Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Metro Overhaul Mod (MOM)
Narodnaya_Pobeda May 31 @ 11:14am 

omg, Thank you very much for ur commenting report on those error issues, here. Now I can find finally the reason of the crash with disappearance of assets in specific angle of view. I deleted the mods in conflict with this mod. :steamfacepalm::steamhappy:
black_panther559 May 22 @ 11:24pm 

What kind of mods do you have in your game? I'm really not sure, as I'm not the creator of this asset, but again, I'm actually using this very mod right now in game and I have no issues with my connections, destroying and modifying without it messing up the lines, or anything that is being said here.

Try this mod if you don't have it...

Then go to the previous stop from where the line broke, and just hold shift and slide to the station(s) that it seemed to have disconnected from. That's what I do when I'm updating a line due to expansion.

I'm not sure if that's what you are referring to, in regards to your connection breaks.

Happy city building everyone! :steamhappy: :steamthumbsup:
bwmsim May 20 @ 8:43pm 
A couple of days ago metro lines no longer connected when transferring from one kind of road to another. This goes for trams, buses and monorails, and possibly other types of transit. It doesn't seem to matter whether I rebuild the line or not it the lines fail to connect. It's unfortunate because I have a 400k city and now the transit network is fractured. These problems just started happening this week.
black_panther559 May 18 @ 10:13pm 
*Added BONUS*

If you are familiar with the RON mod, that will come in handy as well. You can use that to replace all of your already created Vanilla tracks to Cylis's replacements. Just be sure to match each track to its correct description to avoid having any visual issues (tunnel track suspended in the air when it should be a bridge track... LOL!).

Happy city building everyone! :steamhappy: :steamthumbsup:
black_panther559 May 18 @ 10:05pm 

Okay, for anyone that is still complaining about the functionality of this mod, it is apparent that the creator either is no longer monitoring this mod, or he's busy with other things right now. This mod hasn't seen an update since around this time a year ago.

Therefore, you have only two options at this point...

1. Deal with it the best way you can and do whatever workaround you need in order to keep the mod working in its current state. I have it and it's fine for me as we speak.

2. Unsub from the mod, and go to the replica version created by cylis, which works just as well, only with not having to even worry about the MOM mod's complications. It's FULLY Vanilla, with only altering the functionality of the rendered tracks. I've used them as well and they're just as good, WITHOUT needing a depot to start it at that.

The choice is yours. Happy city building everyone! :steamhappy::steamthumbsup:
HgLampe May 15 @ 9:05pm 
Imcompatible with FPS Booster & Patch loader mod!!!
It may cause the buildings to disappear and flicker crazily when rotating the angle of view!!!
It really needs a fix ! I can't leave this mod

与 FPS Booster & Patch loader mod 不兼容!!!
steppingfire May 11 @ 6:48am 
Can confirm this mod no longer works at least with other Harmony mods installed. When exiting the game and coming back in you can no longer create or extend metro lines on stations made in the previous save. If I delete a working line I can't recreate it without physically building the line and stations again. It appears that the lines are sinking into the ground, which appears to have been an issue with the 81 tiles mod, although the fix that has worked for that n{buying all 81 tiles before making your metro line) no longer works. Either way you have to rebuild your metro lines from scratch every time you reopen the game and want to modify or connect a new line. I love the functionality in this mod and have used it a lot in the past, hope it gets fixed.
smetana345 Apr 29 @ 12:18pm 
Водила Метро Apr 18 @ 9:15am 
No working
Garin_Van-Lohengrin Apr 17 @ 4:17am 
This mod causes for your metro trains to despawn to 0 vehicles. When adding trains with the count slider (budget) one can see how the line spawns 1 and immediately despawns back to 0.
The abscence of metro causes my population to slowly decrease.
吾乃邪王真眼 Apr 15 @ 1:57am 
lemondabird Apr 8 @ 6:47pm 
when i extend the metro line, the depot would refuse to spawn trains. even when i replaces all tracks and stations and re-did the line, It still would not spawn !?!?!? please advise
Fruitlolliez Apr 7 @ 10:59pm 
Snjokorn Mar 27 @ 6:07am 
Hello, this doesn't appear to be working correctly with the train stations pack, is this just not a thing that's been implemented or a bug on my end?
The1ManClan Feb 24 @ 1:20pm 
"Index out of Array" as soon as I loaded my city up to try this mod for the very first time. Couldn't get out of it except by hard killing the cities.exe using Task Manager. Too bad, would like to have tried using this with all the features it describes in the video. And yes, I subscribed to all the required assets and enabled them.
LUXI Feb 13 @ 4:01pm 
it's working fine for me
Scalie Bloke Feb 1 @ 6:04am 
I came into here to see if this mod is working, if it was I would be playing this version again
Junna Jan 26 @ 6:46pm 
Wish someone would fix it :C
Cheeteaux Jan 15 @ 10:08am 
@donZema did you download all of the required assets? @lovespring0426 did you build a depot?
donZema Dec 31, 2023 @ 11:37pm 
I just give it a try as of today, and it's still broken.
- assets not found
- depot not found
- index out of array.

I love this mod as it gives you better options of the metro rail and trains compared to the Vanilla version. I hope this will get fixed soon as it's a damn good mod.
Gruggyman12 Dec 30, 2023 @ 9:11am 
i cant spawn a depot
lochunlam811 Dec 23, 2023 @ 4:26am 
Bro this is completely broken.Just because I accidentally deleted a subway line and want to restore,i have to remove all the stations to rebuild the whole network just because of "cannot find the path!".Can it fix this?I took 3 hours to restor all of them
Lizard Dec 2, 2023 @ 2:08pm 
I look forward to the flickering bug being fixed and one day re enabling this mod. The mechanics and content here is S tier and would typically be a requirement for any game I start
DANTON[***]LULU Dec 2, 2023 @ 3:09am 
do not work well with "fps booster", or vice-versa, so, if u use fps booster, don't use this mod, if you use it, don't use fps, it make flickering the buildings at a certain lvl of zoom. So, i think it's a little bit complex as other mods. For me, wait a little if your new to this game and wait before using this mod.
natopower Nov 25, 2023 @ 3:32pm 
I've noticed that it doesn't look like trains spawn when the train is a loop, anyone else?
orcus1218 Nov 21, 2023 @ 4:38am 
cansinguler ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) Nov 17, 2023 @ 4:35am 
I really want to use this mod but I'm also afraid that it might break my city. Hope it gets fixed soon.
hhhgoreish Nov 14, 2023 @ 7:05pm 
cities skylines sucks bro how do they manage to break mods with every new update
dacity3000 Nov 9, 2023 @ 9:19am 
This mod is huge and with many issues. If you haven't subscribe this mod yet, don't subscribe.
wraithrider Nov 1, 2023 @ 8:05am 
Friends, if MOM hasn't been updated by now I think it's safe to say it won't be for whatever reason. I would put it in the 'Forgotten About' category by now. Adjust your cities accordingly.
lydabeatriz.ayala Oct 30, 2023 @ 9:03pm 
FIX THIS PLS I have an entire city of almost 200.000 inhabitants connected in a MOM system pls I dont want to lose my city
Kevin X Oct 28, 2023 @ 12:48pm 
Do not work with FPS Boster mod. If a fix isn't coming soon, can you please list it as incompatible mod?
Heckenschütze Oct 22, 2023 @ 9:27am 
still aint workin pls fix
TanKi93 Oct 21, 2023 @ 10:56am 
still broken
Skylingale Oct 19, 2023 @ 5:48am 
It's only been a month you entitled whiny cunts, calm down and go touch grass.
cll1123 Oct 14, 2023 @ 6:31pm 
Broken. Please normalize removing mods when they're not updated. Avoids wasting time.
yuu Oct 11, 2023 @ 8:09pm 
still broken, 1 month later
ELF Sep 23, 2023 @ 5:27am 
@dcmair same for me
shaneturner12 Sep 17, 2023 @ 3:53am 
@tobiwan - hold Shift if on the Windows version (and make sure you have the Advanced Stop Selection Revisited mod subscribed and enabled)
Schmaxi Sep 17, 2023 @ 2:22am 
Kann mir evtl. einer Helfen sobald meine U-Bahn in nen Tunnel fahren muss spawnt bei mir kein Fahrzeug mehr.
tobiwan Sep 13, 2023 @ 11:31am 
Using the four platform with two islands underground metro station (variation in mod) I am unable to select which platform my metro lines go into and they all want to go into the same one platform (even the reverse of the same line). Am I doing something wrong? Is there some trick to selecting platforms specifically I am missing?
/(^-^)\ Sep 13, 2023 @ 9:15am 
this mod just steal 40 fps wtf is wrong, so bad optimised (i have a good pc RX 6800, r9 5900x, 32gb ddr4 3600mhz, got the game on a gen 4 ssd)
Idkmyname Sep 9, 2023 @ 5:51am 
brolen right now:steamfacepalm:
Zirrah Sep 3, 2023 @ 10:43am 
At the moment, the only problem is that when I place a train station as a subway, it doesn't have the chosen type of track - for example, classic. He always appears with the modern/vanilla.
TMX Aug 28, 2023 @ 6:35pm 
This mod is too bloated. Has nice features, but to many useless assets/variations and the models are too high quality, which doesn't fit the game style or most workshop assets, cause (minor) fps drops and makes the LOD transition jarring
dcmair Aug 27, 2023 @ 4:07am 
This mod irrevocably trashed my city. I wanted it to work as I liked the idea of having better control over my metro stations After installing it and finishing making changes to my metro setup I started getting this error:

Array index is out of range. [System.IndexOutOfRangeException]

No details

I was able to determine that it was MOM. Once I put MOM in ghostmode the error stopped however, my metro lines were completely FUBAR. Unsubbing didn't help either. City is totally trashed and I'll have to go back to a save prior to the use of this mod. :steamfacepalm:

I would NOT recommend using this mod unless you are starting a city from scratch but I'm dubious of that given that it throws the array error to the point that the game is unplayable. There must be a conflict with another mod or something? Sort of a bummer.
frossty Aug 22, 2023 @ 4:47pm 
Not sure if I missed an update, but the option to pick which depot spawned your train has disappeared. Maybe my brain is making this up but I believe it used to be an option similar to bus routes? Can anyone confirm?
BenyaHUN Aug 8, 2023 @ 11:44am 
Breaks FPS booster since last update, will it be fixed?
Gjafar Aug 8, 2023 @ 5:45am 
Broken with assets-...
曾经 Aug 6, 2023 @ 5:58am 
I can't connect my subway tracks to stations, I don't know if it's due to this mod or not, whenever I want to create a track, the underground view doesn't show up in-game, and when connecting to a station my tracks aren't at the same height as the station (and they don't auto-adjust to be at the same height as the station either), which causes me to not be able to create the line.