Transport Fever

Transport Fever

brush ground - pinceau pour sol
98 comentarios
Slavepetrich 2 ENE 2019 a las 9:15 a. m. 
Can someone edit this mod to have only farm fields? thx
NA4U 4 SEP 2018 a las 2:27 p. m. 
can you add coal, darker dirt and grease to this? This is a great mod, but it has a limited supply of brushes atm.
go112 17 AGO 2018 a las 9:01 a. m. 
I didin't even know this was possible o.O
The_Osiris 11 AGO 2018 a las 3:18 a. m. 
Yeah. I should have mentioned you can use an existing save game too. Great mod by the way.
Léon Cleaner's  [autor] 10 AGO 2018 a las 8:31 a. m. 
that is the good way for start a new game without "bug" of texture at start ^^

thanks for have explain it more good than me :D
The_Osiris 9 AGO 2018 a las 10:45 p. m. 
Re.You must add the mod from a backup:

>Start a free game without the mod activated, save it. Exit to main menu.
>From main menu, go to load screen, select your save.
>Click the little plus "+" sign on the right of Enabled mods, activate the mod. Start.
Léon Cleaner's  [autor] 26 JUN 2018 a las 9:03 a. m. 
you need to place the cursor of bulldozers in center of the texture ( and near from it) and you will find the place for click and erase it ;)
Jara 26 JUN 2018 a las 8:11 a. m. 
How to remove snow or other textures?
Athréos Mylae 28 MAY 2018 a las 4:51 a. m. 
Ah super merci beaucoup pour l'infos effectivement je n'avais pas vue
Léon Cleaner's  [autor] 28 MAY 2018 a las 3:04 a. m. 
@Noctuam : bonjour , c'est qu'en fait comme je l'ai marqué (mais mon anglais est pas tip top loool) il faut d'abord lancer votre nouvelle partie sans le mod, vous sauvegardez , vous quittez et relancait votre partie avec le mod , ca evitera d'avoir des textures un peu partout au premier lancement d'une nouvelle partie ;)
Athréos Mylae 27 MAY 2018 a las 5:38 p. m. 
Bonsoir, je souhaite utiliser ce Mod qui est juste un must pour réaliser de belle chose. Mahleuresment je pense avoir un bug. Sur la map il affiche des champs un peut partout dans les montagnes prés des villes , plusieurs champs les uns sur les autres. Bref si quelqu'un peut m'aider ce serais gentil. D'avance merci
sjiraff 2 MAY 2018 a las 12:58 p. m. 
- Before anything else, remember that you should not launch a new map with the mod installed !!!
You must add the mod from a backup.
(If you start a new map with the mod, this will not affect the game, but you put some textures on the map)

I have absolutely no idea what this means and english is my first language
Léon Cleaner's  [autor] 13 NOV 2017 a las 11:01 p. m. 
@celine : parfait alors si cela vous aide dans vos parties ;)
L_Cheminot 5 NOV 2017 a las 2:25 a. m. 
Je trouve ca tres bien merci ca rend de la vie dans transport fever
Léon Cleaner's  [autor] 25 OCT 2017 a las 4:16 a. m. 
now it's really long time i've make this mod but when i've make it , i've really search for a solution for choose the rotation but it was impossible with my mod because it's TpF who place the texture with random method exactly as the texture when you place a rock or a tree ....

if one day i come back to modding to this game i see for another method for the brush but for the moment , i'm on others game

have fun to all
Coen 24 OCT 2017 a las 10:04 a. m. 
Hello Leon,

I don't know if you are working on the issue of the farmlands like Robertus and others mentioned, but maybe it is an idea to ask some advice from other members.

Senior Gracz 5 OCT 2017 a las 5:07 a. m. 
As Gen P. Fault noted, it would be very useful to know which direction the decoration goes, and to control it somehow. It's a great mod, and it's a shame we have no control over the orientation of each patch of land. Could you please try to find a solution here? Would it be possible to make the field visible and control it with the <m> and <n> keys BEFORE placing it? Otherwise, great job! Thanks a lot.
nasosc 4 OCT 2017 a las 9:35 a. m. 
I just repaint one of your textures, i didnt add anything new
Léon Cleaner's  [autor] 4 OCT 2017 a las 8:52 a. m. 
hello guy , do you add a new name texture file in "ground_texture" or just make a "repaint" of one of my textures ?
nasosc 4 OCT 2017 a las 2:56 a. m. 
Very good and useful mod. I am trying to change some texture because i want some coal and iron textures. I changed the colors in "textures/ground_texture" file, but when i try to put place them on the map the game crashes.Any idea on what am I doing wrong?
bougnat 17 AGO 2017 a las 4:36 p. m. 
arf tant pis, je passerai du temps pour obtenir ce que je veux. Une nouvelle fois merci.
Léon Cleaner's  [autor] 17 AGO 2017 a las 12:33 p. m. 
hello guys:

sen : en fait j'etais obligé de faire la zone trés petite pour ne pas quel apparaissent car la zone de sup en gros c'est le modéle 3d ... comme le mod est un peu une "biduouille" , j'ai du faire des concessions ;)

bougnat : non , malheureusement ce n'est pas possible de cahnger la rotation ou de la prévisualiser malheureusement ;)

friedhelm.j : hummm , if i've a little free time , i'll try to make that !
bougnat 17 AGO 2017 a las 4:18 a. m. 
Bonjour Léon. Merci pour ton travail, cela permet de rendre le jeu beaucoup plus aggréable. J'ai tenté de lire tout le thread mais je ne crois pas avoir vu la requête suivante : serait il selon toi possible de prévisulaliser les champs avant de les placer et également de les orienter. C'est en l'état un peu compliqué d'essayer de faire une zone agricole ordonnée. Merci encore pour ton travail et ta disponibillté.
friedhelm.j 16 AGO 2017 a las 5:14 a. m. 
Hello Dear,
i like this Mod and take it every time.
I have one whish.
Please put one brush more. I NEED BLACK ( Colemine Need black Color )
Sorry my english is not so well !
Maby it is easy to do ???
Sen 15 AGO 2017 a las 4:32 a. m. 
Bonjour Léon Cleaner's, tout d'abord merci pour ce très bon mod qui permet de pas mal décorer ses maps.
Une remarque : serait-il possible d'augmenter la "zone de suppression" ? Il est vraiment difficile d'effacer une texture, surtout un champs, et dans mon cas où je n'ai pas assez lu attentivement lu les consignes j'ai beaucoups de champs à effacer !
Bon boulot sinon.

Hello Léon Cleaner's, first of all thanks for this very good mod that helps decorating our maps.
One comment : could it be possible to enlarge the "erasing zone" ? It is very difficult to erase a texture, especially a field, and in my case when I aven't read the mod's advices properly, I have a lot of field to erase !
Nice work though.
Léon Cleaner's  [autor] 24 JUL 2017 a las 9:58 a. m. 
@officer : it's not a bug , read the description of my mod , i've explain it ;)
@chester Draws : 'vei search and search and search again but i don't have find the solution for make it ^^
emmy swiff 24 JUL 2017 a las 8:18 a. m. 
Is it possible to predict which direction the field will be facing?
Officer 19 JUL 2017 a las 2:21 a. m. 
It randomly places decals somewhere on the map. Water decals, concrete decals, fields, etc.
Please fix this. Thanks!
MLGMagicHoodini 16 JUN 2017 a las 10:36 a. m. 
If u could so something to make it easier (also cool mod) and the placing textures i think u should increase texture of water and make it free place not only some places (and able see what gone look like)
Léon Cleaner's  [autor] 16 JUN 2017 a las 10:20 a. m. 
no problem ;)
Léon Cleaner's  [autor] 16 JUN 2017 a las 10:19 a. m. 
@[PT]MLG MAGIC HOODINI : hello guy ,

all the brush have the same "erase" method ;)

1 - make a zoom on the texture you want erase
2 - place your cursor near the center of the texture
3 - search a little with the cursor ( in bulldozer mode) and that appears ^^
MLGMagicHoodini 16 JUN 2017 a las 10:19 a. m. 
Forgot it its just really really really hard to find it :/
MLGMagicHoodini 16 JUN 2017 a las 10:12 a. m. 
How remove the farm lands? i tried demolish it but cant find the place
Léon Cleaner's  [autor] 11 MAY 2017 a las 9:44 a. m. 
@†FullDuplex† hello guy , it's really strange because i don't have update this tools and if it work fine before i really don't see where can be the problem :( say to me if you find a solution ;)
†FullDuplex† 8 MAY 2017 a las 12:07 a. m. 
Hi Leon, i used your brush tool before and it worked fine (on new games, i did not care about the random placement of the textures) .... now, today i started a new map with your mod deactivated... i saved the map , activated the mod, loaded my map and i can't find the brushes anywhere..i searched for about 10 minutes now , they don't show up .. any suggestions ?

thank you !
Peak oil 7 MAY 2017 a las 10:32 p. m. 
thanks for sharing
Takao 14 ABR 2017 a las 10:11 a. m. 
alright, thank you
Léon Cleaner's  [autor] 14 ABR 2017 a las 8:53 a. m. 
@Haruna : you need to be near the textures for find where you must click for erase it with bulldozer ;)
Takao 14 ABR 2017 a las 8:50 a. m. 
how does one go about erasing the textures after you've placed them?
Coen 2 ABR 2017 a las 6:19 a. m. 
Thank you Leon for your answer and mayby one day you found a solution for that.
Denismartelhebert 31 MAR 2017 a las 12:19 a. m. 
lol ok j avais oulbier de lire haha, avant la mise a jour, ca faisait pas grand choses...mais j ai vu avec l'addition des textures de fermes
Léon Cleaner's  [autor] 30 MAR 2017 a las 11:55 a. m. 
thanks to all for the comment , sory for long time for answer , i dont have quote " follow the discution also no see the messages " ))
Léon Cleaner's  [autor] 30 MAR 2017 a las 11:54 a. m. 
@Denismartelhebert désolé , j'ai pas vu les messages , j'etais désabonné du fil ;) en fait ca le faisait meme depuis le debut et tu n'avais pas du remarquer ;)
c'est pour cela qu'a l'epoque ou j'ia publié le mod , j'ai marqué cela :


- Before anything else, remember that you should not launch a new map with the mod installed !!!
You must add the mod from a backup.
(If you start a new map with the mod, this will not affect the game, but you put some textures on the map)

c'est clair que si tu mets le mod des le début ca fou le chantier lol
Léon Cleaner's  [autor] 30 MAR 2017 a las 11:52 a. m. 
@coen : It is unfortunately the problem that I can not change;) the texture is placed in a random way in the rotation with respect to the axis of the "z" and I can not impose a meaning that will return all the time the same ...
This is one of the negative points of the mod: P
Coen 27 MAR 2017 a las 12:06 p. m. 
How can i aline those farm field along eachother?
wicked 22 MAR 2017 a las 4:35 p. m. 
yeah awesome! Thank you :steamhappy:
Denismartelhebert 18 MAR 2017 a las 8:55 p. m. 
Bizarrement, depuis l'update avec les Farmland texture, il faut que je commence sans le mod...sinon j'ai des textures de fermes qui apparaissent un peu partout, a cheval entre un bord de lact et plage, en haut de montagne et etc... lol
Coen 18 MAR 2017 a las 8:02 a. m. 
Farmlands works very well to me, thank you.
Is it possible to make a texture for coal and iron ore to make little moutains of coal/iron ore at the mine ?
Sqweloookle 12 MAR 2017 a las 11:51 p. m. 
You are awesome! Thank you for the farmland textures!
Léon Cleaner's  [autor] 12 MAR 2017 a las 1:53 p. m. 
@wicked : i upgrade the mod with new texture in farmland ;)