Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Gunslinger's Guitar Case
36 comentarios
Foe Hammer-(Thousand Hammers)- 25 FEB 2023 a las 21:47 
this is old as hell but this NEEDS to be in game
The chad Speedwagon 11 FEB 2023 a las 3:48 
curlyfries1017 #transrights 23 ABR 2018 a las 8:59 
The final piece to my Elvis engie set.
Suskun Durgun 4 MAR 2017 a las 11:05 
this should allow you to use guitar taunt while whatever weapon you have as primary.(like having stock shotgun but using taunt kill)
Maximuffin2 11 JUL 2016 a las 23:26 
who would'nt pick old country?
Tele. 27 FEB 2016 a las 19:03 
If this is not added to TF2. Then can you please add this to SFM. It would really help meh out.
Soup Consumer 29 MAR 2015 a las 4:31 
this is piece of sh... nice work dude!:tgrin:
ℜenégat 27 NOV 2014 a las 5:49 
I wish I had a guitar case like that...
iaqqes1i 27 NOV 2014 a las 3:21 
this is so cool but can you make it paintable?
Lulu-chan 26 NOV 2014 a las 21:13 
▓▓▓▓▓▓█░ valve add this ░░░█
▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░░░ Please! ░░░░░█
♔AndiHug♔ 31 MAY 2014 a las 18:37 
▓▓▓▓▓▓█░ valve add this ░░░█
▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░░░ Please! ░░░░░█
Grimm Quill 5 FEB 2014 a las 7:06 
Insaneicide  [autor] 5 FEB 2014 a las 3:24 
actually in my sources, i have a version taht openes up and has the taunt guitar inside
Grimm Quill 4 FEB 2014 a las 14:54 
It should be the same size as the guitar that is used in the taunt, if it is than good job. Really would like this.
Aesthetics 13 OCT 2012 a las 11:12 
Please Valve, Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaase?
Mulligan 29 SEP 2012 a las 20:52 
I want!
uv523 25 SEP 2012 a las 11:17 
should replace the guitar model in frentier justies taunt too :D
PROFILE NAME 6 AGO 2012 a las 10:10 
It's just too damn big, otherwise I like it
alice 27 JUN 2012 a las 20:20 
hmmm very ood but it is too detailed :P
Daniel 25 JUN 2012 a las 11:34 
Friggin awesome
ZombieKira 24 JUN 2012 a las 19:30 
My god. This needs to be in TF2.
asalchemist 21 JUN 2012 a las 21:13 
great to finally get a guitar case
NotriousDr.Sheep 19 JUN 2012 a las 14:30 
understandably awesome, although seems alittle big, drawing too much attention to the engineir in game, downsize it by like.. 15- 20% see what happens. awesome consept.
Fanoffi 16 JUN 2012 a las 6:43 
I like this. But you could also improve it even more, by adding an additional style with a plain guitar (without case).
crack 11 JUN 2012 a las 6:22 
Nice, would like to see that in-game :D
Mav 11 JUN 2012 a las 4:09 
Definently want this
Leon But Purple 8 JUN 2012 a las 17:38 
I /need/ this. With the lack of worthwhile engie miscs (That my friends don't already wear) I need something to wear besides these stupid fly wings.
Nes 8 JUN 2012 a las 15:41 
How would we get this on the heavy..?
Sacerdotum 8 JUN 2012 a las 15:35 
this looks and fits best for engie, but i think it would be best for all classes.
Nes 7 JUN 2012 a las 8:08 
I want this for me engy. BADLY
Mephis 6 JUN 2012 a las 20:28 
engineer has a unique height, if this fucks the class recognition of him to you, you may consider getting your eyes checked.
Play "TAGLINE" 6 JUN 2012 a las 10:52 
yesh :)
Kyle_Blackpaw 5 JUN 2012 a las 8:12 
i sincerely hope this makes it in.
Simski ☕ 5 JUN 2012 a las 4:46 
I don't think it's worse for his silhouette than Pyro's gascanister items. I do quite like the look of this item though, and in a way I think i fits Engineer's personality well too.
KilogramHours 4 JUN 2012 a las 22:02 
Looks really nice but you should also put this down as a backpack weapon. Since the pockets that could hold metal.
Stev the Brobdingnagian Wedge 4 JUN 2012 a las 14:24 
other then the fact that this probably demolishes Engie's shillouette, this is pretty damn cool