Age of Wonders III

Age of Wonders III

Racial Heritage Mod - Archon & Tiefling Extension
36 kommentarer
Daverin2112 14. jan. 2022 kl. 14.35 
So this'll sound like a dumb question... but does this -actually- require the base heritage mod? I ask because this'd be a nice way to add some love to these races when added to games where other plus-unit mods are present, and thus I'd like it to be special to them.
Invincibrah 17. des. 2021 kl. 17.27 
So why did the (Evil) Archons come back with shadow demons attached to their heads? There is no descriptions :O
Eomolch  [skaper] 25. okt. 2021 kl. 11.19 
Hi skaz88! To be perfectly honest, no. Making a Racial Heritage is a lot of work, so I am not planning to make a mod for it for races of other modders. Sorry!
skaz88 24. okt. 2021 kl. 19.34 
Have you considered making extensions for the Nomads and Shadow Elves?
Eomolch  [skaper] 27. juli 2021 kl. 11.25 
Hi Faye~! Thanks for all the nice words (also on the archon & tiefling race page). :) AoW3 is still a fun game to come back to. And at the very least I still want to get the tiefling hero professionis done before I retire from AoW3 modding ;-)
Faye~ 26. juli 2021 kl. 19.05 
i absolutely love that youre still working on mods for this awesome game, thank you so much
i dont actually have much to say i just want to give some moral support <3
Eomolch  [skaper] 24. juli 2021 kl. 14.44 
I just uploaded the new version of this mod with the tiefling heritage added ;-)
Eomolch  [skaper] 15. juli 2021 kl. 11.21 
Hi skaz88! Yes, I'll be adding a Tiefling extension to this mod too! It is actually about 75% done for some time now, but unfortunately my normal life is keeping me very busy at the moment with no time for modding. Hopefully I can finish it soon though.
skaz88 11. juli 2021 kl. 0.41 
Are you adding a Tiefling extension too? Have you considered adding compatability for the Shadow Elves and Nomads?
njgamer frontend web developer 18. juni 2018 kl. 16.50 
Cookiesnm1lk 15. mars 2018 kl. 18.47 
one more thing. i find shadow sickness on enemies to be a debuff to myself. considerring i'll go and attack things with the shadow runner, kill 3 at a time, and blow myself up with void implosions. perhaps immunity to them for shadow walkers?
Cookiesnm1lk 15. mars 2018 kl. 16.43 
i find it difficult to keep up. i have to then find the void runner.
Cookiesnm1lk 15. mars 2018 kl. 16.43 
so i noticed something that bothers me with the void runners. is there any particular reason they need to be so fast onmn their attacks. i mean i know it shows the three units that will be hit... but why can't the animation run more like "strike. blink. strike. blink. strike."? instead of "OH MY GOD EVERYTHIGN IS EXPLODING!"
Thrones of War 11. mars 2018 kl. 16.21 
I have a ton of your mods, and I have to say that I love them all! You're doing fantastic work... and I agree with rheceehlert... I just got into the Insetoid rece, andI absolutely adore them! If you made a heritage mod for them, that would be incredible!
FlamingFeather 24. jan. 2018 kl. 5.24 
Amazing work once agian. Is there any chancw you will be doing a racial heritage for the insect race mod?
PaleEnchantress 27. sep. 2017 kl. 20.21 
Oh Here it is! I love your racial heritage so much I just couldnt do arcons without it.
ronehjr2262 10. aug. 2017 kl. 20.31 
Anyway to make your mod compatible with this mod .
Cannot build the any new buildings with the archons.
Le_Canapin 12. juli 2017 kl. 16.44 
Thank you for your reply.
Eomolch  [skaper] 12. juli 2017 kl. 9.21 
Hi Coin-coin le Canapin, I think you misunderstood the ability description. The effect will trigger when one of your units from the stack of the avenger dies. So the "complete" unit has to die not just one of the figures (which just have cosmetical value). The game generally treats the units this way (see e.g. blood honor).
Le_Canapin 11. juli 2017 kl. 12.35 
Hey, it seems that the Righteus Verdict doesn't work. Plus how is this supposed to work if we turn off the "Kill figures as units take damage" option? I tried the units with and without this option and it didn't work in both cases anyway.
The Speaker 30. juni 2017 kl. 7.46 
@Eomolch, I'm happy to help if you need it - I wrote some of the unit descriptions for the Brave New World mod for AoW2. Your work is great though, so if you write them yourself I'm sure it would fit in well with the rest of the game.
Häskfler 30. juni 2017 kl. 7.13 
Brilliant. Glad to be of service.
Eomolch  [skaper] 30. juni 2017 kl. 3.10 
Hey HjAa, this is indeed a bug! Or rather an oversight on my part since I practically copied the ability over from the flaming arrows of the warship.

@TheSpeaker: Not yet, sorry :/ But you are right, I should at least decide now whether I want to write them myself this time or ask someone else for the job again.
Häskfler 30. juni 2017 kl. 1.11 
Hi Eomolch! Is it intended that the Seraph's AOE arrow attack should damage walls? Feels a little odd to me. :)
The Speaker 29. juni 2017 kl. 12.16 
Hi there. Are the descriptions for the racial heritage units on their way? :)
Cookiesnm1lk 23. apr. 2017 kl. 17.46 
"Hi Cookiesnm1lk, I will take a look at this ingame, but since I used the black bolt entity as the projectile (just with different target location impact FX) there shouldn't be a problem concerning visibility."
If I might make a different, more... informed decision... based on previous experience with modding another game...... perhaps you could try making a copy of the black bolts skill, then use said copy as their shadow bomb thing. but for this copy, you make the projectile bigger. I think the visibility problem here is that this skill is normally fired in a group. btw, that void priest thing, as a tier 3, should be in a group of 3 to go wtiih the rest of the game. this would ALSO fix the problem most likely.
Zharevion 23. apr. 2017 kl. 16.28 
Hi Eomolch,

Glad to see you're still active, first i'd like to say that kudos to you for the mammoth project that is adding a new playable race to the game.

Now i wanted to report a minor but annoying bug, archon saint has a female voice.

I hope to see more from your awesome work!
Eomolch  [skaper] 23. apr. 2017 kl. 11.43 
Hi Cookiesnm1lk, I will take a look at this ingame, but since I used the black bolt entity as the projectile (just with different target location impact FX) there shouldn't be a problem concerning visibility.
Olorin 23. apr. 2017 kl. 4.16 
Hi, I'm really impressed by your mods and I would love to get started on modding units but I have tons of question and I feel nowhere close to be able to make such awesome units ! Could you please accept me on steam so I can ask you a few questions ? ^^
Cookiesnm1lk 21. apr. 2017 kl. 19.36 
the archon void priest thing. the projectile they fire seriously needs to be embelished like... a LOT.... i JUST saw it now for the FIRST time and i've been using them for a whole day and thought there was no projectile. you know, since it says "void lightning", you might try starting with the lightning-catcher's projectile as a base, and then turning that a glowing greenish, and giving it cool explosiony thing...... but that's just my thoughts.
Häskfler 20. apr. 2017 kl. 11.34 
Fun! Will give it a try!
Cookiesnm1lk 20. apr. 2017 kl. 9.29 
well technically everything gets devout except for pikemen and archers.......
Eomolch  [skaper] 20. apr. 2017 kl. 3.19 
Hi Cookiesnm1lk, nice to hear you like the mod :) (or rather double strike from the core mod^^)
The reason I decided against making the saint and the seraph devout was that they shouldn't be tied to a religion. They are supposed to be divine beings such as archangels just less powerful so they don't have to follow a religion in the human sense. Their relation to heaven or the realm of the gods is simply a different one since they are a part of it.

@medhathobo: True, I spend an unreasonable large portion of my available time on this :steammocking:
Cookiesnm1lk 19. apr. 2017 kl. 18.41 
oh and you coded in double strike. i wish to hug you.
Cookiesnm1lk 19. apr. 2017 kl. 18.25 
oh i llike this a bunch. works with theocrat nicely..... or at least..... half of it does. if that archer (who i do really like btw) was devout, then it would synergize perfectly. but there are other things for this purpose.
medhathobo 19. apr. 2017 kl. 17.05 
That was fast