Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

City Web Server
96 megjegyzés
toast 2023. máj. 30., 16:30 
Anyone have an update version of this?
Rena 2019. márc. 29., 11:49 
It works, but the only items in the navbar are Home and Log. Clicking the city name shows more pages, but they just show raw JSON.

Also how do I go about adding more pages? Are there HTML files somewhere I can edit?
xpala 2018. máj. 1., 15:35 
would love an update from this mod with more infoscreens
Angelino 2018. febr. 2., 3:22 
Where are the "Mister Slurp's UI" in this MOD? I re-installed Cities Skylines and Mister Slurp's U is gone :(
iM4g3Ry 2017. dec. 19., 23:13 
just made it work, fairly effortlessly; fyi, you guys, hold [Control] + Mouse Drag = moves the world icon
iM4g3Ry 2017. dec. 19., 23:00 
This is a breathtaking idea, after looking for more than an hour for some mod that would do just this... #RIP- Rush Hour, but I still use it and I can't see any data since it's maybe been a month instead of like, 2-3 years...

tl;dr -- could you make this accessible in game some how? the main thing I'm interested in is the update interval. It goes between Years (by default). Could it easily be done? I'm willing to be shown how. I have some solid experience with C++ but no C# :steamfacepalm: I'll send a request to communicate about it possibly tomorrow, so I don't interfere with your Rocket League match :orochi:
Galameth 2017. dec. 10., 2:23 
Also running into charts not displaying. I get basic city info in data tables, but no charts through Chrome.
eddymurphy@3080Ti ♥ StDeck 2017. aug. 30., 9:01 
For me it works fine but the Button is in the middle of the screen.
Modern Pyro 2017. aug. 13., 14:14 
Has anyone been able to port the city statistic to an editable table? I'm interested in using city growth data for research. I appreciate any help.
Junelicious 2017. máj. 23., 11:41 
The description might need a little tweak.
Closing the game overwrites the setting file (at least it did in my case and it took me 3 reloads to properly do it) and game needs to be closed before the edit.

Also, maybe there should be an option to make viewing stats on an iPad/other tablet accessible for people without the knowledge of how config files work :)
Dyanne 2016. nov. 7., 8:14 
This mod is either broken or incompatible with certain mods.
Antoni Macierewicz 2016. ápr. 8., 10:25 
FiRe 2016. ápr. 2., 1:07 
This is currently broken for me since the latest update, and just shows "Cities: Skylines - Integrated Web Server" on localhost:8080
CreatorOfWorlds 2016. márc. 27., 3:45 
Hi. If its possible, I would be grateful if anyone would make a short description for how i can collect data from the server with Excel. I have Excel 2016 and power query and so on.
Rychard  [készítő] 2016. febr. 15., 7:22 
@keremozan The website uses javascript to make API calls. As a result, you can make the API calls directly and store the responses however you prefer. The server itself is extensible, allowing you to add your own API endpoints without much effort. There's a link to the code on Github at the end of the description above, which may prove useful. If you have any technical questions, just let me know and I'll do what I can to answer them.
keremozan 2016. febr. 15., 6:19 
Thank you for this mod! Is it possible to export the stats in some way to tables data to make some infographics in another tools.
Jens 2016. febr. 9., 12:16 
I can only get this to show the population page, none of the other pages shows up
Antoni Macierewicz 2016. febr. 2., 9:34 
Well, previously I used original files, but when I downloaded ModSettings.json, it's working! Thanks man a lot.
Rychard  [készítő] 2016. febr. 2., 8:12 
Are you using the ModSettings.json file from here: ? The default configuration prevents access from external devices as a security precaution.
Antoni Macierewicz 2016. febr. 1., 3:55 
@Rychard: I opened port 8080 (UDP and TCP) on firewall. All my devices are connected to my home network. But, when I try to connect by myipadress:port, my internet browser gets an error like "Bad Request (Invalid host)" Also, i tried it on my old laptop, with the same effect
Rychard  [készítő] 2016. jan. 31., 10:07 
@Antoni Macierewicz: You'll need to open the port on your firewall (default is 8080) to allow incoming connections. Also, make sure that both devices are connected to the same network. Finally, get the IP address of the computer running the server, open a browser on your tablet or smartphone, and go to http://myipaddress:port/
Antoni Macierewicz 2016. jan. 29., 18:24 
Is it possible to use it on smartphone/tablet? This mod is so nice, but i would like to play C:S and see this City Web Server on tablet, but I can't connect into it, i tried everything, can u help me? Sorry for my english.
R3voluz3r 2015. szept. 30., 9:46 
@Rychard it is also not working here. I also dont se charts. Please fix this :/
MysticDaedra 2015. szept. 27., 19:20 
I tested it and it does seem to work. @Rychard make sure you click the button in-game.
sCyborg 2015. szept. 27., 18:31 
@Rychard it doesn't seem to be working it gives me the main page but no numbers or charts are appearing seems like a great tool though :D
Rychard  [készítő] 2015. szept. 26., 23:37 
@tofuturkey: I haven't noticed any issues as of the latest patch, but on the off-chance you find something, post a message and I'll look into it.
MysticDaedra 2015. szept. 24., 14:04 
Does this work with After Dark? Is the mod still being maintained?
Bruizer 2015. júl. 9., 10:26 
Does anybody know if this mod plays well with the game update released on July 1? I am having a heck of a time figuring out which of the mods I have installed is not compatible with the updated game... if anyone out there knows the status of this mod and if it works with the latest update I would love to hear. Thanks!
Bruizer 2015. júl. 1., 14:50 
Is this mod compatible with the game update released 1 July 2015?
Termite 2015. jún. 2., 11:47 
Has the update broken Mr Slurps extension? I can't seem to get that to work now.
Rychard  [készítő] 2015. jún. 1., 21:38 
And one more update because I accidentally removed the screenshot image.
Rychard  [készítő] 2015. jún. 1., 21:35 
Just pushed an update with what I hope is the fix.

Let me know if you guys are still having issues.
scrublord 2014 2015. jún. 1., 19:36 
This mod is broken as of right now.
gringodingo 2015. máj. 31., 12:47 
Thank You, this is amazing ( I sound like the previous post but it is so true) Imagine if real cities could have this sort of real-time online information:)
jack23011 2015. máj. 16., 12:27 
Thanks, amazing. Look forward to future updates and adds. Works great on dual monitor and not experiencing any frame rate hits with this mod and CIM on ultrta.
idealcastle 2015. máj. 13., 9:53 
Great idea. but after installing this mod, it slows down the game significantly.
Gotteshaus 2015. máj. 9., 6:23 
OMG, you are insane. Cheers!
Colonel Failure 2015. máj. 7., 2:01 
I've put up a very top-level mod spotlight on City Web Server here,
Mr Slurp 2015. ápr. 16., 13:51 
Hi Rychard & All
Since my last exchange with Rychard I started a complete rework of my views, built as a plugin of Rychard's mod (It mean my mod will be distributable through workshop and will require Rychard's mod).

The City View is nearly finished, and soon I will work on Districts view which will reuse most of City view elements, so it should not be too long.

Once the District view done, I'll try to publish a first version on the workshop.

Here is what it look like now :
Dr. Frostbite 2015. ápr. 9., 10:24 
@Rychard, thank you for clearing that up. I feel stupid now.. :P Again, thanks for this awesome tool!
Rychard  [készítő] 2015. ápr. 7., 17:49 
@Dr. Frostbite, in the description there are some instructions for opening up the server to allow non-local clients (such as devices on the LAN, and even the internet if you desire, though I'd advise against it). By default I wanted to keep things secure since I didn't want to put anyone's machine at risk (however minimal that risk may be).
Dr. Frostbite 2015. ápr. 7., 11:33 
Love this! Just wish I could access it from another device on my local network. Right now it's responding with "Bad Request(Invalid Host)". Lovely mod, nonetheless! :D
Zefnoly 2015. ápr. 7., 8:29 
Thanks! Just what I need. doing dualscreen so this fits perfect. can open the ports to do a live website about my city lol
Rychard  [készítő] 2015. ápr. 6., 20:11 
@timothymarois The instructions are pretty clear on how you can move that icon around and place it wherever you want it. It used to be in the top-left corner of the screen but evidently it interfered with other mods, so I defaulted it to the center of the screen and made it movable.
Nosh2O 2015. ápr. 6., 18:17 
Thanks for your continued work on this mod. I can't seem to play without the info it provides. Thank you.
idealcastle 2015. ápr. 6., 8:17 
The icon for me is in the center of the screen. Kind of annoying.
Rychard  [készítő] 2015. ápr. 5., 8:15 
In the previous post, I mentioned some modifications to the ModSettings.json file. You can see an example of such changes by looking at this Gist:
Rychard  [készítő] 2015. ápr. 5., 8:13 
I've just published an update that removes the configurable port binding and replaces it with the ability to configure the binding addresses. There are a few "gotchas" with this, though:

1. You can specify multiple bindings. Simply add another JSON element to the ModSettings.json file. Make sure to increment the number by 1 for every additional binding. (Make sure you include a comma to separate the elements, but don't place one at the end!)

2. The numbers for multiple bindings must be sequential. (1, 2, 3, etc).

3. You can create a global binding by setting a value of " http://*:8080/" but this must NOT be the first binding, or else the button in-game will no longer launch the website correctly. (Note that you can still access it by entering an appropriate URL)

4. Internally, the mod will use the first binding, so it's suggested to keep this set to something like localhost (or an IP address).
Rychard  [készítő] 2015. ápr. 5., 7:58 
@Swornstar Sort of. Rather than forcing everyone into the same design, I'm working on pulling it out. Since I wrote the code to be extensible from the get-go, other developers can already add functionality to the server. The plan is to split the "server" part and the "website" part into separate mods. That way, @[CPC] Mr Slurp can publish his work (which is wonderful, by the way) as his own mod. Users would simply install the server mod, and then any other mod that provides a dashboard. (Ideally, multiple ones that provide different pieces of data!)
Rychard  [készítő] 2015. ápr. 4., 15:32 
@tskunka Right now the server is bound specifically to localhost, which is the underlying reason why it can't be connected to remotely. The decision was made just to keep things "safe" but after seeing all the messages to the contrary, I guess I'll just allow it. I suppose you can expect this in the next release.