Portal 2

Portal 2

13 kommentarer
UnableRogue 21. juli 2012 kl. 3.37 
Awesome map. I loved the concept of recycling the cubes. I cant wait to test your others.
mood3rd 8. juli 2012 kl. 5.59 
you have, but it,s been slightly modified.
you never had to use the reflector cube as a platform to jump into the blue excursion funnel (stand on it and jump and quickly grab). on the original.
also, you could kill the turrets by firing 1 portal where lasser goes & the other into area with turrets in, which was aligned to kill them all.

I got stuck, as I sent reflector cube to exit area & was left stranded.
then I had to re-start the map to complete it.
it was fiddly, killing the turrets.
for both these reasons, I prefere the original or previous version of this map.
gave thumbs up for previous version, but not for this one.
won't give you thumbs down though.
Le Petit Mort 19. juni 2012 kl. 10.40 
It's decent, but I just can't shake the feeling that I've played it somewhere before...
kamggg 12. mai 2012 kl. 9.05 
Thought I was stuck over on the other side of the goo because I forgot about the wall-side portal and it's hard to see from that side (after all you can't go back and look). Then I ended up sending the pivot cube over by itself and got truly stuck. Also had no clue what the first button did, but figured it out when I tried to do it again without. So some parts were pretty frustrating. The puzzle is good though! I think some of the parts just need to be made a little more obvious.
Tuff McAwesome 11. mai 2012 kl. 17.21 
Nice little chamber, Took me the longest time to see the flinging panel for the weighted cube opening, i was all like "Hmm... This button does nothing"
Taxicat  [skaper] 11. mai 2012 kl. 12.54 
Would fix this chamber up at this point and upload a better version, but portal crashes when I edit this map. Weird.
omegathirteen 11. mai 2012 kl. 9.32 
Nice, relatively challenging chamber. However it is possible to get stuck if a cube crosses the water without you. One way to fix this would be to have separate, repushable buttons to respawn the cubes.
DR3AM 11. mai 2012 kl. 4.50 
Nice little chamber, didn't take too long but that's not a bad thing. Wasn't sure if I did the last part as intended (jumping off the cube into the funnel) but I just read that it was.. so, yay!
Taxicat  [skaper] 11. mai 2012 kl. 3.34 
To get unstuck from the second area: use the reversed excursion funnel to push the cube off the button that is keeping it reversed. Then use the pivot cube as a platform to jump into the blue excursion funnel (stand on it and jump and quickly grab).
Koning Kameeltje 11. mai 2012 kl. 2.29 
You can get yourself stuck in the second area. I couldnt get away from the other side of the water. Had to restart and made sure i had a portal at the other side of the water. But apart from that i really liked it!
Tréncha 10. mai 2012 kl. 23.30 
What is the purpose of reversing the funnel? I only needed to use the funnel for killing the turrets, and for that it didn't matter whether or not it was reversed.

Also for some reason when I pushed the button to respawn the redirection cube, it got stuck in the chute the first time I did it. I think this was just a glitch in the game, though, nothing to do with your level. It was a "wait what?" moment though.
Kais 10. mai 2012 kl. 21.47 
I got stuck in the second area. While the funnel was orange, I managed to phase the pivot cube through the grate above the emitter, trapping the pivot cube on the side of the water with the emitter and myself on the other side. I was unable to go get another cube because the button that respawns it only works one.
Eagleshadow 10. mai 2012 kl. 17.27 
Loved it becasue it was very challenging and very well designed :) Got stuck in the end for a while, somehow just couldn't figure out that the laser was right there in front of me and all I had to do was make double use of the cube. It's possible to get stuck in one place but it really takes someone as crazy as me to pull it off so it's probably not worth fixing.