Arma 3
High Casualty
4 comentarios
Panicsferd  [autor] 13 DIC 2014 a las 10:33 a. m. 
Zen, no problem. I hope you enjoy it then with your new Saitek X55.
Zen 13 DIC 2014 a las 8:08 a. m. 
Ah, thanks for that hint. Though got my Saitek X55 today, so I plan on not sucking for too long ;)
Panicsferd  [autor] 12 DIC 2014 a las 3:17 p. m. 
Zen, if you do suck a flying and because of that are unable to complete the flying missions what you can do is a little cheat that will advance you to the next mission.

When the mission starts you will need to press "Left Shift + Numkey -" and then after that you will need to type "endmission".
Zen 10 DIC 2014 a las 3:05 a. m. 
Thanks for this, like the mix up. To bad I suck at flying :)