

RimWorld Workshop
Mods and scenarios for RimWorld. Mods can also be found at the Ludeon forums at ludeon.com/forums
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Containing item: "[1.3] Vanilla Animals Expanded — Cats and Dogs"
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边缘汉化组 中文Mod专辑 原版扩展
Collection by leafzxg
原版扩展系列的中文专辑 包括所有原版扩展系列Mod及其汉化,汉化包会在在列表中紧临原Mod下方,请一并订阅 您的点赞和收藏是我们更新的动力! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/773973636542880938/177552C120085204130566E3C02C4E749C53B49C/ 边缘汉化组是非盈利组织,暂不接受金钱捐赠,但您可以—— 点击Mod描述下方的“奖励”按钮给我们一些点数奖励以表支持,谢谢! https://steamuserim
Immersion+ (1.2)
Collection by NECEROS
I'm no longer updating this collection RimWorld, but as a simulation, not a harsh survival story. I love vanilla gameplay and add to that with these mods, striving to keep the core gameplay in place. Self sustainability is important, but requires a lot of
Collection by 阿姆西
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV17U4y1H7KU 大家的呼声很高,就给大家整个合集。(更新中)
边缘汉化组 中文Mod分类 动植生食
Collection by leafzxg
本合集已收录工坊内所有支持简&繁中文的「动植生食」类Mod及汉化 每周更新,力求无遗漏 包括: 已内置汉化的Mod; 未内置汉化但是有汉化包的Mod(汉化包会在在列表中紧临原Mod下方,请一并订阅); 已内置汉化但是汉化版本落后,需要汉化包的Mod(汉化包会在在列表中紧临原Mod下方,请一并订阅); 中文原创Mod; 不需要汉化即可使用的Mod; 「动植生食」收录满足以下一条或多条的Mod: 新动物; 新植物; 新生态; 新食物; 原版动物修改; 原版植物修改; 原版生态修改; 原版食物修改; 动植物相关生
Collection by hhhhhhh
390+个mod全兼容(持续更新),本体加dlc,包括汉化包mod。 贴吧地址:http s : // tieba . baidu . com / p / 6524042102 mod配置&排序文件(持续更新):链接(神秘代码):s/1QwgI0hEXdM_c93zjRmkfRg 提取码:30id mod配置&排序文件使用教程:等待steam创意工坊更新完成→打开游戏→游戏主界面→选项→打开存档文件夹(20200414版本前)→找到Config文件夹→先关闭游戏→将此排序文件放入→启动游戏/(2020041
Collection by Diamond.J
QQ群: 1群:786428265 (被人举报了还有一些众所周知的原因建议别加) 2群:773179016 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 使用步骤 (如果看不懂或者有问题请再结合后面的说明使用) 1:点击订阅所有mod(如果你觉得mod太多,或者有不喜欢的mod,可以选择取消订阅相应mod,不会影响游戏,只要不取消订阅前置mod就好,如harmony)
AA's Modlist
Collection by AA
Collection by Diamond.J
注意,这个合集是1.2版本,1.3版本的合集请看链接:https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2566439344 关于:不想白嫖的好兄弟怎么支持我 Mod交流群已经建立,群号:786428265 欢迎各位小伙伴们加入 如果有好兄弟不想白嫖的话可以到我的个人界面为我的工坊内容进行点赞,分享等,万分感谢!因为我做这个又不是为了盈利,所以就不要给我发红包或者赞助啥的了!我是真心喜欢这个游戏才做的合集! 合集里面魅狐没有脸的问题已经解决了,然后我多加
Collection by NECEROS
A collection of mods which limits the game to Medieval technology! Factions and raiders will be limited to medieval and tribal tech, and you won't find any mechanoids or drop pods here (because they haven't been invented.... yet.) No guns, no cannons, no s
Rimworld 1.3
Collection by 新笨笨猪
此次选排是在汉化组的合集基础上挑选,以Fluffy系列作为管理框架,以Vanilla Expanded系列作为本体扩展玩法基础,以Combat Extended作为战斗核心机制(过滤所有不兼容CE的),其余添加了一些对以上兼容性好,计算次数少,功能相对真实性不会太过正义的MOD,极大丰富游戏玩法。感谢边缘汉化组!此次MOD选取较多,兼容性还需要进一步测试,在未来的一段时间里我会不断更新此表。 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-SBfYABEGDw4IlcScs
Rimworld: Lootbox (1.2 - Not Supported)
Collection by Mr Samuel Streamer
This is a 1.2 mod pack and is no longer supported. Load orders and save games have been removed to avoid confusion and complaints from people loading into the wrong game version. I would only recommend using this pack if you're experienced and capable of c
Age of the Rim 1.3
Collection by Alexandru72733
The concept of the modpack "In a distant world where civilizations rise and fall, empires fight for land, people are born and die, progress is what kept you alive. You wake up as a tribesman in a distant unknown world, full of mysteries and strange creatur
trmplays's Doomguy VS Insectoid Modpack
Collection by trmplays
600+ Firefly/Fallout/CB themed, auto-sort friendly [1.3]
Collection by Hahkethomemah
This list is the result of a careful look at all 8 000 mods available for 1.3. GOAL The goal was to preserve the original idea of a sci-fi survival sim game and add the high eśt possible variety of items, events, biomes, animals, backstories, factions and
Ambiguous Amphibian SOLO Android Progenitor [Unofficial]
Collection by sofus
To use modpack easily: 1. Subscribe to the collection and wait for the download to finish 2. Download SoloAndroidProgenitor.xml at https://pastebin.com/bz4MDp0i 3. Place the file in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld by Ludeon Stu
MacK's RimUniverse 1.1
Collection by macklord222
MacK's RimUniverse 1.1 IMPORTANT : Must have the Royalty DLC. Because of "EPOE-Forked: Royalty DLC Expansion" are required by the Royalty DLC. OPTIONAL : to make this collection without the DLC is by removing "EPOE-Forked: Royalty DLC Expansion" CORRECT TO
Mods de BobLennon "This is MINE !"
Collection by Mister_Wolfgang
Fichier à placer dans - Sous Windows : C:\Users\<yourname>\AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld by Ludeon Studios\Config/ - Sous Linux : /home/<yourname>/.config/unity3d/Ludeon Studios/RimWorld/prefs/ - Sous Mac : ./Users/<yourname>/Library/Application
DyneDenethor's 1.1 Working Mod List
Collection by Dyne Denethor
All of the mods I've collected for Rimworld 1.1, red error free, and in the mod load order that I used to get no red errors. I load a new colony after finding an error free place with each mod, to make sure that there are no generation errors. PLEASE READ
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