Portal 2
Curiousity Room
20 comentários
AlbinoLambCow 27 mai. 2013 às 11:24 
:D Wuv it
16Bitman 30 jul. 2012 às 17:38 
Finally a map that gave me the good old "whaaaaaat?" feeling that I had when I first played Portal 1.
Great job, please moke more like those!
Mr Beans 7 jul. 2012 às 8:49 
mood3rd 6 jul. 2012 às 15:14 
is the lift been taken away for repairs ?
see you all in the asylam.
good though
Solar Crust 26 jun. 2012 às 12:53 
what do you do in the authoring tools to do this?!
Mathey2009 21 jun. 2012 às 16:19 
Confusing at first but very satisfying.
Heres a link to my worshop maps:
Thanx for playing!
yystubie 18 jun. 2012 às 12:44 
very confusing at first
thatbighorsey 14 jun. 2012 às 15:45 
This is a good proof-of-concept that non-euclidean levels can actually work with puzzle elements.
Baggy 11 jun. 2012 às 12:53 
Wow. Weird. The lack of music made it creepy too. I would appreciate any feedback on my puzzle http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=74231028
someobscurename 5 jun. 2012 às 18:35 
The light is a little...... weird.
Geneosis 4 jun. 2012 às 15:31 
Really cool use of the "world portals" ^^ Will wait for more...

If you are interested, here is my workshop ;)
Taxicat  [autor] 4 jun. 2012 às 12:25 
@TBJ The level ends when the player puts the cube on the cube button in the second area.
le monke 4 jun. 2012 às 12:24 
What's that, Penrose's stairs? It really made me curious :)
TBJ 4 jun. 2012 às 11:38 
It ended when I threw the cube into the yellow portal? why? endless staircases arent cool :(
Blaze Azizora 3 jun. 2012 às 21:43 
WTF just happened?
killertaco666 3 jun. 2012 às 16:34 
What was that. wierd
But cool
AlbinoLambCow 3 jun. 2012 às 7:50 
awesome but short
Rocketeer Raccoon 3 jun. 2012 às 6:51 
Meh, that was lame.
<BM> HunterNautical [fr] 3 jun. 2012 às 1:58 
nice work but it's a bit short
chris173972 2 jun. 2012 às 16:36 
Nice thoughts here, would be good to put in