The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

No Flying Falling Damage
48 comentarios
Celestia(L)_kaligo 28 DIC 2020 a las 18:26 
Don't thank Jesus, thank Talos
GL skelley 16 SEP 2016 a las 23:12 
now the vampire lord needs to actually fly, not float 2 feet off the ground
Loreknight 19 FEB 2016 a las 21:34 
The Steam Workshop search engine is the absolute WORST. -Vayhrike

i wish this was a lie
Philosopher of Memes 7 AGO 2015 a las 10:07 
Look For the Lower Case 'L' And You
Will Be Kissed Tomorrow:
*Now Look For The Q And Your Wish
Will Come True:
*This Is Really Hard, Now Find The 'N':
*Now Find The Mistake:
*Something You Really Want, After the
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Now Close Your
Eyes And Make A Wish! ;*;*;*;*;*;* Now
Paste This On 9 pages And Your Wish
Will Come True! Hurry, You Have 20
minutes! Or What You Wished For Will
Be The Opposite
Shogai 15 AGO 2014 a las 7:30 
Heads up for other people - this mod may cause crashing right on the title screen. Was causing it for me in my list of other mods and even just as a standalone. Dunno if it's been happening to others but removing only this patch made my entire other collection run smoothly. Great concept, I'm a little disappointed I can't actually use it.
Widowmaker93 9 ENE 2014 a las 8:56 
that was the first thing i tried when i say he wass levitating was confused as to how he still died ahaha so that you for this mod now im gunna fly off the top of the throat of the world >:D
Stark Spartan 22 JUL 2013 a las 17:46 
i have all DLC, this no work for me.
Stoltverd 11 JUN 2013 a las 11:41 
Is this compatible with better vampires?
Odval 5 ABR 2013 a las 15:38 
"You want a pic Heres a random khajit he just took fall damage " "You Dont Though" AHAHHAHAH
Croneman 27 MAR 2013 a las 19:33 
well you are just mortal and anyone can cast magic and beat a dragon just lead one to the closest city/bandit camp
44R0N 17 FEB 2013 a las 13:42 
I want this but for Regular Falling Damage.
I can cast fire and ice and call dragons but die instantly from a 10ft drop, WTF!?
There has got to be a mod to fix this... Anyone know? The Steam Workshop search engine is the absolute WORST.
H U G E 2 FEB 2013 a las 7:36 
Sorry... I meant "sight" .... not site
H U G E 2 FEB 2013 a las 7:34 
well skirpo... with dawngard.... stage 4 vampires will not get attacked on site... which is wierd because you have wierd eyes and all... You only get attacked when in the transformation form... In vanilla skyrim (without dawnguard purchased) I believe people still aggro stage 4's
skirpowatch 20 DIC 2012 a las 13:58 
Could you make another version where no Vampires ever take fall damage?
they don't in movies and with everyone hating you after 3-4 days it's a well deserved perk
DawnoftheWhiteFury 16 DIC 2012 a las 21:59 
Hello there, if you are reading this comment, then I have subscribed to the mod currently on this page. I am leaving this comment because one of the mods I am subscribed to seems to be causing an error with the Deepwood Redoubt area. Every time I approach it, the game freezes with a windows error message every time. Because of this, I cannot finish multiple quests. Bethesda and Steam tech supports were of no assistance, so I am trying to figure this out myself. If anyone is having the same issue as me, even if it is on a different mod, please leave a reply or send me a message.
Leezpunk Brooke 14 OCT 2012 a las 16:21 
rated up just because of the funny pictures
daytrip take it to ten 30 SEP 2012 a las 4:27 
Of course not.
thomasmk 9 SEP 2012 a las 13:20 
does this require dawnguard :P
Valiant Toast 22 AGO 2012 a las 2:28 
Compatability with other vamp lord mods? I have one that changes eye color and one that changes his stats.
Dozer 16 AGO 2012 a las 10:25 

By air sacks would you mean lungs? And if so, pretty sure humans and vampires have pretty big air sacks called "lungs". I do, at least. dunno about you.
Brad 15 AGO 2012 a las 13:29 
awesome mod dude I thought the same thing when I took fall damage
SupernastyPants  [autor] 14 AGO 2012 a las 7:16 

None. Its a simple perk with conditionals, not much room for conflicts...


Meh, a flying thing is a flying thing. Tiny wings or not, it still makes no sense that you get crushed to death considering you are capable of total flight with wings and levitation magic. If you were not, you wouldn't take off the ground and start to fly while sprinting...
Kingpin 13 AGO 2012 a las 22:42 
I could use this mod if Vampire Lord's wings would look like able to fly, but these are just to levitate. I would love if there would be an alternative version to make Vampire Lords fall lower than human without taking damage instead of not recieving fall damage at all!
Valiant Toast 13 AGO 2012 a las 22:15 
Known compatability issues?
Pigeon Sh*t 13 AGO 2012 a las 19:45 
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! hahaha I am far too excited about this mod, but finally this is the stand alone mod I've been waiting for! thank you so much for correcting what I viewed to be a definite oversight on bethesda's part that has annoyed me since dawnguard was released. Plain and simple it makes sense that a FLYING, magical creature doesn't, um, take fall damage while, um, FLYING! haha, and it isn't game breaking either. I mean, you can etheral shout jump off the throat of the world and take no fall damage, and you can mist form jump off the throat of the world and take no fall damage. It simply takes out the pain in the ass of having to use the damn power/shout all the time whenever you want to race down a mountain. Thanks for this mod, and thanks for only changing the fall damage. Did I mention, thank you.
SupernastyPants  [autor] 13 AGO 2012 a las 5:45 

Your comment is illogical, this is a fantasy game.


Its already on the Nexus, same name. Already no conflicts with anything, and my permissions allow anyone to use this in their whatever. If he/she wants, he/she can do whatever they want with this :p
JefTheReaper 13 AGO 2012 a las 2:58 
btw can you place this on the nexus? i hate using steam files course they can delete/patch witouth even asking you,
with nexus mod manager i have more controle over my files and at least know what is deleted and what stays
JefTheReaper 13 AGO 2012 a las 0:51 
the mod is logical, a vampire lord in flying mode uses both wings and magick to stay floating over the ground,
in reality the space betwean the feet and the ground acts like a pillow taking the blow when falling,
adding the strong body of the vampire lord in the sum and its only logical that if the vampire lord floats he gets no damage,

btw, you should share this perk with the maker of "better vampires" on the nexus, if he adds it to his mod then there wont be any conflicts with mods (if there are any)
ijiero 13 AGO 2012 a las 0:47 
This mod is illogical. Humans and vampires, unlike birds, do not have air sacs... So they would definately take fall damage if they weren't careful and tripped/ fell down a ravine.
Wildcard 12 AGO 2012 a las 23:06 
oh man xD
I was talking about the pigeons.. my mistake ;_;
Maddy 12 AGO 2012 a las 15:34 
@Hosh @Skiddy WRONG... Chickens are birds ;)
Wildcard 12 AGO 2012 a las 8:16 
@skiddly -- ikr. all the birds in fallout 3 & fnv didn't land either. oblivion had no birds at all. ;_;
skiddlywibble 12 AGO 2012 a las 0:19 
Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen a bird land. Maybe they're afraid of the fall damage.
Uncle Po 10 AGO 2012 a las 22:31 
ohh because even though tgm is active and i dont take damage it still sais that when i fast travel im taking health damage so then i have to load a previous save
DSH Deradoth 10 AGO 2012 a las 18:05 
that was one fo thee most annoying things about flying as a vamp i thank you for fixing it though if im honest maybe if as a vamp you like glided down i mean the wings have little to them but still there :P
SupernastyPants  [autor] 10 AGO 2012 a las 17:56 
Uhm, you still don't really take fall damage while in tgm... you make the sounds, but you take no damage from it. I never have anyway, and I tgm lots to test stuff out. There'd be no point in it really :p

Besides, there is no conditional flag to check for such a thing, as tgm itself is likely a script that runs on command, so it probably wouldn't work with the implementation I have used.

You'd have to make a more complicated script running a series of checks on the player to remove or add the perk based on conditions, which would be performance intensive and useless since, again, you don't (or shouldn't) take fall damage when in god mode...
Uncle Po 10 AGO 2012 a las 16:10 
this is an excellent idea. something i really hate in skyrim (without dlc) is even though you have the tgm command enabled you can take fall damage and you wont be able to fast travel. can you make a mod like this for people without dawnguard so you cant take fall damage while in tgm
dikido 10 AGO 2012 a las 13:39 
mods like these just make this game soo much better
mkdelux 10 AGO 2012 a las 8:22 
Thank you! It really pissed me off the first time I fell prey to gravity while in hover mode.
OopsieDaisy 9 AGO 2012 a las 12:42 
lol man you funny
Wildcard 9 AGO 2012 a las 7:34 
can you just make it where birds die too when they hit the ground? lololol
jk. great mod. :D
LordZarmack 9 AGO 2012 a las 1:40 
+ tht pic is epic =p thts going on a tshirt lol
LordZarmack 9 AGO 2012 a las 1:39 
bsides werepryre ftw
LordZarmack 9 AGO 2012 a las 1:39 
i dont see the problem with the odd vampire lord falling to his death, infact i see it as a great public event, maybe you should make a vampire lord shuv of bridge event across skyrim- i was suprised they dident put vamp's being tied to trea posts n skellitons left, ect around skyrim untill you start dawnguard n start fighting back,

so far i dont actualy see the vamapire's ever. lol bsides the random master raiding whiterun the other day. seems half assed effort to make it immercive
Maiser 8 AGO 2012 a las 18:23 
True, but flying mod doesn´t work when you are a vampire lord :s. Anyway, the autor of it told a trully flying vampire lord was under development by xyks. This mod you made was also necesary for the actual vampire lord, but i am resignated to touch him until i can make him fly :).
Armored Loot Goblin 8 AGO 2012 a las 15:00 
In the words of a great and noble man who- YOINK'D!
SupernastyPants  [autor] 8 AGO 2012 a las 14:35 
Levitate, flying, hover. Doesn't matter. Its all dumb falling damage >:O

I remember seeing a flying mod someplace, that isn't the scope of this mod. This is to fix a major annoyance I had with VL :p
Maiser 8 AGO 2012 a las 14:18 
He just levitates, not really fly. A mod which made him fly is what all people is expecting!! Anyway, mean while this mod might be the best solution for it.