Victoria 3

Victoria 3

19th Century Maps 1804 - 1814: Napoleonic Wars
MajorOwnige Jun 8 @ 1:47am 
Annexation of some of the small German states causes crashes
wgenzo May 27 @ 10:24am 
L'idée est très bonne, je suis même aux anges de pouvoir enfin jouer la Louisiane française, le problème c'est qu'il est impossible de lancer l'économie et j'en suis déjà presque à ma troisième banqueroute chose que je n'ai eu dans aucune autre partie du jeu en mode normal.
Il est aussi impossible de coloniser l'Oregon car c'est revendiqué par le Mexique ce qui est historiquement inexacte, je peux comprendre qu'on ne puisse pas coloniser la rive orientale du Mississippi car elle est revendiquée par les USA au traité de Paris mais pas l'Oregon par contre qui n'est revendiqué par personne.
Pour le moment 2 parties avec la Louisiane, 2 fois ruiné et en regardant les autres pays ils finissent également tous en banqueroute, si une solution est trouvée pour ce problème ce mod sera tout simplement le meilleur du jeu pour tout joueur français qui se respecte.
Dernier problème le mod crash définitivement le 1er avril 1813.
Brave-Heart Apr 10 @ 1:54pm 
Update ?
Micks45 Mar 30 @ 3:41am 
The game still crashes :(
Needs more love, would like to see more historical small countries added
Reco Feb 23 @ 3:21am 
Thank you for this nice mod!!
Sent you all my steam coins… I don't know how I can support you more??
Please explain me, shall I set up all map mods together, to have all content? Or separately?
- 19th Century Maps 1804 - 1814: Napoleonic Wars
- 19th Century Maps 1837 – 1901: Victorian Era > Not for now
- 19th Century Maps 1861 – 1877: The American Civil War Era > Not for now
- 19th Century Maps 1871– 1905: Age of Imperialism > Not for now
- 19th Century Maps 1889 – 1914: Belle Époque in Europe
Kaiser-I Rum Feb 22 @ 3:38am 
needs update asap
Paul.Foubet Jan 27 @ 5:38am 
Same for me it always crash around 1817/1818
Micks45 Jan 21 @ 11:52pm 
Game crashes when it hits a certain date
UNSCSpartin Jan 20 @ 6:19pm 
any idea if/why this mod would conflict with Morgenröte - Dawn of Flavor?
spoonyhawk39467 Jan 5 @ 1:23pm 
In 1804 Sweden owns finland I would say let them have that
Masato Dec 3, 2023 @ 5:33am 
Wait but isn't Napoléon not buffed enough ? He only has 15% attack
Alpha-1918 Nov 23, 2023 @ 12:38am 
Can you make a pre-french revolution and immediately-after revolution mod? I'd like to play as Early USA and industrialise or play out MY version of the french revolution.
DarthXade Nov 22, 2023 @ 3:15am 
When you say 1804-1814 could you expand on what you mean? Is this a mesh of all the different countries between this period or is there a specific year this is set in?
Andy's Take Nov 20, 2023 @ 12:04am 
And by the way, whenever in the mod it says "Napoleonian", consider rewriting to "Napoleonic", since that's the more common phrasing :)
Andy's Take Nov 19, 2023 @ 7:51pm 
This mod is amazing! I just hope you can rework the technologies, since only France should probably be the nation beginning with "Napoleonic Warfare" :) Great historical detail however, fantastic stuff!
Arqash Nov 19, 2023 @ 7:46am 
thank you for this amazing mod
EBTX_  [author] Nov 19, 2023 @ 3:16am 

It's fixe!
Arqash Nov 18, 2023 @ 7:00am 
well i tried, it crush always when i open the map
EBTX_  [author] Nov 18, 2023 @ 6:45am 
Arqash :

I don't know
Arqash Nov 17, 2023 @ 1:12pm 
can be played without update?
gumballio Nov 5, 2023 @ 8:06am 
Will New Spain get reworked anytime soon? Would Love to have the decision to separate from Spain and become Mexico. Cool mod nonetheless.
TesaVonAtti Oct 30, 2023 @ 5:11am 
Mdr je savais pas que tu étais français :steamhappy:. Sinon je me demandais aussi pourquoi l'Italie est rouge ? Je trouve ça étrange, perso j'ai modifié la couleur dans le fichier du mod mais j'étais curieux.
EBTX_  [author] Oct 29, 2023 @ 11:32am 
TesaVonAtti :

Je vais arranger ça, compatriote occitan.
TesaVonAtti Oct 29, 2023 @ 11:09am 
Hello, I just want to point out that as in the base game, there is a small error on the French provinces, currently they do not follow the Rhine correctly, the province of Mainz is missing. This is a mistake that was made by the developers originally, so it is normal that it is also transplanted into the mod.
bakonajm02 Oct 21, 2023 @ 11:12am 
By far the best map mod for victoria 3 love the detailed ottoman empire that includes the kurdish micro states thank you for that
武田堪助 Oct 20, 2023 @ 8:58pm 
When playing Prussia, triggering the North German Federation event will pop up
SanderTheRobber Oct 16, 2023 @ 10:46pm 
This mod is really good so far though! Love the amount of details and the small micro states like Monaco
SanderTheRobber Oct 16, 2023 @ 10:45pm 
I am experiencing the same problem as Ukalensk. I have tried the mod alone, as well as reinstalling the mod.
Paul.Foubet Sep 4, 2023 @ 2:33pm 
salut bravo pour le mod et la map c'est tres cool, par contre j'ai l'impression que ta déscription d'un french client state marche pas ils agissent comme des protectorats et ne participe pas au guerre
EBTX_  [author] Sep 4, 2023 @ 2:09pm 
sagesusanoo :

As I am obliged to give territory to a country. I have to make fake countries, the choice of flag is random. But in a future update I plan to define these countries with a black flag + atheist religion so as not to have the gfx no found logo.
EBTX_  [author] Sep 4, 2023 @ 2:06pm 
Ungoliant257 :

The technology tree is already reduced for all countries except France and the UK to reflect their power. In addition, as the AI ​​prioritizes the search for railways, even if I remove it, it is the first tech that will be unlocked so...
EBTX_  [author] Sep 4, 2023 @ 2:03pm 
slasher2095 :

I will not make a version of this mod prior to 1804 or greater than 1922. The goal is above all to offer alternative start dates in the same way as EU4, which takes into account the great 19th century (1789 - 1914/22)
slasher2095 Sep 4, 2023 @ 11:06am 
Personally Id love to see an american revolution version of this mod.
SageSusanoo Sep 2, 2023 @ 5:47pm 
love the mod but little bit bugged by the flags in southern Africa, the Kalahari desert has the flag of the trekkers could you possibly change that?
Ungoliant257 Sep 1, 2023 @ 3:46pm 
can you downgrade the technological level to higher up on the tree? 1804 France should not be building railways.
Zen1kk Aug 30, 2023 @ 4:15pm 
It just crashes whenever i try to load it up, even when its just the mod alone, any ideas why? I think it might be hud uodate but that doesn't make sense to me.
Mystoria Aug 29, 2023 @ 3:04pm 
@EBTX as they say in my country furula (it works)
Mystoria Aug 29, 2023 @ 3:00pm 
@EBTX I'm going to check that
Masato Aug 29, 2023 @ 1:38pm 
Mais ouais quand je lance avec le mod je crash au lancement
Masato Aug 29, 2023 @ 1:38pm 
EBTX_  [author] Aug 29, 2023 @ 12:55pm 
boblegamer10226 :

Dis m'en plus Bob le gamer.
EBTX_  [author] Aug 29, 2023 @ 12:51pm 
Mystoria :

Is it ok since the update?
boblegamer10226 Aug 29, 2023 @ 12:03pm 
bruh it's a modpack without give credit to original mods...
Mystoria Aug 29, 2023 @ 3:58am 
@EBTX_ bro the mod is broken it won't let me play, I have deactivated all the mods and yours crashes
Gaucho Aug 27, 2023 @ 5:02pm 
The south atlantic islands where spanish at this point, they only became brittish in 1833.
Tigranes Aug 27, 2023 @ 9:19am 
Also, where can we read what benefits each new subject type provides to the overlord? Wiki has a nice table for Dominion vs puppet etc. Can you please create such a table for clarity?
RouteVenus Aug 26, 2023 @ 5:50pm 
Here's the province file:

And here's another version with Louisiana outlined just for reference:

Good luck on your mod! :steamhappy:
EBTX_  [author] Aug 26, 2023 @ 4:17pm 
RouteVenus :

Hello, you can send me the file province. I will use it when I do an overhaul of the map with all the native tribes. but i am currently looking for a better representation system than the vanilla version which for me is horibble.
RouteVenus Aug 26, 2023 @ 2:18pm 
I was making a mod that had an independent louisiana once and it had the full borders of french louisiana. If you want I can send you the province image file so you can make its borders more smooth and less jagged ( ignore the southwestern borders, the provinces are there still)