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Ultimate Customization Mods [WOTC]
Коллекция от TAKEDA 🔴 SHINGEN
https://i.imgur.com/DssnCnw.gif https://i.imgur.com/jyXUZdj.png ᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴀᴛᴇ ɢᴀᴍᴇᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴏᴅs​ ᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴀᴛᴇ ᴜɪ ᴍᴏᴅs ᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴀᴛᴇ ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇᴘᴀᴄᴋ ᴍᴏᴅs ᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴀᴛᴇ ᴄᴜsᴛᴏᴍɪᴢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴍᴏᴅs ᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴀᴛᴇ ᴡᴇᴀᴘᴏɴ ᴍᴏᴅs ᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴀᴛᴇ ᴍᴀᴘ ᴍᴏᴅs https://i.imgur.com/UsxvKOW.png COMPATIBILITY The entirety o
XCOM: Long War 2 Compatible Mods
Коллекция от BE02-Raziel
[2024] Covert Infiltration Balanced Modpack - New Classes, Enemies, Reasonable Cosmetics without overtuning difficulty.
Коллекция от ayokay-iwnl-
I got tired of other collections that made the game too hard, or added cosmetics that didn't fit the setting at all, or both. I decided to finally make my own collection (using theirs as guidelines, so shout out to them for that) with cosmetics and new con
Коллекция от ☠Мрачный Типϟ
ENG A collection of mods compatible with the new version LWOTC modification. The collection is in the process of testing . The latest version of the LWOTC modification is already available on steam, as well as at the link https://www.reddit.com/r/LWotC/ RU
Cosmetic Mods
Коллекция от Emeyin
A collection of all the cosmetic mods that I use.
Коллекция от TheStrategist
Collection for XCOM 2 mods compatible with War of the Chosen, with no outside theme, and strictly related to XCOM only. Mods here are considered mandatory, and maybe compatible with everything else.
XCOM 2 Long War 2 Mods
Коллекция от Aldarar
Kolekcja modów, których używam w serii Long War 2
Star Wars Mod Collection (WOTC)
Коллекция от ONS0L
May the force be with you! This collection requires War of the Chosen DLC I recommend to use Alternative Mode Launcher(AML) to launch game safely and without getting a trouble *You can download from this link: https://github.com/X2CommunityCore/xcom2-launc
Star Wars (WOTC)
Коллекция от TheStrategist
Collection for Star Wars-related mods, WOTC-compatibility only.
WOTC compability mods
Коллекция от ☠Мрачный Типϟ
Моды совместимые с включенным расширением War of the Chosen для XCOM 2
Mina's ridiculous xcom list
Коллекция от Mina Synd
i like mods
Fallout (WOTC)
Коллекция от TheStrategist
Collection for Fallout-related mods, WOTC-compatibility only.
Call of Duty, Battlefield, and More (WOTC)
Коллекция от TheStrategist
Collection for Call of Duty, Battlefield, and other fps-related mods, WOTC-compatibility only.
Коллекция от Max
LW2 compability mods
Коллекция от ☠Мрачный Типϟ
Лучшие и необходимые моды
Halo (WOTC)
Коллекция от TheStrategist
Collection for Halo-related mods, WOTC-compatibility only.
Lordhaw's WoTC Mod List
Коллекция от lordhaw
Just the mod list I use for Xcom2 War of the Chosen. I like to make custom soldiers so there's some fluff in here but there's some good game changing mods in this collection too. It's basically an RPGO (RPG Overhaul) heavy collection, with plenty of QOL an
Star Wars Collection (Legacy)
Коллекция от ONS0L
May the force be with you! This collection only include base game supported mods. WOTC (War of the Chosen) is not required. I recommend to use/download Alternative Mod Launcher(AML) for launch the game safely and without getting any trouble. *Download link
Metal Gear (WOTC)
Коллекция от TheStrategist
Collection for Metal Gear-related mods, WOTC-compatibility only.
Mods Used During Barn Cat Gamer Covert Infiltration Beta 1 Series
Коллекция от Slivicon
Mods used during the Barn Cat Gamer Covert Infiltration Beta 1 video series. This collection includes optional mods beyond those needed by the Covert Infiltration mod. Use at your own risk, these mods may or may not work with other mods you have loaded. Hi
Works in octobre 2024 - 32G RAM probably needed
Коллекция от Hyutle!
This Collection is Working in summer 2024 , You'll need the AML (alternate mod launcher) tho so dl the last version of it and enjoy the game. Might take time to load especially at launch and in character customization there is also a problem when you want
Коллекция от Mr. Comm
Compañeros, aquí os dejo la lista de Mods que estoy usando en la campaña de Mod Jam + Requiem del año 2024. Bravo por todos los creadores de estos Mods, que trabajo más impresionante. Que sepáis que algunos de los Mods están todavía sin publicar y en fase
Kyrox's Vanilla Non-WotC Mod List 2022
Коллекция от Kyrox
Hello Commander. Welcome to my Vanilla Xcom 2 Non-WOTC mod pack for Xcom 2. There is a few tweaks that need to be done for this to work properly so let's get started. I'll lay this out in easy to follow steps so we don't waste your time. Step 1. Download A
Resident Evil (WOTC)
Коллекция от TheStrategist
Collection for Resident Evil-related mods, WOTC-compatibility only.
Tom Clancy (WOTC)
Коллекция от TheStrategist
Collection for Tom Clancy-related mods, WOTC-compatibility only.
MarMar's Campaign
Коллекция от MarMarBunBun YT
LW2 Collection 230+ Mods
Коллекция от E1010
The mods I play. Some mods are redundants as they have similar function integrated in LW2 so I recommend to check out the Pavonis list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e7YrjDSl95Hmt1ZPSlsBStvQk95uLX_KcmWS4OoDBak/edit#gid=0 I´ll make a LITE version
Коллекция от Emeyin
Customization - Tattoos & Flags
Коллекция от thunderbeast
Game kNight Season 4 - Let's Play - Commander
Коллекция от Game kNight Plays
This is my collection of mods for my 4th playthrough of XCOM 2 It will be a collection of cosmetic mods but also new class mods and whatever I feel like sounds really cool. You can follow the playthrough and send in your character here: https://youtu.be/gL
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