Portal 2
Community maps. For science.
Welcome to Aperture Laboratories, home of the Perpetual Testing Initiative. Easily create, share and play test chambers authored by and for the Portal 2 community. Do your part! Contribute to Science!
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合集创建者 Tiferet
Lame maps made by me
Tr4nquil (Singleplayer)
合集创建者 Philip
The puzzles are themed to be more like galleries/demonstrations rather than tests that require precise timing and accurate jumps. They are mostly clean and almost minimalistic looking with thoughtful light placements. It's pretty much about being relaxed a
Saturday 7 Part 7: Lucky Seven
合集创建者 tman507se
Welcome once again to the Saturday Seven! In this special 7th installment, you will encounter hidden tunnels, rapidly dropping bridges, nearly symetrical chambers, and cubes in tubes. This installment of the Saturday 7 includes these levels: 1. Series of R
My Work
合集创建者 Bridges
Just the chambers & levels I have created. Enjoy.
Turret Standoff
合集创建者 Zero
The Turret Standoff series is about the battle between mankind and turrets and how YOU put a stop to it! It starts off simple, but then it gets.... Well, not simple.
BEEmod maps
合集创建者 cyron43
This collection contains maps which make use of the #BEEmod ( http://portal2backstock.com/bee ).
SodaBob's It's All Greek To Me
合集创建者 HONDO.SodaBob
A collection of simple yet hopefully fun Portal test chambers.
Umbrella Laboratories
合集创建者 Elon Musk
Il Progetto Umbrella Laboratories fà parte di una collezione di livelli che raggryppa tutte i test Umbrella!
Andy's Chambers
合集创建者 Andy
Collection of my chambers...
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