Zombie Grinder

Zombie Grinder

Extra Content 292
Badguy292  [author] Sep 15, 2019 @ 10:57am 
Sadly I'm no longer developing this mod, since it's been blacklisted by the developer for no reason and I haven't even been made aware of it till months later. Frankly I'm a bit disappointed about it but hey, it's not my game. Contact the developer about it and maybe he can get it going again.

Otherwise, I'm making a mod for Dying Light and trying my hand at making my own projects in Unreal Engine 4.
everythingstatmanArthur Sep 15, 2019 @ 8:01am 
request:we need free unbreakable saitama fists with infinite stats and face with clothes
YuraConst Jun 27, 2018 @ 10:23pm 
Yes, the new Lego games are like Telltale.
Badguy292  [author] Jun 27, 2018 @ 1:02pm 
Yeah, First they made Star Wars, that shit was dope, anything after that is re-skinned LEGO Star Wars lol.
素晴らしいポッサム Jun 27, 2018 @ 12:47pm 
Haha yeah, 90% of the LEGO games are the same thing now, just with different characters.
Badguy292  [author] Jun 27, 2018 @ 11:02am 
Me too, hahah. Old classic. One of my first RTS games ever. They don't make LEGO games like this anymore.
素晴らしいポッサム Jun 27, 2018 @ 2:02am 
I was looking through the comments and saw you mention LEGO Rock Raiders, that brought back some memories, lol. I probably still have it somewhere tbh. :booom:
YuraConst Apr 26, 2018 @ 11:23pm 
The "shadow update" of ZG (which I only caught by looking at the downloads page!) was all about preventing item mods from being whitelisted - even if the item mod is merely a head. I understand weapons/accs (as armor is an acc), but blacklisting HEADS?!? That's super backwards of them. I know the project is over, this just shows how backwards the TwinDrills team is.
Badguy292  [author] Apr 26, 2018 @ 3:18pm 
So my mod is no longer whitelisted? figures, I have ended this project but I am working on my own games in Unreal Engine 4 now.
YuraConst Apr 26, 2018 @ 2:24pm 
A bloody shame the devs decided to throw poop at this awesome author by dubbing ALL item mods "dirty" and disabling progression!
Badguy292  [author] Jun 24, 2017 @ 9:35am 
Perhaps so, but Natural Selection 2 sold pretty damn well as far as I heard. though it is a niche genre.
YuraConst Jun 24, 2017 @ 9:23am 
I didn't like any of the free ones, and generally think the hybrid concept sounds fancy but is doomed to flop badly!
Badguy292  [author] Jun 24, 2017 @ 7:10am 
Heh, I see. I've seen some fairly recent games that do quite well, including Natural Selection 2, Lambda Wars and Empires, the latter 2 and Natural Selection 1 both being source engine mods.
YuraConst Jun 24, 2017 @ 5:58am 
well, BZ98, LRR and Savage were the first FPS RTS hybrids, Savage has been through multiple dev hells, Resurrection is absolute dung. S2 diversified into MOBAs (Strife) and CR clones (Brawl of Ages)
Badguy292  [author] Jun 24, 2017 @ 5:39am 
Heh, true. Even LEGO Rock Raiders was my first hybrid experience. :csdsmile:
YuraConst Jun 23, 2017 @ 1:08pm 
Renegade and Savage are the oldest known FPS RTS hybrids, if you don't count the notoriously buggy Battlezone 98!
Badguy292  [author] Jun 23, 2017 @ 11:30am 
Yeah, OpenRA is still an amazing project though, and for C&C fans, the FPS/TPS game Renegade is being remade in Unreal Engine for free, check Renegade-X on google!
YuraConst Jun 23, 2017 @ 10:37am 
oh, the originals were clumsy, OpenRA needs to redo its HUD to be horizontal and scale better, otherwise a fine reimplementation of RA1, TibDawn, TibSun and Dune2K
Badguy292  [author] Jun 23, 2017 @ 10:24am 
Hmh, that's inconvenient. What about Red Alert 1 and 2?
YuraConst Jun 23, 2017 @ 10:15am 
I'm not into 3D games, they make me sick!
Badguy292  [author] Jun 23, 2017 @ 7:19am 
Heh, I've postponed this mod at the moment, Not sure what more to add except a custom campaign maybe. Though I have started modding Dying Light, awesome game as well. :awoo:
YuraConst Jun 22, 2017 @ 8:18am 
IDK why weapons with ammo effects built in are still allowed to have effects applied while they'd obv fail. And IDK why the quack they don't let us buy gems in the in-game shop.
sierpinin112 Feb 23, 2017 @ 1:14am 
Ok, thanks.
Badguy292  [author] Feb 22, 2017 @ 11:39pm 
Weapons with pre-determined effects can still get replenished but the ammo-type will not change, weapons with no ammo effects can get upgrades from the pickups/buys in game atleast, I don't know about the shop items. I will make all my weapons able to use special ammo later.
YuraConst Feb 22, 2017 @ 11:34pm 
Gemming is disabled for mod content as per devs' choice.
Weapons that CANNOT have ammo effects or have pre-inserted ammo-effect should be updated to non-ammo-able.
Badguy292  [author] Feb 22, 2017 @ 10:41pm 
Nah, ammo effects I have turned off on some weapons, requires 2 extra lines of code I've been too lazy to place but I do not know how to make the weapons gem-upgradeable, that knowledge is beyond me. Sorry!
YuraConst Feb 22, 2017 @ 1:13pm 
You cannot "gem" mod items. Also, some mod items override "ammo effects".
sierpinin112 Feb 22, 2017 @ 1:02pm 
Hey, I have a problem.
I can´t upgrade the Twin Dragons and Dual Revolvers is of the game or of the mod?
Badguy292  [author] Feb 11, 2017 @ 1:06pm 
Hmmh, well. I already got all my software and know how to use it, luckily Blender 3D is free and so is most software development kits for games.
YuraConst Feb 11, 2017 @ 1:00pm 
Crked? There are always free alternatives like https://getpaint.net - it was started by MS as a prototype of "Paint Deluxe" for higher editions of Windows, but was scrapped by them, yet the university crew kept improving it.
Badguy292  [author] Feb 11, 2017 @ 12:57pm 
Well, I don't even know how to do that, and I am a beggar. I'm poor as fuck lol, most of my editing software is crac- I mean gotten from less trusted websites and such. So I am pretty much fucking poor lol.
YuraConst Feb 11, 2017 @ 12:28pm 
Speaking of requests, I think it'd be best to take them from longest-subscribed players if this mod goes sub-based.
YuraConst Feb 11, 2017 @ 12:26pm 
Patreon is for beggars. In fact, I might be willing to pay for SUBSCRIPTION MODS (where new content is available if you are subscribed when it releases)
I can't stand Patreon/Kickstarter beggars, and this is why I'd sooner pay for "mods as subs/DLCs" than donate (or donate with request).
Badguy292  [author] Feb 11, 2017 @ 12:08pm 
Heh, if I want money, I'm starting a Patreon. It's actually already in the works. I want to take requests of different texture work, 3D modelling (when I'm better at it.) video and sound editing and maybe more.
YuraConst Feb 11, 2017 @ 7:54am 
I think there should be a "mod partner" feature on Steam where base product dev approved mods are transformed from Workshop items to DLCs. I might even be willing to BUY this expansion pack if you make it paid - it's bigger than many official DLCs for other games, lol
YuraConst Feb 11, 2017 @ 7:52am 
GabeN loves the idea of paid mods on Steam - after all Counter Strike Classic began as a mod that became partnered first as addon then standalone
Badguy292  [author] Jan 18, 2017 @ 9:05am 
HAH! Have you seen my avatar? I'm the devil herself and I am above controversies and conspiracies.
YuraConst Jan 17, 2017 @ 8:47pm 
I hope the March update to this pack will NOT contain a clover pin.

One side in a certain controversy has made a brown-haired woman in a Mardi Gras sweater and with a Paddy's Day hairpin their mascot. Therefore, it is asked of every video game artist, creator or modder, to not implement those items. One part of staying away from controversies is to not implement controversy side mascots or parts allowing players to recreate one.
Badguy292  [author] Jan 9, 2017 @ 11:09am 
xD well, fan-made fan-service isn't always bad. just looked at Anime series abridged, like Hellsing. hilarious stuff.
YuraConst Jan 9, 2017 @ 11:00am 
Cave Story's mimigas are NOT welcome here - since Cave Story is too hard and makes me ANGRY
Badguy292  [author] Jan 9, 2017 @ 10:53am 
Googling Mimiga, I could do that. I could also make some Undertale heads, even though I am not a big fan of the game, the atmosphere and gameplay doesn't do much for me, I could still make some heads. I haven't gotten many ideas.
YuraConst Jan 9, 2017 @ 3:27am 
I hope nobody adds a Mimiga head to ZG!
jorb  [developer] Jan 9, 2017 @ 3:18am 
if Zombie Grinder merch is being sold anywhere it's gonna be at MAGfest next year :P That's debatable tho! The sprite edit is pretty good!
Badguy292  [author] Jan 8, 2017 @ 8:42am 
I'd buy a keychain like that. Also, I only started with MS paint, now I use photoshop. makes it a bit easier to work with when I got layers, transparency and fading etc.

I've tried editing a sprite from the game "Parasite in City" which is a hentai zombie shooter thingy, it's got a retro feel to it if you can overlook the porn content.

Here's the original versus my edit (I like demons x3)

-I am a big fan of the H&K MP5 btw.
YuraConst Jan 8, 2017 @ 7:39am 
I hope we won't see a keychain of a Big Sis with Tear of Salmon hair and Lavenderp eyes, holding a Goldish Yellow lightsaber... sold at ComicCon by a TwinDrills representative o_0 (Sorry, I had to use the dye names used in ZG for the part colors)
jorb  [developer] Jan 8, 2017 @ 7:26am 
mspaint is all I use too, so you're on the right track! I don't really make tutorials, but if you show me any work, I'd be happy to give pointers. I kinda taught myself how to pixel :P As far as the payment thing, it wasn't that there was no guarantee, but international payment isn't as easy as "here's your check!" the situation has been remedied tho!
Badguy292  [author] Jan 8, 2017 @ 7:25am 
xD Well, we all gotta start somewhere, I don't know how to implement the gem system to my weapons either. I could, however... Work separately from the office. and you developers could start a patreon for "Zombie Grinder: Definitive Edition" (This game, updated but without costumers/consumers having to buy the game twice) -Just an idea from lil old 292 here.
YuraConst Jan 8, 2017 @ 6:55am 
Jordizzle makes the pixart for ZG, and has some planned content that must wait until the team can be united in one physical office with some proper guarantees of payment. Until then, it will be Merishya's task to occasionally update this game with this content pack.
Badguy292  [author] Jan 7, 2017 @ 3:38pm 
Oh gosh~ do you make pixel-art tutorials? I just practiced pixels by starting with MS paint back in the day, then play pixelized games like RPG maker games and a few hentai titles an-*cough* I mean.. Yeah! Pixels!
jorb  [developer] Jan 7, 2017 @ 3:01pm 
Tim would definitely be the brain to pick, I just make art ;P