Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth

Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth

SMAX Factions The Cybernetic Consciousness
Комментариев: 42
Elayeth 6 дек. 2021 г. в 7:16 
Kerovanka 22 фев. 2019 г. в 15:59 
pleaseupdate mod for RT
Elayeth 2 фев. 2016 г. в 1:14 
My favourite faction by far. I very much look forward to RT compatibility (hopefully you still plan on doing that) Nonetheless, a fantastic mod and I love the unity mod collection you created and packaged together, if only to add more variety to my opponents as I crush them with cold, cyborg logic :P
Archemyre 7 ноя. 2015 г. в 20:10 
Thanks for replying! Do take your time, it seems like many mod authors are either going at the update slowly or not at all, so I'm glad to hear that it'll be done eventually.
lilgamefreek  [создатель] 6 ноя. 2015 г. в 12:14 
This does not work for RT. I will be updating each leader for RT as I go along, but it will take much time. I can't say when I will get to the Cybernetic Consciousness.
Archemyre 5 ноя. 2015 г. в 9:45 
Anyone know if this works with Rising Tide?
trueman56 26 мая. 2015 г. в 23:00 
I loved the Cybernetic Consciousness mod! It makes razing cities a more viable option. It was a good reincarnation of Cybernetic Consciousness from Alpha Centauri.

I noticed that no progress towards achievements is possible when using this mod.
lilgamefreek  [создатель] 28 апр. 2015 г. в 11:34 
To clarify the trait a little, they have a passive bonus and penalty at all times. The changes are quite small but sweep across their whole state to reflect how their devotion to rationalism affects all parts of their society, not just academia. The razing bonus is a turn by turn bonus. Each turn a city gets razed for, they get a ~10% progress to some undiscovered tech their opponent has and 1 population to one of their cities (the population is cycled between all the cities in their possession that aren't being raised, so they don't all wind up in the same place). This happens at the start of each turn for each city being raised.
Sozin 28 апр. 2015 г. в 7:07 
As for the mod it self. I think I finally understand at least one use of it. Though I have to ask you to word their traits better. Cause I get the impression that they gain those bonuses every time they raze a city and that it may perma stack. Not sure if this is the case considering I normally win a peaceful victory most of the time. Also I feel like they have a supremacy feel to them. Going to see how that goes over later
Sozin 28 апр. 2015 г. в 6:38 
No I was only using this sponser but I found out it was cause I had kept too many mods on at once. I had to turn them off then reactivate them 1 at a time. The glich got so bad I could not see the stats for energy and other stats. Warnig to those of anyone keeping too many mods turn them off if your not using them. For file your about to start.
lilgamefreek  [создатель] 27 апр. 2015 г. в 23:29 
Sorry for the unresponsiveness. I've been pretty swamped. I am making note of things and will hopefully have time to really investigate your feedback soon. I doubt this particular faction would have an affect on explorers, but if you're using the Unity Project as a whole, it might be a result of the Pirates.
Sozin 24 апр. 2015 г. в 8:03 
Found out its more of glich in my save some times.
Sozin 22 апр. 2015 г. в 13:13 
Ok something else I noticed. Other ai controlled sponsors cannot do it either, I will play test somemore to see if it was just the save file bugging out though.
Sozin 22 апр. 2015 г. в 13:10 
I think I found a bug with the sponsor. I seem to be unable to dig up anything with my scout. Other sponsors are working fine from what I know. Since I cannot find anything wrong with them or the mods I'm using. Any mod you know of that this sponsor does not work well with.
Sozin 22 апр. 2015 г. в 12:29 
I love the idea but how do I use this sponsor. I know whow to raze a city, but with the way the ai treats me when I do I get into more wars then I can handle.
Elayeth 26 мар. 2015 г. в 0:49 
I just downloaded the Unity Project and I have to say that it makes the game SO much more fun. This faction specifically is my favourite. Just wanted to say thanks for putting it all together and enriching my game experience :) Awesome job!
lilgamefreek  [создатель] 28 фев. 2015 г. в 4:07 
This morning
Jay 27 фев. 2015 г. в 9:42 
When is the next faction coming out?
Venusaisha 21 фев. 2015 г. в 4:56 
i often like this as other team since i see they often fight human hive or free drones.
Yoonbari 7 фев. 2015 г. в 3:13 
I have been translated into Korean version to edit your xml file.
It is... not easy to me. :(
Anyway your work is fantastic!
zArkham4269 6 фев. 2015 г. в 12:16 
Relatively recent. I did notice, however, that whatever the bug is, it doesn't completely screw up your covert missions. I used a virture to gain +1 spy (New Horizon's virtures) and it didn't show up as the (1) available agent seen in the lower right of the screen. Yet after the bug resolved itself a few turns later, the new agent was there and available. I've fiddle with a few mods and gone back a few turns. I really can't tell what sets it off.
lilgamefreek  [создатель] 6 фев. 2015 г. в 10:45 
Interesting. Has this issue been recent? The last time I did serious covert ops was when I was playtesting with the free drones and I didn't experience these problems.
zArkham4269 6 фев. 2015 г. в 7:56 
I have encountered the same Covert problem but I thought it was interference from the New Horizon's mod. It would fix itself after a few turns, usually when a covert agent completed a mission.
lilgamefreek  [создатель] 4 фев. 2015 г. в 16:39 
Thank you for the quick response. I'll keep an eye for it in the future.
aLadyTess 4 фев. 2015 г. в 14:03 
Unity project + 1traderoute per city mod, no other mods.
lilgamefreek  [создатель] 4 фев. 2015 г. в 11:06 
@gusdanilpa: Are you using any other mods? Are you playing with just the Cybernetic Consciousness or the Unity Project compilation? I have heavy doubts that the CC itself would cause issues with covert ops, but the Unity Project does make modifications to the Covert Ops system.

@zArkham: Units can certainly be added to this game, but I lack the artistic ability to implement them. The mods have been a regular struggle to stay within my limitations. I am certainly playing with polarizing their yield-mods a bit more and will consider removing the health bonus and replacing it with an energy bonus, I'll see how it goes.

@Mycroft: I am unaware of how to tag my mods as "civilizations". It is not a listed option in the sdk.

@EmporerQ: Can you give more details on what you mean? Does the game crash to desktop when the other opponents land? This is a known issue with all custom sponsors with a quick fix listed in the description.
aLadyTess 4 фев. 2015 г. в 3:03 
Im getting an issue with covert ops while playing Aki. The spy screen goes blank every now and then, so that i miss valuable activity time, it has fixed itself 2 turns later on previous bug occasion, but this time its still bugged 4 turns later.
zArkham4269 3 фев. 2015 г. в 17:11 
Can units even be added to this game? I mean it would seem that aerial explorer drones would be nice, robot troops for everyone (cheaper to maintain, can crank out a lot, no fear)

As I said below, one would think Purity would use robots given that they want to stay fully human. So with Harmony creating hybrids and Supremacy creating cyborgs, what is left but Robots? (Or at least humans in mecha as well)

That and all this time we STILL don't have an Ogre/Bolo unit!
zArkham4269 3 фев. 2015 г. в 17:06 
I think the health bonus on this faction makes it a bit OP because it promotes lots of cities which can in turn crank out more of their tougher troops. I like the faction but if anything I think that they would have access to more energy but way less food or culture.

Indeed I would think that many of the "culture" buildings like the Holosuite would be banned in the way science buildings are banned for the Free Drones. Why should anyone need theater when they can access the Collective?

While the troops are tougher to represent their faster perceptions, I think they should have a -10% building penalty to represent fewer bodies to fight. That and I'd see them building robot troops (which is lacking in this game unless you go Supremacy. I find this stupid because you'd think Purity would use robots as well to keep as many humans alive as possible.)
Mycroft Jr. 1 фев. 2015 г. в 17:08 
Shouldn't these be tagged "Civilizations"?
Erbehen 31 янв. 2015 г. в 15:00 
Nevermind, I forgot to enable the mods, duh. xD
Erbehen 31 янв. 2015 г. в 10:40 
I'm having some issues with the download. I subscribe and it doesn't download it. Any ideas?
Bird 31 янв. 2015 г. в 10:09 
Hey, freek! I love you. I love your art. You inspire me. Thank you for every line of code, that you made. Continue your awesome work. That's all i wanted to say.
Emperor Q 30 янв. 2015 г. в 14:50 
I'v been having some prolems with this mod, it's making me re-open Beyond Earth.
mik6907 28 янв. 2015 г. в 5:52 
lilgamefreek  [создатель] 27 янв. 2015 г. в 11:53 
@Sorry: Thanks for the feedback! Throughout development, I was debating whether the faction's drawback was enough. I personally think that they could be harsher. That being said, I actually don't want the faction to be entirely dependent on their exploiting their UA, as their UA in SMAC wasn't that important to their play, but I find your peacekeeper argument an especially convincing one.

@zArkham: Thanks for your diligent updates. I'm sorry I've made so little progress on this front. Time has been very stretched for me atm. I'm going through the process of playing against each faction in isolation and it's been very time consuming.

@JEELEN and Fire-in-the-heart: Thanks for the kind words! I appreciate it always.
Jeuwls [EN/DK] 27 янв. 2015 г. в 5:18 
Of course, the main draw to the faction isn't the stats, it's that amazing UA they have. It's very powerful, but it balances itself--at its core, it's annexing without actually getting another city, and comes with similar benefits and drawbacks. I don't think the UA needs any particular balancing yet.

Perhaps boosting the negative effects, particularly food and culture--maybe to -10% or even -15%? I believe it would complement the UA nicely, as it will force the players to start looking for targets--if they aren't taking at least one good city, they *will* fall behind, even with Pravin on their side.

Right now, especially with a Peacekeeper agreement, it does feel like Cyber can do fine remaining passive, and with a UA as fun as theirs, that's a real shame.

Sorry for the wall of text again. I hope I didn't come off as whiny, because this was an awesome addition to the Unity project! Can't wait to see more.
Jeuwls [EN/DK] 27 янв. 2015 г. в 5:11 
Really great faction! First of all: holy UA, Batman! A super interesting and entertaining take on the original (which was pretty much Babylon's UA from Civ5). Possibly the best one you've done so far! It's awesome!

Something about it just gives me a really morbid joy, too. "You will be relocated, resistance is futile!" So good.

After playing a few games, I do have a couple notes about the faction.

First off, if you play with Pravin and manage to get a coop agreement--which you probably will, because he's such a nice guy--Cyber's malus is nigh on completely negated, apart from the -5% energy. This makes them *incredibly* OP! Getting a free 5-10 pop, with Peacekeepers on your side, is a massive advantage, skipping what could have been easily 50+ turns of growth in a fraction of the time--with virtually no drawback to boot. With the right building-quest choices, those many +5% bonuses can easily begin to snowball, especially late in the game when +5% means a lot!
JEELEN 26 янв. 2015 г. в 15:48 
@lilgamefreek Cool. Keep up the good work ;)
zArkham4269 26 янв. 2015 г. в 12:49 
One thing I've noticed playing this mod (not this current mod) is one, as previously mentioned the AI sucks at affinity. I'm playing the Data Angels currently and am at 11,3,4 and I think the closest to me is the Peacekeepers at 4,1,1.

However I've also noticed they research some really odd techs. Techs I wouldn't research till much later in the game. Obviously they aren't researching techs I the human play am to get affinity so this mod's UA seems pretty awesome.
zArkham4269 26 янв. 2015 г. в 7:14 
Resistance if futile! You will be relocated!
DarkFire 26 янв. 2015 г. в 0:51 
Will try it when I am able tomorrow. My thanks.