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'Spec Ops: The Line' Mod Collection [XCOM 2]
Samling av The Unslain Dragon
A collection of all Spec Ops: The Line mods for XCOM 2: WOTC. Do you feel like a Commander yet?
Unslain's WOTC Mods
Samling av The Unslain Dragon
Welcome to the Dragon's Den! I don't hoard gold, unfortunately - just awesome XCOM 2 mods. How about you check 'em out? (...oh yeah, and click here for a kickass fight scene.)
Samling av 盾猫
自己研究了几天整出来能流畅运行的MOD合集,大部分MOD都有大佬们的汉化包汉化了。 目前发现的问题: 2810833534 Girls' Frontline Resistance Faction: ARC 少女前线格里芬势力MOD,隐秘行动中联合行动生成的任务,如果派遣小队潜入会导致任务消失,并令小队卡死在消失的任务中维持潜伏状态。 解决办法:联合行动生成任务后会自动跳转到小队出动页面,直接退回大地图,这时会第二次跳出任务弹窗,这时候就能正常派出小队执行任务了。 顺带,此模组的汉化文件可以在XCOM2贴吧通
Tacced Up with Nowhere to Go
Samling av DutchVidya
XCOM 2 with as many plate carriers, modern firearms, tac gear and Call of Duty loadouts as one can feasibly fit into a single game. Complete with QoL mods. Designed entirely to turn your XCOM units into roided up, war criming military killers. Updated over
Current Modlist 2023
Samling av Sandorya
My current modlist setup: CI, YA, More Enemies and maps, WWZ, PC, lots of customization, hud changes, QoL changes, rebalances and bugfixes
Samling av JocaPower
Samling av LEMONs PRIDE
Samling av Perturabo
Third_ Game_XCOM 2
Samling av Kiffen is pushing to the limits
Azarikesh XCom 2
Samling av Azarikesh
List of mods I'm currently using. Based on Covert Infiltration instead of LWOTC (they not are compatible). Will require Alternate Mod Launcher (AML, google it) to function properly.
Samling av GUTSCUTS
Your one stop shop for all your cosmetic needs
Pesonal XCOM Collection
Samling av Gundam Gamigin
Personal collection to suit personal tastes.
Dlia Dryga
Samling av REP4ANTOM [N1LB]
Xcom 2 tactical gear
Samling av Zensike
mods for the local arsonist
Samling av Drak2005
mods for a friend.
They Expressed Concern 1st Generation
Samling av Christian The Hollow
This story takes place during a war of excavation, in search for oil and ore deposits fighting over land. Countries begin drafting children into their ranks, as Ghost/Dead Solders that aren’t legally drafted. The story focuses on a platoon of child soldier
Samling av REP4ANTOM [N1LB]
my XCOM Mods
Samling av Shorty
Samling av good
The Elephantasia WoTC Collection
Samling av Viceroy
A modded Vanilla+ campaign for WoTC
WOTC list
Samling av SteelWolf
Xcom Factions
Samling av Robertmind64
A collection of mods put together for a campaign involving factions.
XCOM 2 Mods
Samling av Verus
Samling av 我的运气在你之上
Modern Modpack
Samling av Aaron Gaming
Xcom 2
Samling av Crippling Depression
Xcom 2 mods
For angel
Samling av PastryFellow
Samling av alltirapendragon
last version even more classes (slow game charge)
Samling av Redenx
last version +50 classes lwotc lw2 slow pc 8gb ram
Samling av Redenx
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