Steam Greenlight
Innehåller artikel: "Blackspace"
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PXTW Greenlight Picks
Samling av stander
Игры, за которые стоит проголосовать
My choices
Samling av Uvaldon92
AymericTheNightmare's Greenlight Collection
Samling av AymericTheNightmare
Welcome to AymericTheNightmare's Collection. I choose only the best quality games on Steam Greenlight.
La collec' Greenlight de Factornews
Samling av skizomeuh
Histoire de vous aider à séparer le bon grain de l'ivraie, une sélection des projets soumis à Greenlight qui tiennent à coeur aux pandas.
Sci-Fi Space Games
Samling av Dan Rhodenizer
Any genre, these are the best and some of the most unique Sci-Fi Space Games on Steam Greenlight! A mixture of promising upcoming games, already released games or even a game that might still have a ways to go. We give any game a chance, if you think your
Generals Indie Collections of Urgency
Samling av General Chaøs™
These all games I have interest in and think will bring good things to steam.Released games will remain so to check new entries just look at the announcements history.Some people like to look through greenlight collections for games they might want to buy
Space Game Junkie's All-Inclusive Space Game Greenlight List
Samling av BrianRubin
My name is Brian Rubin, and I'm something of a space game expert, I'd like to think. My site, Space Game Junkie ( is dedicated to supporting old and new, indie and AAA computer space games, and the purpose of this list is to
lOrD gHoSt´s Sammelsurium
Samling av Amooks
heyooooo, mein sammelsurium von games die ich auf steam sehen möchte. mehr oder weniger ^^ einige natürlich mehr als andere. Ich hätte gerne ein spiel wie Nox. Aber anscheinend steh ich hier ziemlich alleine mit diesem wunsch rum... :( als erstes die games
Greenlight Spaaace! Bundle
Samling av Arkblade
this is the space game collection for greenlight. list not contain * typical shoot'em up * does not include any space flight / space science / space physics / space themes / like EVA if you want to add to list. please write a comment.
Oculus Rift enabled games
Samling av Zino
Collection of games that will support the Oculus Rift VR headset. I will do my best to keep this updated as new games appear, but feel free to help if I miss something.
Seal of Approval: For your Consideration
Samling av Raketenziesel
333+ Steam Greenlight™ listed games which look promising and original. The listing is subjective and in no particular order — although I try to keep exceptional stuff on top — and it comes with no claims of completeness. Feel free to like and fave the game
Kickstarter Picks
Samling av tyam
Games that were crowd-funded via Kickstarter. Note: As time goes on and more and more games start using both Kickstarter and Steam Greenlight, it will be increasingly difficult to maintain this list. Although I am heavily invested in the Kickstarter commun
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