/forums
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Samling af: awwwwsl
1.4版本更新预告已出,如果想继续玩合集的话,可以查看这个来保留在1.3版本https://tieba.baidu.com/p/8065924169?share=9105&fr=sharewise&see_lz=0&share_from=post&sfc=copy&client_type=2&client_version= 无法添加合集的MOD: htt
Slightly Simpler Medieval Fantasy 1.4
Samling af: JoeOwnage
Different version of Medieval Fantasy 1.4 mod pack with a bit less bloat. Might be my favorite mod pack ever. If you like this, you can buy me a coffee: ko-fi.com/joeownage Installation Guide 1) Intro: - I would highly recommend unsubscribing from all curr
Samling af: swarm维护子个体
新版本通过链接下载 合集介绍: 额,mod有点多,总之就是原版拓展,卫生温控,核能,石油,无线电,飞船,机甲,龙,航天(不是sos2),据点拓展,远行大冒险等等一些比较有名的大型mod,一些种族mod,rjw,一些让小人更真实有趣的mod,还有一大堆优化美化汉化,无ce,使用rimpy排序。 注意!!! 本合集是我一年前的合集不断增减而来的,可能有过时的,多余的,被覆盖的mod,且并未经过完整测试,目前我的档也就过了1年(电都没解锁,呜呜呜)而且有几个mod是刚刚加的,所以你玩的时候可能会遇到我没发现的问题
Samling af: 云无意
自用中世纪mod合集 此合集为收藏夹而非整合包 收集1.3可用的中世纪mod 不提供排序,也不推荐全部订阅 请根据自己需要选择 前置mod请自行订阅 不断完善中,求赞到四星
Samling af: Da熊
目前只有ce会报10条左右的红 其余有黄无红 完美运行不卡顿 多种优化mod保驾护航 内含多达100+枪械【各种时代 满足你的各种时代要求】10+近战武器【100多种近战武器 满足你的近战梦!】和 近战动画Melee Animation近战动画等等.. 飞行器框架对你的殖民地保驾护航 【载具框架 目前对内存负荷太大 暂时不考虑!】 还有多种族【鼠鼠,猫猫。莫约,珉巧.....支持ce的种族】 更有奇幻动物【奇幻生物龙,阿尔法动物,奇幻动物.....】 美化类mod更是多达100+ 让你的殖民地成为环世界最好
Mega Mod List >750 Mods 1.3
Samling af: Actiaeon
The huge mod list I am using in my current game, I try to maintain the general feel of Rimworld while adding things like aliens and new objects. It is auto-sort friendly, just activate harmony and mod manager first. You will need to move What The Hack: Gua
Samling af: Da熊
前言:这个整合包在正义和负正义之间,游玩体验不是平推式的,我更注重让各位玩家有贴荡起伏的游玩体验(当然不是负正义体验啦),这次我剔除掉了很多没用的mod 留下了更有意义的mod 这次的mod 高达655个mod(还有4个mod是鱼和DLC) ,游玩此mod你必须要有一台16G内存~32G内存的电脑,我已经尽力的把游戏优化到了极限,希望各位玩家可以玩的愉快和开心,如果遇到bug 可以在贴吧和我进行互动! 目前只有ce会报6条左右的红 其余有黄无红 完美运行不卡顿 多种优化mod保驾护航 内含多达100+枪械【
Samling af: 未若秋兮
主要为自用,为自己的中世纪模组创建一个合集方便日后更换使用 各位如果喜欢的话也可以自由选择下载
以毒攻毒[1.4](有1.3)[数量350+]可以正常启动 合集将不再更新
Samling af: awwwwsl
新的包发布了,无红包暂时没有名 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2900413167 以毒攻毒是不稳定时发的现版本稳定了,合集将不再更新 玩了1年还没有问题 有1.3有1.4叫以毒攻毒整合包477804938玩家交流群------建议群内使用离线DLC防止更新导致报错 合集无法添加的新模组 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails?id=2668143192。 https
RimWorld Fantasy/Medieval
Samling af: Bread™
One stop shop for a, light fantasy, medieval themed playthrough with plenty of QOL improvements.
Samling af: B站 元气老可乐
元气老可乐的【环世界中世纪合集】 环世界·中世纪 - 老家村的故事: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV14u4y117R8 Up主B站主页: 点击直达 求关注! 我不是mod大佬,不懂那么多,都是自己摸索,所以有问题大家可以自行搜索,我真不了解…… 打完记得用Rimpy调顺序,教程可以自己找,我也是按教程来。 打完记得用Rimpy调顺序,教程可以自己找,我也是按教程来。 打完记得用Rimpy调顺序,教程可以自己找,我也是按教程来。 【数量太多,极度不稳定,极度容易崩!!!】
595 Mods, Rimworld 1.4.3704 rev896, CE, CAI, EPOE, VFX, Events, QoL, Giddy-up 2, Clean Pathfinding 2 etc.
Samling af: Daud
USE RIMPY TO SORT THIS MOD LIST AND MAKE A LOCAL BACKUP ELSE MOD/RIMWORLD UPDATES COULD BREAK THE MODLIST!!! move melee mod to second last or you get a crash. Links are broken I think so comment for support or suggestions. :) I play CE with ammo mechanic t
Samling af: Kover
Коллекция для тех, у кого Хардкор СК плавить процессор, а загрузки по 20 минут вас напрягают. Сборка имеет буквально пару нагружающих модов, остальные не напрягают вашу пекушку, при этом пытается разнообразить максимально геймплей. Широкая вариативность дл
JoeOwnage Medieval Fantasy 1.4
Samling af: JoeOwnage
1.4 version of my medieval fantasy modlist. The mods I use for my medieval fantasy runs that are based on a DnD 5e Campaign. For a detailed install guide see my 1.3 Medieval Fantasy Collection https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=28494286
Bejk RimWorld 11-2023
Samling af: ArcadeBulls
Moje kolekce modů aktuálních k 13.11.2023, verze RimWorld 1.4. Není to úplně Vanilla Friendly, ale zároveň tam nejsou hovadiny a víceméně jen to expanduje do všech směrů v rámci Progressu - Animal/Neolithic skrz Tribals a Primitive Workbenches, Medieval je
Rimworld Enhanced - Main Collection
Samling af: kilaXphantom
Official mod collection of RimWorld Enhanced. A server using the OpenWorld mod for Rimworld. Required mods are: Core (Vanilla Rimworld) Hugslib Harmony Mod Manager All mods here are compatible with each other however, you are NOT required to use them all.
Samling af: awwwwsl
1.4版本更新预告已出,如果想继续玩合集的话,可以查看这个来保留在1.3版本https://tieba.baidu.com/p/8065924169?share=9105&fr=sharewise&see_lz=0&share_from=post&sfc=copy&client_type=2&client_version= 1.4续集包萌新包 https
Samling af: awwwwsl
无法添加进合集的mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails?id=2881755109 玩家交流群477804938有百度云下载还有QQ下载内容:存档排序,MOD包(防止更新导致报错) 已知小问题无法狩猎需要重新进存档就好 百度云 https删://pan.baidu.com/s/1ppB__iMc除4Be1CJs7-qd70A 密码7o8p
Neufusion's Ultimate Vanilla-ish Mod Collection
Samling af: Neufusion
A set of mods I've collected and vetted for the Ultimate Vanilla-ish experience without overdoing it with too many added items and functionality. Includes many graphics enhancements and textures. Lots of new Animals, Plants, Items, Weapons, Armor, Tools. N
Samling af: MarbleLegard
Harmony Core DLC ... ... ... ... ... Facial Animation - WIP Facial Animation - Experimentals Compatible Body 2 Realistic Body Custom Coordinate Offset Apparel Paper Pattern ... ... ... ... Complex Jobs Complex Jobs rus Rocket Опционально: - Fluffy Breakdow
The Empire Collection
Samling af: Cowboy Coder
A curated list of mods for Rimworld 1.4. Requires both Royalty and Ideology. 333+ mods and counting, greatly overhauling the game but not breaking the balance.
Complete Medieval Fantasy Overhaul
Samling af: BillClinton
If you've ever wanted a complete medieval overhaul for Rimworld this is the closest you'll get. After testing and adding mods together I believe to have created the ultimate mod collection for someone seeking a medieval experience. From furniture to magic
Samling af: 951629295
Biotech 1.4
Samling af: JoeOwnage
Trying to make a list of just qol mods I want for first biotech run keep RimPy database disabled. Sub to it but don't keep it in your active mod list For more detailed install instructions check out my medieval fantasy 1.3 description If you like this, you
Fit's 1.3
Samling af: Fit
REQUIRES IDEOLOGY AND ROYALTY. A Vanilla++ kitchen sink modpack to maximize variety while generaly sticking to the art style of Rimworld. Self moderation may be required if you want a balanced experience. Only a slight dose of weeb, nothing overkill. Play
Fantasy Rimworld
Samling af: spitfireM21
D&D Themed Modpack. Requires most DLC. Stable, as far as I can tell. Error warnings can be ignored. Should work fine using "Subscribe All", then by sorting using the button in the in-game mod manager. Finally, before beginning, In Options > Mods > Simple S
1.4 Hottt3 RimCollection 600+ mods
Samling af: hottt3
I need them all! All mods are working together without errors; RimPy mod manager program is used https://github.com/rimpy-custom/RimPy/releases . The collection is being in the state of permanent testing and upgrading:)) How to reduce load time: https://st
Scotty's 1.4 Rimworld Collection
Samling af: Scotty Fox
This is my personal collection of mods for Rimworld version 1.4 All of the current DLC is required; Royalty, Ideology and Biotech It is highly recommended to use RimPy to set up the load order for the mods; the autosort function should work alright. This i
Samling af: Year-sky
240224_Hanami ve核 类原版玩法Mod合集
Samling af: hanami
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